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Cape Crooner

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from MarciaN in Any Oct 6 Sleevers out there?   
    Hit my GOAL (190) this morning! Down 91 lbs overall, 62 lbs post surgery. My wife keeps telling me to STOP Losing Weight!
  2. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from Bluesky1 in Fat Shaming Husband...so hurt   
    I wonder how many of the women who are advising the OP to leave her husband (or worse) are happily married to perfect men!
  3. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from MarciaN in Any Oct 6 Sleevers out there?   
    Hit my GOAL (190) this morning! Down 91 lbs overall, 62 lbs post surgery. My wife keeps telling me to STOP Losing Weight!
  4. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from NewLife1985 in Questions for Alcohol Drinkers ONLY!   
    Before I even signed up for an orientation, I checked out forums like this to make sure VSG was right for me. I have always been an Atkins oriented eater, so the whole Protein first thing wasn't a problem. I am a social drinker (weekends only -- no high calorie drinks) and observed that most VSG veterans who were drinkers before the surgery seem to do so without problems after.
    I also listened closely to my surgeon during orientation who clearly stated that one of the big differences between the VSG and RNY was that that the recommended no one ever drink alcohol after RNY; okay in moderation with VSG.
    I also found that most threads on the topic of alcohol are full of people who didn't drink castigating people who did, which tended to distort the true information exchange, so before I get tp the questions, I humbly request that people who never drank, or gave it up since their surgery feel free to troll, but please don't comment -- I'm only interested in first hand factual responses!
    1. How long did you go before having your first drink?
    2. Have you had any MEDICAL complications with your surgery that were attributed to drinking alcohol?
    3. Have you gained back significant weight from drinking alcohol?
    4. Have you developed an alcohol addiction post VSG after having been able to control your drinking before?
    As I said, I have read all the guidelines and see questions 2, 3, and 4 listed as "risks of drinking alcohol". At the same time, I see lots of comments from people who have returned to drinking post-opt with no complications, weight gain, or sudden addiction.
    By the way, I have also read all the "doctor's orders" and have found total inconsistency (ranging from never drink again to a month or two). My own program doesn't even have a consistent answer, which is why I'm asking for real stories...
  5. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Best Grocery Store Finds!   
    Not a snack, but a great food to have in your freezer is Trader Jors Riced Cauliflower.
    I make faux fried rice with it and if you add enough seasoning, it almost passes for the real thing.
    I sauté onions, peppers, and mushrooms in a little EVOO in a PAM coated pan. Them toss in one bag of "rice" that I've already warmed up in another pan.
    Once it's warm, I add soy sauce and a little sesame oil, s&p until it looks right.
    1/4 serving is probably a full cup and under 100 calories.
  6. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Best Grocery Store Finds!   
    Not a snack, but a great food to have in your freezer is Trader Jors Riced Cauliflower.
    I make faux fried rice with it and if you add enough seasoning, it almost passes for the real thing.
    I sauté onions, peppers, and mushrooms in a little EVOO in a PAM coated pan. Them toss in one bag of "rice" that I've already warmed up in another pan.
    Once it's warm, I add soy sauce and a little sesame oil, s&p until it looks right.
    1/4 serving is probably a full cup and under 100 calories.
  7. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from CowgirlJane in Why can't you just eat less? Getting family to understand   
    Ask them how many obese people they see walking around at 80 or even 75.
    Show them the statistics. 1% of obese people lose weight on their own 99% DIE after complications beyond 50 years of age.
    Tell them how much you've already done and tried on your own.
    Cry and plead for their support.
    You'll get it...
  8. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from redrockermom in Fat.. but not enough   
    I was 270 and needed to be 281 to qualify. I went on an eating binge, got to 281 and immediately after the weigh in, I went on an 800 calorie a day diet.
    By the first meeting, I was back to 266 and they were very impressed.
    Oh yeah, that was August and today I'm 192.
    Think about it...
  9. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from CowgirlJane in Why can't you just eat less? Getting family to understand   
    Ask them how many obese people they see walking around at 80 or even 75.
    Show them the statistics. 1% of obese people lose weight on their own 99% DIE after complications beyond 50 years of age.
    Tell them how much you've already done and tried on your own.
    Cry and plead for their support.
    You'll get it...
  10. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from Daisee68 in No alcohol ever?!   
    You can search my posts and comments for lotsa info, support, and hostility on this subject.
    While many doctors have cited health benefits from moderate alcohol consumption, I don't think it has any real medical value. That said, I find it quite enjoyable.
    Many programs say:
    - Never drink
    - Wait a year
    - Wait 6 months
    - Wait 3 months
    - Wait 6 weeks
    - Nothing on the subject
    My surgeon recommended the sleeve (over RNY) for patients who plan to drink. The reason is simple - once you heal (6 weeks), you basically have a normal metabolism - except your stomach is puny.
    RNY patients have more plumbing rerouting and thus have a greater chance of developing ulcers, although many RNY patients on this forum report drinking alcohol with no complication.
    So, if you drink after VSG, you must follow all the same rules you SHOULD have followed all along:
    - Don't drink to drunkeness and/or operate machinery.
    - Don't ignore the potentially high calories in some alcoholic beverages (sweet drinks, most beers, etc).
    - If you find yourself drinking everyday, watch out!
    I would add, if you were a food addict before your VSG, you may be at risk for developing other addictions - including alcohol. That said, I suspect soda, candy, or chips would be a more slippery slope for a former food addict!
    As long as you account for your calories, and meet you Water & Protein goals, it's no different than eating whole wheat bread, oatmeal, or sweet potatoes...
    I am 2 pounds away from goal and trying to develop more of a maintenance plan. Although I drank most of my life, I seldom drank during the week.
    My current thinking is to allow myself a limited number of Yellow and Green days.
    Basically, I plan to count my calories and track my steps about 16 days a month. On these days, my calorie intake is limited to 1,000 a 1,200 with no alcohol (Red Days).
    I will allow myself 12 Yellow Days a month. On these days, I will allow moderate alcohol consumption, but still track calories and activity. I will limit my calories to 8 times my target weight (about 1,500).
    Finally, I will allow myself a couple of Green Days a month where I won't count calories at all.
    So far this seems to be working well, stay tuned...
  11. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from Daisee68 in No alcohol ever?!   
    You can search my posts and comments for lotsa info, support, and hostility on this subject.
    While many doctors have cited health benefits from moderate alcohol consumption, I don't think it has any real medical value. That said, I find it quite enjoyable.
    Many programs say:
    - Never drink
    - Wait a year
    - Wait 6 months
    - Wait 3 months
    - Wait 6 weeks
    - Nothing on the subject
    My surgeon recommended the sleeve (over RNY) for patients who plan to drink. The reason is simple - once you heal (6 weeks), you basically have a normal metabolism - except your stomach is puny.
    RNY patients have more plumbing rerouting and thus have a greater chance of developing ulcers, although many RNY patients on this forum report drinking alcohol with no complication.
    So, if you drink after VSG, you must follow all the same rules you SHOULD have followed all along:
    - Don't drink to drunkeness and/or operate machinery.
    - Don't ignore the potentially high calories in some alcoholic beverages (sweet drinks, most beers, etc).
    - If you find yourself drinking everyday, watch out!
    I would add, if you were a food addict before your VSG, you may be at risk for developing other addictions - including alcohol. That said, I suspect soda, candy, or chips would be a more slippery slope for a former food addict!
    As long as you account for your calories, and meet you Water & Protein goals, it's no different than eating whole wheat bread, oatmeal, or sweet potatoes...
    I am 2 pounds away from goal and trying to develop more of a maintenance plan. Although I drank most of my life, I seldom drank during the week.
    My current thinking is to allow myself a limited number of Yellow and Green days.
    Basically, I plan to count my calories and track my steps about 16 days a month. On these days, my calorie intake is limited to 1,000 a 1,200 with no alcohol (Red Days).
    I will allow myself 12 Yellow Days a month. On these days, I will allow moderate alcohol consumption, but still track calories and activity. I will limit my calories to 8 times my target weight (about 1,500).
    Finally, I will allow myself a couple of Green Days a month where I won't count calories at all.
    So far this seems to be working well, stay tuned...
  12. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from katcycler in Need a Healthy Snack   
    While I concur on Cereal and applaud all the healthy suggestions (carrots, apples, etc), I think we're talking about crafting a new lifestyle as opposed to "dieting". Like most of us, I crave an occasional salty/crunchy snack. As I have told my NUT, I think most of my weight gain came from eating nuts which are full of calories.
    The first thing you have to do is make it a treat -- not a daily habit. My sense is a treat should be eaten no more than 1-2 times a week. Second, understand that sugar is POISON. Not only does it cause weight gain, but it also kills you! If I eat sugary food, I limit it to once a month.
    For the last 6 months, I have been enjoying something that I never would have eaten in my pre-VSG low carb days - JOLLY TIME popcorn. They make a single serve 100 calorie bag that they say makes 5 cups of popcorn (it looks like less than that). Even in my pre-sleeve days, I couldn't eat more than one bag.
    I know popcorn is frowned upon, but in my case, it works!
  13. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from bettyboop2088 in Food and drinks?   
    Hi Betty,
    I was where you're at around Thanksgiving and began moderate alcohol consumption again.
    I was 216 then and now 193 - down 23 pounds or about 2 lbs a week. I am 3 lbs from goal. I also am finding that on days when I drink, I also end my stall and actually lose weight. At least that's been the case for 9 of the last 11 weeks!
    It wasn't an easy decision because it was ahead of schedule per my program, although their advice was inconsistent.
    Here are my own personal rules:
    1. Don't drink everyday - even if you're only having one. This is good for your diet, your liver, and keeps you in full control and knowledgeable that you're on the safe side of any sort of addiction.
    2. Log everything you drink and their associated calories. Stay within your calorie limits.
    3. If you do this, you'll be limited to 1-3 pure drinks. I drink bourbon and Water, red wine, and vodka (all around 100 calories a drink). In the case of vodka, I started with a shot in a 12 ounce wine glass full of ice. I would let it sit for 10 minutes until it became vodka and Water. I am now adding seltzer water up front. I know that it is carbonated, but the vodka seems to kill the bubbles. It looks completely flat.
    4. Wine (red) is the only thing I drink when I'm out to dinner. It is easy to sip one glass over the course of a 1-2 hour dinner.
    5. I am on an antacid and since ulcers are the primary risk of alcohol consumption, I take it a few hours before my cocktail. Also, recognizing that alcohol is a diuretic, I make a point to drink extra water before and after.
    I think the key is moderation and if you do drink, have a plan and stick to it.
    Like most simple carbs, it's a slippery slope, so be aware and be careful!
  14. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from bettyboop2088 in Food and drinks?   
    Hi Betty,
    I was where you're at around Thanksgiving and began moderate alcohol consumption again.
    I was 216 then and now 193 - down 23 pounds or about 2 lbs a week. I am 3 lbs from goal. I also am finding that on days when I drink, I also end my stall and actually lose weight. At least that's been the case for 9 of the last 11 weeks!
    It wasn't an easy decision because it was ahead of schedule per my program, although their advice was inconsistent.
    Here are my own personal rules:
    1. Don't drink everyday - even if you're only having one. This is good for your diet, your liver, and keeps you in full control and knowledgeable that you're on the safe side of any sort of addiction.
    2. Log everything you drink and their associated calories. Stay within your calorie limits.
    3. If you do this, you'll be limited to 1-3 pure drinks. I drink bourbon and Water, red wine, and vodka (all around 100 calories a drink). In the case of vodka, I started with a shot in a 12 ounce wine glass full of ice. I would let it sit for 10 minutes until it became vodka and Water. I am now adding seltzer water up front. I know that it is carbonated, but the vodka seems to kill the bubbles. It looks completely flat.
    4. Wine (red) is the only thing I drink when I'm out to dinner. It is easy to sip one glass over the course of a 1-2 hour dinner.
    5. I am on an antacid and since ulcers are the primary risk of alcohol consumption, I take it a few hours before my cocktail. Also, recognizing that alcohol is a diuretic, I make a point to drink extra water before and after.
    I think the key is moderation and if you do drink, have a plan and stick to it.
    Like most simple carbs, it's a slippery slope, so be aware and be careful!
  15. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from AYRW71 in 6 Months Out, How Is It Going?   
    Great since day one (10/6). Down 86 lbs (overall since 8/10). Living a new lifestyle that works like a charm!
  16. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from mrs w in Low BMI'ers, how are you doing?   
    I was 275 on 8/1/15, surgery on 10/6/15 (251) and now 197 - 7 pounds from goal.
    The weight did just fly off (although I was very obedient patient).
    Now I'm struggling thinking about how I'll transition into maintenance.
    I think I've learned what I can eat, and how much is too much, but I'm kind of addicted to logging my food, which is a little scary.
    I'm thinking I'll start by stopping logging on weekends, but still weigh in - just so I'm not fooling myself.
    Any other ideas?
  17. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from OKCPirate in Ability to drink alcohol post-op, your experiences?   
    I think the rapid sobriety is a bit of a blessing. I have been drinking on weekends for over a month and nothing resembling a hangover yet.
    Of course that could just because I'm drinking about half as much (or less) than before.
    I am consciously drinking much slower, but I'm not sure how long that will last. I think unless I stay vigilant, I could start drinking more.
    Wine seems to be the best drink to stretch out. I was at a Super Bowl party and drink about 9 ounces over the course of the 5 hour game.
  18. Like
    Cape Crooner reacted to rnsamantha in Alcoholism & WLS   
    I actually was concerned I was developing alcoholic habits before surgery. I would drink 1-2 bottles of wine in an evening on weekends, and frequently have 2-3 glasses even on week nights. Post surgery I occasionally have a single 3-4 oz glass of wine (now I have to buy the little mini 4 packs!), but I'm pretty tipsy after that one glass. I might have a glass 1-2 x per month. I'm much less depressed than I used to be, and alcohol was a (very poor) coping mechanism. I don't like the feeling of being drunk, so for me, I think surgery improved my habits.
  19. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from Kathy Krebs Robertson in Questions for Alcohol Drinkers ONLY!   
    I haven't tried beer yet, but I was never a big beer drinker (too many carbs).
    That said, on the boat on a hot summer day, it was my beverage of choice.
    I did try seltzer Water and vodka. It didn't go down as smooth as bourbon and Water or red wine, but it did go down, just filled me up.
    When we go out to dinner, the only thing I can drink is red wine. One glass (5 ounces) lasts the whole night, and doesn't interfere with my 5/6 ounce dinner.
    It's a good discovery because my wife really likes dinning out and it's only 100 calories.
    I probably won't try beer until summer and I'll stick to Mich Ultra.
  20. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Food & Social Life after surgery   
    I'm 63 and fully agree. I took 5 months off (pre and post surgery) from socializing, eating poorly, and drinking until I was close to my goal weight. Then I started eating and drinking again in great moderation.
    Every other week we go out and I order what I want, leading with Protein. I do order French fries, but after my 4-5 ounces of Protein, I'm lucky if I can eat 2 ounces.
    I feel like a big man with a little girls stomach it's great!
  21. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Food & Social Life after surgery   
    I'm 63 and fully agree. I took 5 months off (pre and post surgery) from socializing, eating poorly, and drinking until I was close to my goal weight. Then I started eating and drinking again in great moderation.
    Every other week we go out and I order what I want, leading with Protein. I do order French fries, but after my 4-5 ounces of Protein, I'm lucky if I can eat 2 ounces.
    I feel like a big man with a little girls stomach it's great!
  22. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from OKCPirate in Ability to drink alcohol post-op, your experiences?   
    I'm relatively new (month 5) and my biggest issue going in was my ability to continue my social drinking post sleeve while still losing weight.
    For ME (not everyone), it's been a 100% success. I drink about half as much as I once did. I don't get any more drunk and enjoy it the same
    One man's story...
  23. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from Julie norton in I hate my band...   
    I had a VSG with zero problems, seriously I was expecting some, but have none.
    That said, even a sloppy band will do more for you than Jenny Craig, WW, or the new pills (tried em all).
    No matter what we try, we will still have to change our lifestyle and even if the band isn't as strong a tool as VSG, Gastric Bypass, or DS, it's still a real tool that can help.
    Embrace it for all its worth!
  24. Like
    Cape Crooner reacted to JustWatchMe in I hate my band...   
    Well said!! This was a very inspiring post. Never, ever give up on yourself. Best of luck to you and keep posting here!
  25. Like
    Cape Crooner got a reaction from 2goldengirl in Fat Shaming Husband...so hurt   
    Thank you for sharing the additional info. My wife was "blessed" with a Mediterranean metabolism that allowed her to eat as she pleased and not gain weight until she was about 60.
    I am the home chef and I know we were both eating the same food in the same quantities and I grew to 275 while she stayed at 145.
    She would give me advice based in total baloney and sometimes it would get ugly.
    And, she wasn't that supportive about my wls decision at first. She suggested hiring a nutritionalist and a personal trainer for a year. When I lost 30 lbs pre opt, both her and my mother told me to call it off!
    Now I'm 4+ months out and down 86 pounds (overall). Now she tells me to stop losing!
    Just put your head down and stick to your program. The best way to get the upper hand is to do the surgery, lose the weight, buy smaller clothes and get your confidence back!
    You can do this...

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