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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by psvzum

  1. psvzum

    Before & after

    You must be so proud of yourself!!! You look stunning!
  2. You can use this as a guide but your doctor/dietician is your authority. http://www.obesitycoverage.com/the-big-gastric-bypass-diet-guide/#week%201
  3. psvzum

    My stomach

    I'm so glad you posted this! Always wondered what it looked like!
  4. I wasn't comfortable telling anyone I work with. When you go out to eat get Soup or whatever you want. Bring home what you can't eat. I was uncomfortable with this at first because I eat so little it looks like I didn't like the food. If I'm questioned by the waiter I just say, I ate too much before I came here, or of an appetizer if there is one.
  5. psvzum

    Hair loss

    I am happy to report, it does get better! I started losing hair at 3 months and it has started to slow down to the point I'm not concerned anymore. I can see little hairs about 1/2 - 1 inch long causing a halo all over my head. I'll likely end up cutting it but for now it's still mid back. I wear it loose in a claw (clasp thing) and do as little as possible to it. This root concealer helped/helps give the illusion of having more hair. There are many other's like this out there. https://www.amazon.com/Concealer-Style-Edit-Instantly-Services/dp/B00HLQY13S/ref=pd_sim_121_12?ie=UTF8&dpID=51%2BcC1cdvnL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR136%2C160_&psc=1&refRID=TCK7YKDTCWHNWDKTSWBV
  6. psvzum

    5-6 day post opp.

    Great lesson for all of us! Thank you.
  7. 56 years old and weighed 230. Lost 70 lbs since having surgery 6 months ago. RNY
  8. psvzum

    Eating 9 days post op

    Truth is, you're going to be the only one not eating for a while. Even once you're on a regular diet you still will be eating smaller amounts than everyone else. I was really uncomfortable with this at first. I'd end up taking most of my meal home and feel like I'd offended the chef because of how little I ate. If you're going to a restaurant, order soup. If it's a family dinner at home, bring food with you. The pain you can experience from eating foods too early isn't worth it!
  9. psvzum

    Migraines anyone?

    It's horrible, isn't it? If I don't drink enough Water, it contributes to how often I get them. Tylenol just doesn't do much for them.
  10. I started getting caffeine via Protein shakes at about 3 months postop. The only Protein Shakes I can (literally) stomach are by Chike and have two shots of expresso/serving. I add 1 1/2 cups of Water to every two scoops.
  11. psvzum

    Had Gastric Bypass

    You look amazing! I bet you feel so much better! Congratulations!!!
  12. psvzum

    Before and after

    Wow!!! Congratulations on your success-stunning!
  13. I've been weighing myself once/month since having RNY. I made a conscious decision to do this so I wouldn't obsess over the scale. It's been working well for me and I actually look forward to my monthly weigh in. I'd like to know how often you weigh yourself, and why. I've been reading about stalls and how they last for days to weeks. I haven't noticed this with monthly weigh in's. Wondering if I should pay more attention to this. I'm 6 months post RNY.
  14. psvzum

    I found my cheekbones! Pics

    Beautiful! I love the before and after!! I'm getting a neck lift eventually. Premature gobbler[emoji36]
  15. psvzum


    Cheering for you!!!!! Great work!!
  16. Bariatric Complete Capsule Once a Day Multi-Vitamin - Formulated for: Roux-en-Y, Vertical Sleeve, Duodenal Switch 90 Day Supply I've had these for 6 months and just started taking them after my 6 month checkup. They also have a one a day chewable that looked to be the size of a dime on their website. They were out of stock for over 6 months. Apparently they were revising the chewables. They're now the size of a horsepill and taste horrible. http://procarenow.com/Bariatric-Complete-Capsule-Once-a-Day-Multi-Vitamin--Formulated-for-Roux-en-Y-Vertical-Sleeve-Duodenal-Switch-90-Day-Supply_p_10568.html
  17. @@Daniel2015 Congratulations on your success!!! You must feel amazing.
  18. Sending you hugs <3
  19. psvzum

    I am approved!

  20. psvzum

    Hair Loss

    @@j16 There's a bunch you can use. If you go to a CVS or Walgreens look in the hair coloring section for "root concealers" or "root touch ups". They look like little spray bottles. One I like that isn't overly expensive is: http://www.ulta.com/ulta/browse/productDetail.jsp?productId=xlsImpprod6481430# There's also products that coat your hair with little fibers giving it the illusion of being less sparce. An example is this: https://www.amazon.com/TOPPIK-Hair-Building-Fibers-Brown/dp/B000CBVAQ0 I prefer the root touch up spray just because it's easier. I tried Toppik last week after I rn out of the root concealer. I was in a hurry and when I applied it, I made a mess. It definately concealed the thinness though. Just takes a little practice. Also, don't waste your money ($120.00 for the 3 step "system") on Aveeda Invati. It claims to reduce hair loss by 33%. I started using it right after my surgery and still lost half my hair.
  21. psvzum

    People I Work Closely With

    I told my boss I was having surgery and would be out for 3-4 weeks. All he cared about was getting a note for the surgeon saying I could come back to work. If he asked what the surgery was I would have said it was for "woman things" and made my lower lip quiver. People do look at WLS as the easy way out and have other preconceived notions. I don't want to hear it. I need positivity.
  22. psvzum

    In need of advice

    Sending you hugs and support. You CAN do this!!!!! How about a Protein drink on break or your way to work? If you like iced coffee (and can have caffeine) try Chike brand. It's the one powdered protein I enjoy/doesn't make me gag. And that person who throws your flaws in your face? You don't need that and you don't deserve it. Surround yourself with positivity. Does your surgeon have a dietician or therapist you can talk to? Support Group? Is there an overeaters anonymous group that meets near you? Great source of support. By the way, 70 pounds is FANTASTIC!!!!!! You CAN do this <3
  23. psvzum

    Feeling sick

    Are you still taking pain meds? They make some people feel really nauseaous. Hope you feel better soon-you will!
  24. psvzum

    Hair Loss

    It's worth losing hair over. You can't hide being obese, you can hide hair loss. There's nothing that's going to prevent it-no Vitamin, supplement, or shampoo. I've tried them all I've had very thick hair all my life and have lost half of it. I can see a bunch of little one inch hairs coming in. I started shedding at 3 months and, I think (fingers crossed), it's starting to slow down-6 months. Prepare yourself for the worst case scenario and focus on this. Wigs, wiglets, spray on fibers, etc. I'm using a product people use to hide their roots. I spray it on the thinner area's. I also have a product that coats each hair strand with fibers to make it appear thicker. I haven't used this yet but I've heard people have had good results.
  25. I can share my experience with hair loss through RNY but not lapband. I've made several posts on this as it's not something that's really talked about in depth. People say, I'm losing "alot" of hair. Define "alot"! I knew going into RNY surgery I might lose some hair. I obsessed over it! I took hair supplements months prior to surgery and thought if I took all my Vitamins, Biotin and proten, I'd be fine. Uh uh. This article won't make you happy, but explains why it happens: https://www.drdkim.net/ask-the-dietitian/understanding-hair-loss-after-bariatric-surgery/ I have very thick, dark coarse hair. I began shedding at 3 months and it's just starting to slow down at 6 months. If I put my hair in a ponytail, it's half as thick as it used to be. I don't have any bald spots but I can see area's where it's thinned. GOOD NEWS!!!! I've been using this spray on color that's made for touching up your roots in between hair coloring. I spray it in the thin area's and don't see my scalp. There's also products you can spray on that have fibers that attach to your hair making the thin area thicker. I even looked into wigs, wiglets and extensions if it got really bad-it hasn't. BEST NEWS!!!! It grows back. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if needed-best decision I've every made.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
