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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gettin'healthy

  1. I teach kindergarten and have two half-day sessions. I had my surgery on a Wednesday and went back on Tuesday. I think I could have gone back on Monday, but I was having diarrhea that day and did not want to deal with that in school! I was told by my doctor not to lift anything heavier than 25 pounds for six weeks. I wish you the best with your surgery and recovery.
  2. gettin'healthy

    2 Year Post Op Question

    hey, crimsoncutie, I have had the same experience you are having for two different reasons. Yes, sometimes you have to go with liquids and soft foods for a short while (usually 2-4 days for me) after a fill. I have had my band for 18 months now and whenever I have a head cold with mucus drainage, I notice that I cannot eat much at all. I have assumed that the mucus is draining into my stomach and filling me up and that is why I cannot eat much when I have a cold. I hope this helps.

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