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Miss Jessica

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Jessica

  1. Miss Jessica


    Is that close to me I'm around Lee county Lehigh acres
  2. Miss Jessica


  3. Miss Jessica


    Anybody in the swfl area message me... could use a buddy or mentor.
  4. i started my diet 10-4 and i lost 10 lbs... i understand its good to lose weight in general but in that amount of time is that good??? i keep worrying that im not losing alot of weight, or if im eating right etc... i just want to get it right before i have surgery... i dont want to mess up after surgery and something goes wrong.
  5. Miss Jessica


    someone asked me why i chose to do this procedure and i might as well say the many reasons why i decided this path for myself... mind everyone i suffer from ankylosing spondylitis.. really bad arthritis in my lower back that affects my joints in my arms and legs to swell and is very painful and fibromyalgia.. also a rsd. which i have 2 herniated disk in my lower back that hit a nerve in my back... ive have always been a lil over weight not too crazy or anything... the most ive ever weighted before i made this decision was 220. and thats because i was first pregnant with my first baby girl in '08.. then i was 180 for the longest and didnt have any problem. then in '11 i gained alot of weight from my son. then i lost a little weight and was 210... then i went off from there. i had my 2nd daughter in sept '13 lost some weight then a year after in december i got really physically disabled... it was very hard for me to work but i tried hard to pull it off but couldnt anymore in mar '14. i could barely walk or anything... so i was stuck sitting alot. even sitting or moving was painful. i gained weight from sitting so much. then my grandfather passed which put me into a depression. and i gained weight from that. and the medicine i take i gained weight from. so about march april this year i made the decision of wanting to have the suregery. i know i cant do it on my own with all my medical problems to lose the weight. so ive talked to my rheumatologist, pcp, and endocrinologist and they believed this would be good for me. and all the research ive done ive made up my mind to want to do it. i have support from my husband and family. but its not the same when they dont know what its like to go through it... my family suffer from hypertension and diabetes.. i dont have it but if i keep going the way i do i would have it anytime soon... nobody really knows on here how much i weigh bc im so ashamed of it.... but im 270 now. ive lost 8lbs in almost 3 weeks. but its like i look on the scale and i look one day its lower then the next it seems to go up a little and i dont feel right about that. another thing is my medicine that i take just to be able to move and do stuff again is killing my immune system so i get sick very easily now.. which its hard w 3 lil ones that are all over the place lol... and im more prone to cancer now.. which ive had a few members of my family had it at an older age but i dont want to die or be sick anymore...
  6. Miss Jessica

    I Feel Bad

    i usually dont put up personal feelings up ...but i figured i made this page to have some support from people who has either going through or has been in my position. but im trying to be on a normal diet, smaller meals, 6x a day, i havent had any soda in weeks, really not any crazy sweet snack and i still dont feel like im doing to good at eating on time. i either eat to close or too far apart from each other. and sometimes i miss a meal. im trying but i feel like im failing at it. i really havent lost any weight just a few lbs... ugh... this is so frustrating... i wish i had someone close also having the surgery going through this with me
  7. who's having surgery near the end of the year or near the beginning of next year?
  8. I'm a 28yo female in lehigh acres florida. I'm new to this site and would love to know and learn from new people especially around my age who's is either going through the process of having surgery or is early post op surgery. I have my first consultation tomorrow with the surgeon and I am very excited and nervous st the same time.
  9. Miss Jessica

    Nee to bariatric pal

    @@TristanNicole good luck on your surgery today!!! keep me updated...
  10. Miss Jessica

    Surgery Pals

    @@xylena88 thats great you got your date already... on the 18th im find out the date of my surgery... did your dr put you on a diet now? i have been on one almost 3 weeks now. it been a lil difficult but i hope to catch up soon and make things easier for myself...
  11. Today was a really bad day for me... the past couple of weeks I've had been on a pretty good eating diet. No soda at all... nit really any sweets... I eat almost 6 times a day... but has anyone got sick while starting there diet.... I've had the worse headache all day. It was so bad I got really nausea... mind everyone I'm on heavy medicine so I really don't like to take anymore then what I'm plus I really don't like medicine... so it took me almost 8 hours to finally take something it was so bad... would I have got this because I cut off the caffeine of soda that I would usually drinks or bc I used to cut off my snacking that I used to do? Any ideas on what I should do...
  12. Miss Jessica

    So sick today

    Thanks @@Dub yea it's definitely hard. I wish my husband can cook... he can barely cook cereal...lol I'm just kidding about the cereal. But I, definitely doing pretty good I just didn't expect that yesterday. I know it'll get better but like we all wish it would be sooner then later.
  13. Miss Jessica

    So sick today

    Thanks guys I appreciate the help. I felt so terrible yesterday. And its hard with the change especially with 3 kids...
  14. Miss Jessica

    Surgery Pals

    I was set on the rny but I'm having second thought of getting the vsg. But I'm still closer to the idea of having rny also. I'm glad to have the time to think more about which one I would get.
  15. Miss Jessica

    Surgery Pals

    That's great @@crobins68 . I can't wait either. But I need this time to get a diet on schedule so I'm prepared for the surgery. I'm nervous and hope nothing goes wrong. What procedure are you guys having?
  16. Miss Jessica

    Surgery Pals

    Yea I understand about the insurance. That's good. What kinda diet are you on @@ambrosia916?
  17. Miss Jessica

    Surgery Pals

    thats awesome @@ambrosia916 did they pur u on a diet before hand? i have to be on a diet for 3 months
  18. so from my first consultation, which was 10/1, i have to be on there diet for 3 months.. im doing alot on what they say.. i actually lost 8lbs yay ... eat less, 70-90g of Protein, no soda, very rare i have juice... so what im really not getting as much Water as i should be on a regular... not much of a water drinking through out the day i might 2 16oz bottle of water... i know its bad not to drink enough water ... but is there any way i would be able to have a crystal light package put it in it or what else would i be able to do to my water to get the water Fluid amount so i can get my 8-10 cups a day ??
  19. so im having a hard time guys... im supposed to be on on diet with 70-90 g of Protein a day... on top of that im supposed to eat 6 times a day .for the calories the do a math.. 10 calories per 1g of protein...if i have a par it should be less then 200 calories. I HAVE NO IDEA what to reallly make and how to separate my food with my families food. can someone help me find where to get good recipes for this amount of protein and what meals i can find to make for my family when we eat together... how do i portion out what im supposed to eat and my family's food. i want to do this right so for many reasons but i really dont have anyone to help me that has been through this before having their surgery...
  20. Miss Jessica

    Sleeve Friends/Buddies ((Nov))

    i definitely understand how you feel... its always good to have someone in your situation that both can help in each others process. so glad you messaged me. cant wait to see how things work out for both of us. god bless!!
  21. Miss Jessica


    I'm looking people in the swlf area... up to Orlando and down to Miami... to perhaps meet up sometime and become friends and communicate with that is gonna have the surgery at least around my time...I'm in Lehigh acres. My surgeon is Dr shieh with surgical healing arts. I have 10 weeks left of weight loss process so that they can schedule my surgery. Please read my profile add me on Facebook... thank you
  22. Miss Jessica


    I'm looking people in the swlf area... up to Orlando and down to Miami... to perhaps meet up sometime and become friends and communicate with that is gonna have the surgery at least around my time...I'm in Lehigh acres. My surgeon is Dr shieh with surgical healing arts. I have 10 weeks left of weight loss process so that they can schedule my surgery. Please read my profile add me on Facebook... thank you :wub:
  23. Miss Jessica


    im in lehigh acres, im seeing dr shieh in fort myers at surgical healing arts. anyone around the area even down to miami or upto orlando message me.
  24. Miss Jessica


    @@ImBringingLisaBack RNY That's awesome... I have 10 weeks to go. I'm doing a weight loss process first bc of my insurance of course. But it'll be worth the wait... do you have a facebook or youtube so i can follow you on?
  25. so today was my first visit with my surgeon for a consultation... i was a lil nervous at first but it felt like a normal dr visit. i found out with my insurance i only have to wait 3 months after doing all the lab tests, ekg, ultrasound, weigh in to make sure i stay on a diet and not gain any weight...etc for them to pay for it... wow i didnt think it was gonna be that close. i thought it would take over a year to have the surgery. everyone seemed really nice thank god. plus another good thing that has been off my mind about the surgery was to find out that my surgeon has done thousands of surgeries and his mortality rate, i believe thats how they put it, was a big ZERO!!! and i know that has bothered me for a while but now im ok to find out that no one has died while or after the surgery. so im very excited and probably gonna start making some youtube videos about my lil journey.

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