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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About TheNewME71

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  1. TheNewME71


    I has the sleeve in Sept 2015, its been 1 year 8 months and I was maintaining for a while. I noticed my weight at 155lbs last June to April this year 139.4lbs. I weighed my self today and I am 143.0lbs.. that is the 1st time I have seen a weight gain and it makes me nervous, I know its only 4lbs but just seeing the weight go up is freaking me out.... I need to get back down and I know I have been eating not all the healthy lately due to being busy. I have fell off track for the last year or so.. what I do : I eat anything I want or crave just not big amounts I eat protein 1st all the time carbs last I eat every 3 to 4 hours depending on what I eat, sometimes every 2hrs. I can only no matter how hard I try drink 36oz of water, during the week 16oz of coffee and here and there 20 oz of life water. I have been super tired I take vit d, b12 complex, b 12 sublingual, a hair and nail collagen pill and estroven. I drink socially( always with people I trust) I never have problems. I do not have a exercise routine nor a gym membership, just do squats and walk and punches. I do have a sweet tooth nibble here and there but not whole candy bars or anything. Please no rude comments this is for support and I know no one is perfect. I knew this day would come and it could be just because I am older and in menopause. But 4lbs to me is 100 Thanks
  2. TheNewME71

    weight loss plateau

    Great thanks a lot
  3. TheNewME71

    weight loss plateau

    Whats a 5/2 plan and what is HIIT
  4. TheNewME71

    weight loss plateau

    Thanks, I was thinking of more exercise. Trying to watch what I eat also I don't eat healthy all the time. I do go out but I try to make the best choice there is when I do. But that's not a lot of going out but still. It just gets frustrating when you know you have more to loose and its been months and no change Thanks again
  5. Hello All So I am on a weight loss plateau and have been for like 3 months. I had my sleeve last September and I am at 10 months out right now. I can only drink about 32 oz of Water and then my Protein shake 11 oz Ill have a Gatorade G2, diet Snapple also or a V8 they say that all counts as fluids. I eat chicken and veggies, Salmon and veggies, turkey and lean burgers. I can eat 1/2 cup depending on the food maybe a little more or less depending. I always eat my protein 1st. I have ate sweets and carbs but not everyday or a lot at all.. If I crave it I'll have a little to curve it I don't go over board. They say by 1yr I should be eating 1cup but in 2 month it will be my year and I am still at 1/2. other foods I eat, refried Beans with cheese sour cream, cheese sticks etc, I cook with olive oil, I eat during the week at 5am, 8am, 12pm, 3pm, and 6pm( not all the time only if I am really hungry), weekends I am not as good with times.. I wake up later and also stay up later. I exercise 2 times a week. I was 240 last February Day of surgery I was 221 I am now 152 my goal is 135 I also was wondering that maybe the extra skin I have( not a lot but enough) may be 10lbs? if so then I would be 142 so that would make me close to my goal. with that said maybe that's why I have been stuck at this weight. Please not negative comments Thanks a lot
  6. So we all know the New Year is around the corner and I have read plenty of forums about drinking. I had mt sleeve on 14 of Sept. I am 3 months post. I am not trying to get wasted but I would like to have a toast when I get there. I am nervous but at the same time if I am not drinking a whole hard drink would I be ok. Please tell me your experience with drinking 3 months after surgery Thanks
  7. I have not tried chicken crust pizza how do you do that
  8. Hello Everyone, I was sleeved Sept 14th, 2015 I am eating normal foods and I was looking for food Ideas. I have alow income I feed 6 people in the home. I am looking for good easy meal Ideas for breakfast (as I work 5am something simple and fast) lunch and dinner and even snack. I buy a lot of chicken because its cheaper and I have ran out of Ideas. I am craving a good meal with the Protein I need and veggies I can eat 1/4th of a cup. I always eat my protein 1st but I dont know what else I can but thats a good Protein and cheaper for a big family. I but chicken, 80 or 90 lean hamburger, cheese sticks, I cant eat eggs in the Am i feel sick. I get frustrated because I might crave a grilled cheese and tomato Soup but I freak out becasue there is no protein There is much more but Ill leave it at that PLEASE HELP
  9. I am 7 weeks post and in the beginning I was ok but by day 6 i was so depressed cryed everyday all day and stayed in my room. it lasted about 1 week to 1.5 it goes away. its your body changing. I to tell the truth bumped my self up i eat normal foods now but like 3 weeks ago I followed the books to a T. I eat a little over 1/4th of a cup. be strong you will get past it. I have cravings and I go out and eat i jusy make better choices. I have lost 20 lbs had my surgery on sept 14th
  10. TheNewME71

    Protein protein protein

    I know its horrible... I will put this out there..... I have 5 people to feed on a low income so when it comes to shopping i dont have a lot... I like to cook but not a cooker... I need easy non expensive recipes please and snack ideas Thanks Anyone know what else i xan drink besides the protein shakes.... That had protein in thats not milky
  11. TheNewME71

    Protein protein protein

    I dont see food water protein just food water?
  12. TheNewME71

    Protein protein protein

    I try to buy a lot of chicken but then I just think about what am I going to cook I'm going to cook it I have protein powder but I can probably miss him with some stuff that doesn't really have protein in it I don't know how all that works I just get frustrated
  13. TheNewME71

    Protein protein protein

    I could do tuna with light mayo but then there's nail in it I do buy those protein packs from Walmart has cheese nuts or some sort of peanut butter chocolate treats and some sort of meat I should buy more of those
  14. TheNewME71

    Protein protein protein

    Yes i have been doing ok but i have had my breaks of chocolates... and I have a tight also but I always get like chicken or something that has more protein in it and is not fried like the other day I had egg foo young
  15. Please help I'm looking for new ideas of ways of getting my protein in I don't think that I'm getting enough protein I do drink my shake daily which is 30 grams of protein but sometimes I'm a last minute person and I forget to pack something I've been doing pretty good but there's days that I'm running around and I just don't know what I can have I had my surgery on September 14th please can I get some ideas for protein on the go and protein breakfast I don't really sit well with eggs

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