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Angie Bindner

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Angie Bindner

  1. Angie Bindner

    September 2015

    From the album: Pre-Surgery and after surgery (2009 to 2015)

    © Belongs to Angela Bindner

  2. Angie Bindner

    September 2015

    Thank you kindly. I worked hard for the results. I started at 309 and currently 165. I did not get the skin surgery. I was advised that my skin issues were not bad enough to be considered medically needed. If I were to have the skin removed it would be considered "cosmetic". I followed a balance diet and at one point started to pt weight back on. I at that point joined a gym.
  3. Angie Bindner


    From the album: Pre-Surgery and after surgery (2009 to 2015)

    © belongs to Angela Bindner

  4. Angie Bindner

    Me 2015 summer

    From the album: Pre-Surgery and after surgery (2009 to 2015)

    © belongs to Angela Bindner

  5. Angie Bindner

    ocean - July 2012

    From the album: Pre-Surgery and after surgery (2009 to 2015)

    © belongs to Angela Bindner

  6. Angie Bindner

    Old Me 3

    From the album: Pre-Surgery and after surgery (2009 to 2015)

    this picture is from July 2004 and my son was 1 year and 3 months old and is currently 12.5 years old.

    © belongs to Angela Bindner

  7. Angie Bindner

    Old Me2

    From the album: Pre-Surgery and after surgery (2009 to 2015)

    this picture is from November 2002 and my son was born March 2003 and is currently 12.5 years old.

    © belongs to Angela Bindner

  8. Angie Bindner

    Old Me - sEPTEMBER 2009

    From the album: Pre-Surgery and after surgery (2009 to 2015)

    this picture is from September 2003 and my son was 6 months old and is currently 12.5 years old.

    © belongs to Angela Bindner

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
