I was sleeved on sep 21, I was also told over and over " you shouldn't have surgery...." " you're too small for surgery" I was 216 the day of my surgery(5'5). However, No one knew the struggle I had with my weight. I'm sorry to hear you not feeling too good, but I promise it's going to get better ????. After my surgery, I was in so much pain I regretted being sleeved. I'm doing well now and sooo thankful I made this decision. Also, talking to others that were sleeved helps; they also believe it's was the best decision they made. Once your body adjust and you're feeling better, you will feel better about your decision. It will take about 6 weeks before you may feel "normal" again. The metallic taste in your mouth is from the anesthesia, it will go alway after a few weeks, just keep in mind, you body needs to recover from the surgery ( mentally and physically) and these things are temporary Side effects of the surgery. Good luck