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Everything posted by Kellyfitz4

  1. Kellyfitz4


    Hi- thanks for putting this together. I'm in my 11th month post op so I am in maintenance but would still like a little cushion. I'm going on a cruise the first week of April so I'd like to be about 125 lbs then. I weighed in last Friday at 134 lbs so I'll send you my new weight tomorrow. So for now my stats are: Current weight (2/3/17) 134 lbs Goal weight (3/24/17) 125
  2. Kellyfitz4


    10 months out, down 85 lbs!
  3. Kellyfitz4

    Before and After Pics

    10 months out and feel great! Trying to figure out maintenance!
  4. Kellyfitz4

    before n after pix wanted

    Thank you. I'm 9 months post op and down 85 lbs. I stuck to the program the best I could and was very patient. I'm struggling right now for the holidays so it's great to see everyone's transformations.
  5. Kellyfitz4

    before n after pix wanted

    Thank you so much! I feel amazing! I love seeing everyone's inspiring journeys.
  6. I'm 8 months out and I can honestly tell you I totally regretted if for the first 3 months. It was a tough road for me psychologically. I had so much head hunger and had to re-learn how to manage stress. The key for me now is to walk off my stress, not eat it, but that took a LONG 3-4 months before I got a handle on it. Now down 80 lbs, at goal, walk/running 2-3 miles a day, left a 22 year career in law enforcement to start a new job with new possibilities and new goals. This is the BEST decision I ever made for myself getting the sleeve. Hang in there, I promise it gets better but you MUST invest in yourself and find what works for you!
  7. Kellyfitz4

    Did you ever have second thoughts?

    I had my surgery on 3/25. It was rough the first few weeks, head hunger is the worst and I didn't realize how much of a psychological journey this is. Anyway, 5 months gone and 65 lbs down, I don't regret a thing! Hang in there, you are correct to have doubts but rest assured, you are giving yourself the gift of life!
  8. Kellyfitz4

    Michigan sleevers

    Hi ladies, I had my sleeve at RO Beaumont with Dr. Krause on March 25, 2016. It's been a little over 12 weeks and I'm down from 215 to 164. I feel great but the mental part of this journey is NO JOKE. I still struggle with the "loss of my coping mechanism"- food. My relationship with food has totally changed (it had to). It's no longer all that fun to eat, it's more of a necessity to fuel my body and brain. Good luck to all of you! That's funny what you say about Rachel- I met her for the first time last month and when she asked me my goal weight, I said 145 (I'm 5"3") and she said, " that's way too low". That's the first time anyone on the ROB team ever said that to me. Anyway, I'm doing me and losing what my body allows, I'm not focusing on a number or what she said. also I went thru the St. Clare Shores Beaumont team for my 6 month diet/nutrition appts. It was closer to my work and easier to go straight there after. I went to RO w/ Krause because that's who a coworker went with and he was pleased. I'm very happy with Dr Krause.
  9. Mia150- it is normal for me right now. I was able to eat a little more at one point a few weeks ago, but not now, 2-3 oz of dense Protein is all I can handle. I do eat a few green Beans or a few bites of lettuce/spinach but that's it, I'm full. I still do not eat rice, potatoes or bread and probable never will or will keep it at a minimum after I reach goal. I used to be a carbaholic but now that I've been away from them I feel great and have no cravings. I actually crave fruit and vegetables now =0). I thought my restriction was due to me not eating much during the week and my stomach not being used to real food therefore making what I do eat very limited but based on my symptoms, maybe you are right, maybe it is stricture. Keep us posted.
  10. March 25th, feeling very good- plenty of energy. SW 214.8 CW 164.4 ( down 50 lbs). I'm having trouble getting my calories in during the week while at work, I'm lucky to get 500. I know it's bad but I still get cramps when I eat so I normally do not eat at work M-F, only drink Protein shakes. Problem is, when I get to the weekend and attempt to eat real food my restriction is great, I think because during the week my body doesn't get real food. I'm a work in progress and trying to figure it out. I'm in Law Enforcement so no day is "normal" for me. Walking at least 3-4 miles 5-6 days a week, riding bike at least 7 miles on days I do not walk, and just bought Kayaks with hubby and went on a 5 mile, 2 hour kayak ride so I'm loving the energy! No hair loss (yet) and I'm really trying to keep protein up so I do not lose. Still have stomach cramps when drinking Water, eating food if I eat/drink too fast. Still no such thing as overeating for me, cuz my restriction is really great still. Look forward to seeing others experiences.
  11. Kellyfitz4

    Any Michigan Peeps?

    Hi- I live in Rockwood MI and had my surgery at Royal Oak Beaumont on March 25th. Great experience however, the emotional/physiological effects were too much for me and I had to take 8 weeks off instead of 2. I'm glad I did tho, I had to get this right and put me first. Thank gosh I saved up several months of sick time. I go back to work on 5/23. Good luck to you, it's so worth it!
  12. Kellyfitz4

    intense depression

    Crazy plant lady- I am going thru the exact same thing. I am nearly 4 weeks out and I went to work after 2 weeks. Simultaneously I received a HUGE promotion at work that requires me to work long hours, on my feet (I'm in Law Enforcement). After working in my new position for only a week, I cried every day on my way to work, every day on my way home, cried myself to sleep. My husband finally said enough is enough- this past Monday I went to see my family Physician and she told me I went back to work way too early. She gave me some anxiety meds, which make me really tired, and told me to take another 3 weeks off at the least. I then went and saw my bariatric physiologist today and she said the same. She explained that I am recovering from major surgery at the same time learning an entire new life change and to add a huge promo on top of that, put me over the edge. She too suggested to take at least 3 more weeks off to take it day by day, meal by meal ( I didn't eat the entire week I went back to work and got really run down and emotional). She made so much sense now I have to really concentrate on me and apply it.. Please keep me in your thoughts, this is going to be SO HARD FOR ME.
  13. Kellyfitz4


    I am 3 in a half weeks out and although I don't "regret it" per se, I'm finding it very difficult to juggle work and my new stomach. My job is very demanding and it's pretty much 24 hrs a day (in the office 9 and on call the rest of the time). I went back to work after 2 weeks and after only being back a week, I'm off again and taking an additional 3 weeks off because I was an emotional mess. It didn't help that I received a huge promotion the day I returned, so that in itself and the. Learning to deal with my new stomach really pushed me over the edge. That one week I was at work, I didn't eat and barely drank cuz I was swamped. I decided with the urging of my husband to take more time off to get the hang of the sleeve before I dive into the new position at work. I'm feeling like a failure and hopeless, I hope it gets better soon.. Good luck.
  14. Kellyfitz4


    March 25! [emoji1]
  15. Kellyfitz4


    March 25 too! [emoji12]
  16. Kellyfitz4


    March 25th!!!
  17. Hi Lawanda and Trish, I think I figured it out. I changed my privacy setting on FB so you should be able to friend me Kelly (Lovier) Fitzgerald. Lawanda I tried to friend you but the add tab was greyed out so I couldn't. Trish I'm not sure how to search by email. What is your name on FB so I can try to friend you.
  18. Kellyfitz4

    Anyone scheduled for March?

    I've updated my settings on FB so please try to add me to the March group again or send me a friend request Kelly (Lovier) Fitzgerald. Thank you!
  19. Kellyfitz4

    Anyone scheduled for March?

    I have a Fitbit so does that mean I can add you? I'm not real tech savy, lol. I do have a my fitness pal acct too. I'll ask my daughter to help me add you. ????
  20. Kellyfitz4

    Detroit,mi Sleevers?

    I'd LOVE to join the FB group! My name on FB is Kelly (Lovier) Fitzgetald. My next/last appt with Dr Lowe pre-op is 3/1 and I go see Sylvia (NUT) for my last pre-op visit on 3/7. I don't see Jake (exercise guy) til after my surgery. My hubby grew up in SCS on Rosedale. It's a great area. It's much closer to my work in Detroit than the RO clinic but a guy I work with had his surgery with Dr Krause and was very pleased so I set it up with them. Can't wait, as I bet you can't either!
  21. Kellyfitz4

    Detroit,mi Sleevers?

    Hi L.o.v.e I'll be soon after you but in Royal Oak. I'm doing my 6 month supervised diet with Dr Lowe at the SCS bariatric clinic because it's closer for me to go there each month from downtown than to RO but Dr Krause in RO is my surgeon. It's getting close!
  22. Kellyfitz4

    Anyone scheduled for March?

    My Facebook name is Kelly (Lovier) Fitzgerald Or Kelly.fitz4@facebook.com. Please add me!
  23. Kellyfitz4

    Anyone scheduled for March?

    Hi I have one more appt w/ Bariatric doc on March 1st, meet the surgeon on March 2nd and should get the insurance approval later that week. I'm planning on the end of March. I'd love to keep it touch. What is your name in FB?

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