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About Blueeyes66

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  1. I need help with the clear liquid diet...I cant stand any kind of the store bought broth...any tips on what to use. Ive just been drinking water gatorade orange juice coffee eating sugar free jello and fat free vanilla yogurt. uuuuuggg.

    1. justme29


      Did you check if OJ was ok? I was told No. But you can make your own broth by putting meat in the crock pot, but you'd have to strain it. I was ok'd to have diluted juice.

    2. RILEYSMOM22


      OJ is not a clear liquid. Neither is yogurt. Your list sounds more like "full liquids". I had issues with store bought broth as well, but for me it is the sodium. My ankles turn into tree trunks if I have too much salt.

    3. dhrguru


      When I was on clear liquids I bought broth from au bon pain or Panera. Tasted FAR better then canned.


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