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Everything posted by Catalystmb
I started this journey in December! I had to do the 6 month supervised diet with my Dr. She is totally against any form of WLS. June was my "6th" visit. I gave her another copy of a mock letter the surgeons office needed. "Can't do it today" she said. OK, I go in for the JULY visit (7th) and she asks how I am coming along with the surgery process. "WHAT??!!" "Doc, I can't even SUBMIT to insurance without your letter and progress notes!" "Can't do it today but here...." She handed me a SCRIPT with the 6 weights on it and a ICD9 code for morbid obesity. I told her that would not be enough for them. She proceeded to tell me again that she is against the surgery but she'll send the letter and info when she can. It's AUGUST. They have nothing. I asked for my progress notes and told them that I would just go to another Doctor. She hasn't transcribed her progress notes yet!! She uses a "cheat" sheet/tick form for her progres notes and then ( I suppose) transcribes them-I think into an electronic record. I am sooo freaking pissed off at her. I, thankfully, work with my surgeon. She and her partner will put some fire under her butt if I do not get anywhere next week. Anyone else have these kinds of trouble!?:thumbup::w00t::thumbup::cool2:
I just wrote a long post.....and it went poof. If this is repeated, sorry. Long story short (and with a lot less excitement grr)) I am SUBMITTED! After nine months into my SIX month supervised diet, my surgeons' office went to bat for me and I am finally submitted to insurance. I have to do the Psych eval (and maybe vascular ans stress test) but it is finally moving along!! Woohoo. Finally something to smile about!
On my own for a week and going crazy with boredom and loneliness
Catalystmb replied to Lisa B's topic in The Lounge
Well, most of my suggestions are on you nah list....lol Bike ride? Movies- REAL movie theatre not dvd.. Have a Laptop? Go to Panera Bread or Starbucks and do your websearching there. Better yet, do it at B&N and maybe read a magazine there.(I used to hate the fact that you could read the books there and not pay for them but I have done this now while waiting on a friend). Get a hiar cut Walk the mall? ((If gas wasn't so expensive)) I used to love getting in the car and just going...with or without a friend.....stop for dinner....then come back -
Are We Ready For A Woman VP?
Catalystmb replied to Daisalana's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
I knew nothing about her, I thought for sure it would have been Tommy Ridge. Did a little research (Lord, no matter which side you are on, please know voting records etc of the candidate you are interested in) and I like her, lots. I don't vote straight party line but I am a registered Republican and am proud of it. I wish we hadn't strayed soo far left or right in both parties. That only served to divide us more. Anyhoo...I think she would be great in office ( I generally don't like Mccain-way too liberal for me). -
Taking medications with Lap Band
Catalystmb replied to livtobeblessed's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
We aren't (I'm still pre op) malabsorbers but I would ask your surgeon to make certain. If he/she hasn't encountered this before if he/she is worth their salt they will be looking into it for their own knowledge. If you are unsure about which procedure express this to the surgeon. Good luck to you. -
Why do we follow a LF/SF diet after banding?
Catalystmb replied to Maribelle's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
WOW!!!! Thank goodness! I have expressed most of the very same views and have been bashed (not here, elsewhere). But I have seen comments here about SF/FF lifestyle and supposting it(and not being all that tactful and kind to a more NON SF/FF lifestyle) I'm sort of in line with a poster above, only I can't to the "ols" and splenda. Any of the "ols": maltitol, sorbitol, etc plus sucralose send me straight to the restroom...and you'd better stay clear because it is SUDDEN.... Although I do drink things with aspartame in it that is to avoid empty calories form my drinks. Yes, I am drinking more water...... I can't tolerate the ingredients in FF foods either. Give me a smaller portion of real cheese, milk etc. I grimmaced when the Nutritionist showed me the lists of approved foods and drink all filled with fake ingredients to make them either SF or FF. These are people trained in nutrition..surely they cannot believe that all of the ingredients are healthy. Aside from the distasteful side effects of Olestra, I do not know if FF ingredeints are as harmful as some of the artificail sweeteners. I do know that I do not like the texture, taste of FF foods. Anyone know of a FF cheese that is good, I mean REALLY good tasting? I'd be interested if you did. Plus, a FF diet does not always equal low calorie. Here's an FDA link Fat-Free vs. Regular Calories Comparison One of my earliest reads here was someone stating something about not being able to eat salads and fruits etc and "well, you didn't eat like that and get so heacy anyhow..." Well, I DID eat that way, mostly healthy foods, fruits veg, lean meats just toooo damned much of it. I'll find ahealthy balance. I hope to be able to still eat fruit. Beans have become a new favorite in this house. The chili recipes seen in this community are FABULOUS. -
I was JUST ABOUT to write the same thing. I got pg while on the pill. It does happen.:biggrin:
Hello, I have a QVC addiction!! I ordered Wen a few months ago when it was featured. I had it set to auto delivery. I find QVC is easy to cancel future shipments with no hassle. I LOVED the smell...I loved how my hair felt (IN THE SHOWER). My hair was weighed down with it though, too much so. I have fine, thin hair which most any prduct weighs down. The Wen product also made it seem greasy. Instead of chucking or returning it I kept it and use it as my final step as a conditioner. So, I am shampooing with other shampoo and throwing a pump in for my final rinse. It seems to be ok used that way - FOR ME.
Thank you for such FAST replies. I knew I could count on you guys. In July when I first sat gapmouthed as the receptionist told me they werent transcribed yet I told her she had a week. That got me nowhere. It's my understanding from both my surgeon and insurance company that as long as I have a supervised diet history of 6 months along with any comorbs I can submit. My comorbs are self evident and I DO have the progress notes and letters of evaluation and test results from my sub specialists. I take those along with my PMD's pnotes (when I ever get them) I should be able to go to ANY new Dr and have them review the info and submit. I told myself in Jan that if in the 6 months I lost 50 pounds I would not have the surgery. I have lost 24 pounds and then regained about 7 so I have a net loss of 17 pounds. Hey it's a loss but for 6 months, not good enough. SO FRUSTRATING!:thumbup:
Pin up Shoto Shoot??
Catalystmb replied to Boo Boo Kitty's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
You look GREAT! Nice photos! -
Loving me the Nike+ Ipod sensor. If you already have the new nano(not sure if it works with older models) it will be a great tool for you. You also DO NOT HAVE to buy the Nike+ specific sneakers. I found this out after buying them...lol. Marware has a small pouch you buy for less than $10. The sensor kit is $29 or there abouts. You do, however, need the Ipod. It is very accurate. It took me several tried to calibrate it. If I go over 5 miles it will be off almost a tenth of a mile. I can live with that right now.
Just put Tampons or Maxipads in the subject line and they are likely to stay away. It is an open forum and they will look. If anyone posts somethin inappropriate, report them. I have looked at the mends threads. I haven't posted but I don't know that I wouldn't. Do you have a particular concern? ((more of a rhetorical question, you need not answer))
Can a pre banded WALKER join you? I would be honored if YOU let me. You're an inspiration but you've read me say that to you before!! I love the Nike+ and just got a small pocket for the sensor from Marware....if it is accurate(and my sensor has it's moments) people would not have to purchase the Nike+ sneakers. A savings despite still needing the nano. Anyhoo, If you can tolerate a low mileage pre bander..let me know. I just blogged yesterday about how nice it was to see people I didn't know join a few of the challenges I put up on Nike+. Makes me feel there are others out there in my shoes....so to speak. I also LOVE the grab the link featuer that lets us post or mail the days progress. VERY inspirational.
You need a clean nailbed for the pulse oximeter during your surgery. It measures the O2 saturation in your blood. If you had polish on, we would remove it if you hadn't.
Anyone else having trouble getting to LBT? When I throw the address in, I get redirected to a search page. I have to click on LBT through a link in a blog. A:blushing:nyone else?
For the OP and other pillow flippers. Check out something called the CHILLOW. SoothSoft - The Official Home of Chillow and Canine Cooler
A wonderful and supportive(and informative) web resource is survivinginfidelity.com Just like we can come here to LBT and receive support from those "in the know" they can offer you support through their own experiences. The most important thing this minute is for you to take care of YOU. You might not be able to sleep, eat etc...
Trying to diet but still crave that *&^^sugar
Catalystmb replied to brandyII's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
It's a few days later Brandy, how are you doing? I am going to say something many are NOT going to say to you here....and I might get bashed for saying so,,.,,,, Doesn't WW have light snack/desserts? I don't like eliminated whole food catagories (for myself). If I was craving it, I would eat it, A SMALL BIT OF IT, but I would eat it. There was a great book...oh I forget the name but essentially it was Why Women NEED Chocolate. I hope the visit goes good with your outlaws. -
please read and if you hear me i need your input
Catalystmb replied to hairband's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Doing this with mimited support is VERY hard, you are to be commended on doing it alone. That in itself is a wonderous accomplishment!!!!!!!:welldoneclap: Do you walk at home, outdoors or at a gym? Are there any others in your ara who might need YOU as a support system/buddy after your accomplishment? Again, another WONDEROUS accomplishment which must have taken so much courage and strength!!:Banane53: This seems to be a fairly common experience when we change our outward appearance drastically. Talking with a counselor can help you figure out these feelings. Oh they ARE so very important! You gave yourself the gift of a healthy year....instead of another year possibly getting closer to illness because of morbid obesity. I think many people think OTHER people have it all figured out....I don't. I know none of my friends do either. We are getting through life making choices each day which either help or hinder ourselves. Love, charity, purpose, wonderment all are part of my puzzle....and it isn't nearly all put together. Being part of a community IS a great way to talk/write your way through this. We all share a common bond. I'd bet dimes to dollars there are hundreds who feel the same as you do. Journal your feelings and post here often and you'll see for yourself. There are lots of people here for you. Do you have any peer groups near you? Church, school, hobby? I hope you get some answers and are able to see how special you are. -
2 days banded.....
Catalystmb replied to ThinDolphin3's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Hope you're feeling better. and.... HAPPY MOTHER's DAY!:welldoneclap: -
ur What Tests Did You Need Pre-Op?
Catalystmb replied to Kat56's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Surgical consult Evaluation from PMD Blood panel which resulted in Sestamibi due to abnormal PTH levels:thumbdown: PFTs/Pulmo consult which resulted in sleep Study Abdominal Sono Psych eval Support group attendance Gi eval and EGD Cadiac eval (possible stress test) Venous Duplex I have still yet to ge the EGD(June 5th), second night for sleep study:mad2:, stress test and the venous duplex. June is my sixth month for the @#$^$%& Dr. supervised diet:cursing:. Hopefully I can be done with all of this by the end of June.:tt1: -
Has anyone bought or used the Nike+ Ipod sensor for your sneakers?
Just got the sensor. Nike had a 20% sale on the website. Got the least expensive sneaks I could see there, they are still "airs". With the coupon they were $63.00. I am having trouble calibrating the sensor though. I'm usually good with gadgets. I see some of you also use the BBugg and the Garmin. Which Garmin do you have and do you like it?
The Unjury site is great. Their customer support is also wonderful. Email them about having your Unjury sent automatically and you get a savings, I think it was $6 off of the order. I had the wrong flavor sent once and they were quick to send a replacement and a shipping label for the return.
Can you tell me what happens at the cardiologist & pulmonologist appts?
Catalystmb replied to pschmolle's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Pulmo for me was a lot fo questions about my sleeping habits and how I handle exercise. He then sent me for a sleep study. I need to go for a second for a ask fit. Cardio is coming up but will be more questions and a treadmill test.