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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Congrats!
    ellie123 got a reaction from NewChiGirl in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Nah girl, this is no place for someone trying to be in Onderland! U like England, France is NO place to diet! Everything is full fat, full cream, full sugar and so so good and bad for you! I’m struggling to eat right. Tried grocery shopping but I Can’t understand the food labels and since hotel room has no microwave just a little cooler, I’m left to eat out. Had this Butternut Squash Soup for example. But it was so creamy and good, I bet it was 1000 calories. Here I am thinking I’m being good and probably porking out! I also have been having the cheeses here ... yeah, I’m struggling folks...
    In good news I got hotel to keep some frozen fruit for me and got some farm fresh spinich, so did manage to make my Green smoothie, and it was heavenly with the fruit here. I also refrained from going crazy on the extensive Breakfast buffet (think La Madeline’s in steriods, take what you want), anc had made to order eggs, some salmon and veggies. Did not eat it all and saved the apple, yoghurt and apple sauce for latter. But I did get a good assortment of cheeses and crackers I’ve been snacking on.

  2. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from sassysleever76 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Omg!!!!! You are in Winderland, so happy for you!!!!! Congratulations!!!
  3. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from NewChiGirl in PROJECT LAST CHANCE! 3rd Bariatric Surgery Scheduled...Sleeve to RNY Anyone?   
    I realize that most people will probably gloss over this topic...because for most 1 surgery works and is enough and if you fall into this category, please know how fortunate you are. This is not my story

    I am 5'8. In 2007 I was 273lb's and miserable! I got a Band. Following 13 fills and unfills the best I lost was 60lb's, I never achieved restriction, and unfilled to have 2 kids. All weight returned. In an unrelated accident my port flipped, and in 2015 at 265lb's I was revised to a Gastric Sleeve (Also had my gallbladder taken out, a Haital hernia repaired and the band removed). I lost 60lb's in the first 4 months and then...stopped loosing. At 205lb's I would have been happy with my results, but then, I felt no restriction and started to regain! Fast forward almost 3 years to today...I have developed GERD pretty bad and I've regained most of what I lost back!
    My stomach feels hungry every hour or two, I could always eat WAY more than my sleeved friends, and once I got myself full, it would not take long for the deep primal hunger to return. I have no relief from hunger. Especially at night, I'm ravenous! I became a grazer! I felt that the Ghrelin was back with an Army to fight me! A 80% international traveling job plus unlimited access to food in the best restaurants around the globe did not help. I have felt dejected, humiliated, like a failure, angry, frustrated and the list goes on for miles, if you are still reading, you probably know how I feel. And indeed, It's not just about how I look...it's about how I feel. Horrible!! My weight is pressing, intrusive and pervasive. There is no time that I am not aware of it. I have sleep Apnea, I can't keep up with my 6 and 7 year old's and the simple things in life are hard again. Completely demoralizing... After almost 3 years, I finally said "Enough" and went back to a new Surgeon. An Endoscopy revealed it has not all been my fault. My Sleeve was cut too big to begin with! My new surgeon reveled he knows the work of the previous surgeon who apparently was not very skilled at the time and making sleeves too big to be successful. A Bougie 42 was was too big to begin with but in my case, even that was very loosely cut. To top it off, my Sleeve was mis-shapen to begin with as well, setting me up for failure and I have a Stricture in the middle, causing me to have an Hourglass shape. Top fills up, stretches, bottom is hungry, then food goes to the bottom and is still there, top is hungry, in short...a hot mess!

    Miraculously given the Haital Hernia, GERD, Stricture and botched initial surgery, my insurance (that does not cover Bariatrics) has approved a revision to Bypass on Aug 22nd. I've been combing the internet for Sleeve to RNY revision but such information is not as readily available as 1st timers. I am so nervous...so frightened to go through with this. Scared of Anesthesia, scared how I would do, scared of the 3 week post op liquid only phase. Scared that I will fail again, that this will not work. Some Surgeons (like the Pound of Cure guy say you can only expect to loose 10 - 25lbs on a Sleeve to RNY revision, woa?? ) But I have to try...I want to live a full and vibrant life and not just exist like an Amoeba! This is truly Project last chance. My husband is supportive, but my friends, judgmental and not supportive. and if ever I needed some advice, encouragement, support etc...it's now...

    Nervous but cautiously hopeful, and very much in need of your support...


  4. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from ALFxRNY in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Hello All my lovely Bari Brothers and Sisters!
    My apologies too for my silence. I've been in one word...BUSY! As I'm sure you all have too. But I wanted to give you a quick update. Made it back from London last Friday, and drumroll...I lost 2lb in my week there! For the first time in never! Like I always GAIN 5-7 lb a trip! So that was amazing for me! I did not eat out even once and did very well. Keeping my travel scales with me kept me honest as well. In the few days I've been home, I went back to Vegan and had lots of good fruits and veggies and I even had white rice AND I lost another 2.5 lb and am down to 229.2!!! So very thrilled about this!

    I had 5 short days at home with hubby and kids and I am flying out to France this afternoon. Ergo, the business! As I tried to cram as much hug time and trick or treat time and fall festival time with them as I could. On this trip the hotel options were not so good. No kitchenette, or even microwave. Just a tiny cooler in my hotel room. How will I manage...I've taken a lot of Protein stuff with me, but I'll just have to...figure it out there 😕 I'm trying so so SO hard to do this right, but French pastries galore await me (this is my downfall), so yeah, say a prayer for me to have the power of will and presence of mind to resist.

    Wishing you all an amazing Fall time frame. Really would like to hear how everyone is doing.
    Love and Hugs,
  5. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from rs in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    @frustr8 how are you feeling?? I’m still in England. OMG temptation on everyhand, my will power is being stretched beyond that if Elastigirls! I needed this surgery. Fear of dumping keeps me at bay from the sweets! But without the surgery Sleeve to Bypass, I suddenly realize that with my sleeve not giving me dumping symptoms I would have been eating everything here!!! While here my traveling scales show a 2lb loss... I wonder if I can trust them...I have been eating more and am off the vegan an while here :/. I have discovered these wonderful things called old crackers which are low in sugar but they still have carb ofcourse, however they are whole grains so i use them for comfort with cheese while I’m here as I cannot participate in any of the delicacies that I love so much. Here are some of my meals I’ve fixed at hotel. I do t eat all on the plates...

  6. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from clsumrall in Prayer! If you do not believe in prayer, do not click on this post..   
    Hello Dear Bari Brothers and Sisters! Ellie123 is back!!!! I am have finally been released from the hospital and am back home. Thank you so so SOOOOO much for all the well wishes and prayers you sent my way during my scary ordeal!!! You all are so supportive and awesome!
    Here is what happened:
    On Sunday, (11 days post RNY op), I had half a Core Power Protein Drink and a cup of fish broth with about a tablespoon of avocado blended in for texture and a little bit more substance. Still not sure if these food items were related but shortly thereafter I started to have horrid stomach pain in the general area above my belly button. It would tighten painfully then release and got progressively worse. I began to pace, hoping it was gas and will pass. I paced for 3 hours straight and it was only getting worse. I took some hydrocodone and felt a little better but 3 hours later the meds wore off and I was in bad pain. Called the doc on call and was told to go straight to the bariatric ER. There they gave me contrast, by now the pain was almost unbearable...I began to shake all over. Felt like a horrible Gallbladder attack (I used to have those before it was removed, so I know...). The CT Scan revealed a partial obstruction in the small bowl and swelling. I was put on IV, protonics, anti nausea meds, nothing by mouth and pain meds, but I continued to feel awful. through out the night I was violently vomiting, blacking in and out and ....well lets just say in that terrible horrible state none of us ever wants to be in...
    They let is ran it's course and yesterday it finally let up. More imaging revealed that nothing by mouth for a few days helped and my body seems to have resolved the obstruction. they slowly introduced Clear Liquids back, and finally sent me home back to a clear liquid diet. That specific hospital is owned by Dr. Alexander but totally out of network for my insurance. Glad to be alive, but dreading the bill for this setback...
    Anyhow, sending you all HUGE love and thanks for your support and prayers. I'm exhausted and a bit bummed about the ordeal, but grateful this did not happen during one of my trips abroad where no one would have known what to do!
    Hope everyone is doing great.
  7. Thanks
    ellie123 got a reaction from clsumrall in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Prayers your way dear Frust8, you've waited so long for this and I just hate you are having such a hard time! The good news is your scoped showed it's the ulcers acting up. So there is a plan that if you follow, should get you fixed. Would have been more frust8ing if they could not find a reason you are having these symptoms. Hang in there and prayers for you!
  8. Thanks
    ellie123 got a reaction from clsumrall in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    I made it to London with out a Sticture!!!! Got a hotel with a kitchen, grocery shopped for good stuff and my USB blender did a fantastic job of making me Green Smoothie this morning! Today I packed some healthy Snacks to take, went walking in Hyde Park where I had me a picnic, then focused on touring Palaces and such (saw Lady Diana’s gowns on display at Kensington Palace (men she was 5’10” and skinny!!! How in the world did she do it!?), and ate the world with my eyes not stomach. Then came back to hotel to my simple meal of British Sut pea Soup, various Beans, hummus, Babaghanouch salad
    , yesterday I had chicken veggie soup and huge Blueberries There is a LOT of temptation here, even the breakfast buffet croissants gave me a hard time passing them by... gosh I wanted one so bad! But I did not give in! Taking it one day at a time...

    oh oh and I brought my Travel scales with me to keep me honest!

  9. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from Svdlux23 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    My Dear Bari Sisters and Brothers. I’m alive! Hallelujah! But I’ve been through the ringer. The ER visit last Thursday did not help. I was throwing up every 10-15minutes on Friday. It got...bad....Started having numbing of fingers and toes and felt like an Elephant had taken a seat on my chest. Hubby failed 911. Long story short, I wounded up in bad shape at my surgeons hospital and was admitted right away. I was displaying classic acute Stricture symptoms. And I was severely dehydrated. I thought they would just scope and dilate me, and that would be that. But nope! Surgeon was gone for the day and I had to begin a LONG and exhausting wait for Monday to come, and I had not eaten since Wednesday night! Ofcourse they did their favorite thing and put me on Nothing by mouth... It was torture. Thirsty, naucious, the minutes oozed like molasses, waiting, suffering. They tried to make me comfortable but...the wait was excruciating. My highlights were the kids and hubby visiting in the evenings. I hated kids to see me this way.

    Monday morning finally came and I was SO excited. Relief was surely on the way. So you can imagine how I literally BLEW A FUSE when my surgeon waltzed in at 1:30PM and instead of prioritizing me and putting me out of my misery, asap, he proceeded to to into Surgery to do a Tummy TUCK! Lets just say I got the hospital director involved. Problem is...he owns the whole center, he’s the ultimate CEO, what’s she gonna do...call the boss? GRRRRR.....I was livid! The added stress is that I knew I had a flight to Europe on Thursday (ie. Today!). I was not scoped till 5:30PM Monday, and was in limbo for a while from anesthesia. They kept me Tuesday through evening to make sure I could tolerate liquids, the softs and fed me well before they cut me loose. It tasted like heaven. heck, my shoe would have tasted like heaven at that point.

    Got home at mid-night Tuesday and had one short Wednesday (in my compromised state of energy), to get the house as in order as I could, work, pack, think through what I need to take to be successful on my first Airplane ride and long haul trip since surgery). Stress was the word, but i prayed my way through it. I even got a USB chargeable blender on Amazon.< br />
    The kids were so happy to have mama home. My 8 year old son and 6 year old daughter. And then came this morning...and as I was dropping them in school, I had to let them know mama has to go out of town till next Friday. :(

    I bearly made my flight. I have a whole suitcase of Bariatric stuff. If I had more time I would have documented what all I prepared. But alas, I was RUSHING!
    I just landed in New Orleans and the first leg of my journey went well. I ate a bit of airport bought humus on the flight. Waited 2mins between bites for good measure! Had two mini pretzels and drank Water in between.

    I am about to board the big Transatlantic flight. Nervous about how I will do. I will always live with the trepidation that a Stricture might return. Cabin pressure and all...but God has not given me the spirit of fear, so I press on.

    Hope you are all doing great. I have had zero chance to catch up. Please, do say a little prayer for me!

    Love and hugs,

    PS: Attached area pics of the lovely flowers kids and hubby brought, my heavenly first meals, and the card my son made for me.

  10. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from Drai50 in Prayer! If you do not believe in prayer, do not click on this post..   
    My Sleeve to RNY revision is in T - 2 hours and 20 minuets. Arriving at hospital. Please say a prayer for me , and accept my prayers for all going through this process as well. Thank you so much to my pillar of support @Frustr8 for letting me know about this wonderful thread! Blessings and love
  11. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from clsumrall in Prayer! If you do not believe in prayer, do not click on this post..   
    Let us please bear up our dear friend @Frustr8 as she undergoes RNY Surgery today. She is 73years young and has been an amazing support to me and to so many others as we went through our procedures. She has had so many personal, financial and other attacks leading up to the surgery and is really going through a tough time, many have tried to desuade her from going through with it, but she is resolved to trust the Living God and go through with it.

    Spirit of the living God, do what only you can do. Please bear our beautiful sister @Frustr8 up today and always. We ask that you bless her from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. That you give her peace and encouragement going into her procedure and that all things coming against her boomerang right back to where they came from and away from your daughter.

    We pray for everyone who is going to come into contact with her or touch her, we pray and plead the blood of Jesus on the facility, over the check in clerk, over the nurses who tend to her, over the surgeon, over the anesthesiologist, over the the medications, over the equipment, God even over the linens that will touch her body and the, and the sutures and bandaids, we uplift and exalt the whole procedure, that you yourself with masterfully operate on your daughter. We pray everything goes without a glitch, we pray for her to wake without any complications, and for it to be like from a sweet sleep, we pray that she is in no pain and discomfort and that she is soon able to be up and about to everyones surprise and delight! And that her short and long term results are marvelous to your Glory!

    We thank you in Advance Lord for your mercy's for we know that you are MORE than able!
    In Jesus Name, Amen.
  12. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from Frustr8 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Thank you, repair the Stricture REALLY opened me up... knock on wood. I think it’s been slowly closing up over time as I would eat and feel beltchy and gassy and quite awful, but I thought it’s just the way things are post surgery. Well... apparently not...
  13. Thanks
    ellie123 got a reaction from clsumrall in Prayer! If you do not believe in prayer, do not click on this post..   
    Just heard from her son! Hallelujah @Frustr8 made it through and is resting!!!
  14. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from clsumrall in Prayer! If you do not believe in prayer, do not click on this post..   
    Let us please bear up our dear friend @Frustr8 as she undergoes RNY Surgery today. She is 73years young and has been an amazing support to me and to so many others as we went through our procedures. She has had so many personal, financial and other attacks leading up to the surgery and is really going through a tough time, many have tried to desuade her from going through with it, but she is resolved to trust the Living God and go through with it.

    Spirit of the living God, do what only you can do. Please bear our beautiful sister @Frustr8 up today and always. We ask that you bless her from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. That you give her peace and encouragement going into her procedure and that all things coming against her boomerang right back to where they came from and away from your daughter.

    We pray for everyone who is going to come into contact with her or touch her, we pray and plead the blood of Jesus on the facility, over the check in clerk, over the nurses who tend to her, over the surgeon, over the anesthesiologist, over the the medications, over the equipment, God even over the linens that will touch her body and the, and the sutures and bandaids, we uplift and exalt the whole procedure, that you yourself with masterfully operate on your daughter. We pray everything goes without a glitch, we pray for her to wake without any complications, and for it to be like from a sweet sleep, we pray that she is in no pain and discomfort and that she is soon able to be up and about to everyones surprise and delight! And that her short and long term results are marvelous to your Glory!

    We thank you in Advance Lord for your mercy's for we know that you are MORE than able!
    In Jesus Name, Amen.
  15. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from clsumrall in Prayer! If you do not believe in prayer, do not click on this post..   
    Hello Dear Bari Brothers and Sisters! Ellie123 is back!!!! I am have finally been released from the hospital and am back home. Thank you so so SOOOOO much for all the well wishes and prayers you sent my way during my scary ordeal!!! You all are so supportive and awesome!
    Here is what happened:
    On Sunday, (11 days post RNY op), I had half a Core Power Protein Drink and a cup of fish broth with about a tablespoon of avocado blended in for texture and a little bit more substance. Still not sure if these food items were related but shortly thereafter I started to have horrid stomach pain in the general area above my belly button. It would tighten painfully then release and got progressively worse. I began to pace, hoping it was gas and will pass. I paced for 3 hours straight and it was only getting worse. I took some hydrocodone and felt a little better but 3 hours later the meds wore off and I was in bad pain. Called the doc on call and was told to go straight to the bariatric ER. There they gave me contrast, by now the pain was almost unbearable...I began to shake all over. Felt like a horrible Gallbladder attack (I used to have those before it was removed, so I know...). The CT Scan revealed a partial obstruction in the small bowl and swelling. I was put on IV, protonics, anti nausea meds, nothing by mouth and pain meds, but I continued to feel awful. through out the night I was violently vomiting, blacking in and out and ....well lets just say in that terrible horrible state none of us ever wants to be in...
    They let is ran it's course and yesterday it finally let up. More imaging revealed that nothing by mouth for a few days helped and my body seems to have resolved the obstruction. they slowly introduced Clear Liquids back, and finally sent me home back to a clear liquid diet. That specific hospital is owned by Dr. Alexander but totally out of network for my insurance. Glad to be alive, but dreading the bill for this setback...
    Anyhow, sending you all HUGE love and thanks for your support and prayers. I'm exhausted and a bit bummed about the ordeal, but grateful this did not happen during one of my trips abroad where no one would have known what to do!
    Hope everyone is doing great.
  16. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from Frustr8 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Thank you, repair the Stricture REALLY opened me up... knock on wood. I think it’s been slowly closing up over time as I would eat and feel beltchy and gassy and quite awful, but I thought it’s just the way things are post surgery. Well... apparently not...
  17. Thanks
    ellie123 reacted to clsumrall in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    So Wonderful all your pictures
  18. Thanks
    ellie123 got a reaction from clsumrall in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    I made it to London with out a Sticture!!!! Got a hotel with a kitchen, grocery shopped for good stuff and my USB blender did a fantastic job of making me Green Smoothie this morning! Today I packed some healthy Snacks to take, went walking in Hyde Park where I had me a picnic, then focused on touring Palaces and such (saw Lady Diana’s gowns on display at Kensington Palace (men she was 5’10” and skinny!!! How in the world did she do it!?), and ate the world with my eyes not stomach. Then came back to hotel to my simple meal of British Sut pea Soup, various Beans, hummus, Babaghanouch salad
    , yesterday I had chicken veggie soup and huge Blueberries There is a LOT of temptation here, even the breakfast buffet croissants gave me a hard time passing them by... gosh I wanted one so bad! But I did not give in! Taking it one day at a time...

    oh oh and I brought my Travel scales with me to keep me honest!

  19. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from clsumrall in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    I know huh! Apparently I was stable ... so technically not an emergency enough to move a tuck! Grr trying not to get upset here, about to take off, will post more when God willing on other side of big pond...
  20. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from clsumrall in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Oh cool! On my way to London. Then back to the US next Friday, then I ship out to France early November. Are you per chance in London??
  21. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from Svdlux23 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    My Dear Bari Sisters and Brothers. I’m alive! Hallelujah! But I’ve been through the ringer. The ER visit last Thursday did not help. I was throwing up every 10-15minutes on Friday. It got...bad....Started having numbing of fingers and toes and felt like an Elephant had taken a seat on my chest. Hubby failed 911. Long story short, I wounded up in bad shape at my surgeons hospital and was admitted right away. I was displaying classic acute Stricture symptoms. And I was severely dehydrated. I thought they would just scope and dilate me, and that would be that. But nope! Surgeon was gone for the day and I had to begin a LONG and exhausting wait for Monday to come, and I had not eaten since Wednesday night! Ofcourse they did their favorite thing and put me on Nothing by mouth... It was torture. Thirsty, naucious, the minutes oozed like molasses, waiting, suffering. They tried to make me comfortable but...the wait was excruciating. My highlights were the kids and hubby visiting in the evenings. I hated kids to see me this way.

    Monday morning finally came and I was SO excited. Relief was surely on the way. So you can imagine how I literally BLEW A FUSE when my surgeon waltzed in at 1:30PM and instead of prioritizing me and putting me out of my misery, asap, he proceeded to to into Surgery to do a Tummy TUCK! Lets just say I got the hospital director involved. Problem is...he owns the whole center, he’s the ultimate CEO, what’s she gonna do...call the boss? GRRRRR.....I was livid! The added stress is that I knew I had a flight to Europe on Thursday (ie. Today!). I was not scoped till 5:30PM Monday, and was in limbo for a while from anesthesia. They kept me Tuesday through evening to make sure I could tolerate liquids, the softs and fed me well before they cut me loose. It tasted like heaven. heck, my shoe would have tasted like heaven at that point.

    Got home at mid-night Tuesday and had one short Wednesday (in my compromised state of energy), to get the house as in order as I could, work, pack, think through what I need to take to be successful on my first Airplane ride and long haul trip since surgery). Stress was the word, but i prayed my way through it. I even got a USB chargeable blender on Amazon.< br />
    The kids were so happy to have mama home. My 8 year old son and 6 year old daughter. And then came this morning...and as I was dropping them in school, I had to let them know mama has to go out of town till next Friday. :(

    I bearly made my flight. I have a whole suitcase of Bariatric stuff. If I had more time I would have documented what all I prepared. But alas, I was RUSHING!
    I just landed in New Orleans and the first leg of my journey went well. I ate a bit of airport bought humus on the flight. Waited 2mins between bites for good measure! Had two mini pretzels and drank Water in between.

    I am about to board the big Transatlantic flight. Nervous about how I will do. I will always live with the trepidation that a Stricture might return. Cabin pressure and all...but God has not given me the spirit of fear, so I press on.

    Hope you are all doing great. I have had zero chance to catch up. Please, do say a little prayer for me!

    Love and hugs,

    PS: Attached area pics of the lovely flowers kids and hubby brought, my heavenly first meals, and the card my son made for me.

  22. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from insta_adventurer in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Quick update on my status. Thank you all so much for your lovely messages of encouragement each and everyone of them helps me keep my spirits up. I am still at the hospital and it looks like they will not be able to do the endoscopy till Monday morning… Needless to say that is upsetting. They think I have a structure and that they can fix it via the endoscopy. Until then I am on nothing by mouth which is very hard, And IV fluids I am also getting some nausea medicine and pain medicine as needed. The vomiting is now under control so I think God for that. Also my husband and kids came to visit me today and my son made me this beautiful card and call him but I’m sharing with you, they also brought some wonderful flowers and those really helped bring up my spirits as well. I am grateful this did not happen in the middle of My upcoming trip and I am hopeful that I can get fixed and not have issues while traveling. In the meantime I just got done taking a shower in the hospital and I feel more human so I will try to sleep a little to regain my energy. What would I gave for just a glass of cold water… and a sip of Protein drink sounds like heaven to me right about now. For those of you who can, enjoy your liquids on my behalf and count your blessings that you can take something down because I tell you what, without them it gets sucky very quickly...

  23. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from libbyleeb in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Thank you all for your well wishes. I missed it and my heart is broken...
    I have been admitted at a bariatric hospital. I have suffered so much. I was on my way to pick up my kids from school in the pouring rain (the 30 min ride was over an hour due to an accident), and I was on the freeway stopping every 10-20 minutes on the side to throw up. At one point in time my heart was palpitating and my fingers and toes started to go numb so I pulled over at a gas station and my husband who was over an hour away from me dialed 911 for an ambulance to come . They showed up with the Fire department and run an EKG to make sure I was not having a heart attack, my heart was racing and I continue to feel like I had an elephant sitting on my chestFire department and run an EKG to make sure I was not having a heart attack, my heart was racing and I continue to feel like I had an elephant sitting on my chest. I told them I needed to get to a place that handles Bariatric’s, But they refused to transport me all the way to Dallas where my doctor is private surgical center, as that would have been two hour ride in rush hour traffic, so I refuse to go with them to a local emergency room as I knew that they would not really know what to do with me and judging from my experience at the ER the previous day they would just try to control the nausea and let me go even though the strongest medicine they have, promethazine has not been controlling my vomiting.i also knew the wait there would be hours and hours as I would be triaged with trauma patients.

    My husband picked the kids and they met me in the gas station and I watch my eight-year-old son well up with tears streaming down his face when he realized mommy will not be making the mother son dance that he has been waiting for over a year )missed last year’s one due to being out of the country, and this year I promised him come whatever, I’ll be there! I even rescheduled my work trip out of county to be there (scheduled to leave this Thursday and I just don’t know how I can go...). My heart just broke and I felt like I had failed him as A mom, and even then, the crazy side of me tried to tell him it will be OK and we will still go but then I proceeded to violently vomit in front of my kids and realized it’s just not gonna happen . I had my husband stay with the kids and I still drove myself to the hospital in Dallas. Because him driving me would mean bringing along the kids for a long night and what is the point in that. I drove through the rain vomiting most of the way by the time I made it here I was vomiting every 10 minutes. Exhausted, my esophagus burning, felt like a giant grapefruit was stuck in it. They started an IV and gave me some nausea meds which did not work and I just keep throwing up spit and bile. Morning can’t come soon enough so my surgeon will come and probably scope me.

    sorry for long post... got nothing but suffering and time here. But I thank God he’s kept me alive, so please pray they fix me soon...
  24. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from insta_adventurer in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Quick update on my status. Thank you all so much for your lovely messages of encouragement each and everyone of them helps me keep my spirits up. I am still at the hospital and it looks like they will not be able to do the endoscopy till Monday morning… Needless to say that is upsetting. They think I have a structure and that they can fix it via the endoscopy. Until then I am on nothing by mouth which is very hard, And IV fluids I am also getting some nausea medicine and pain medicine as needed. The vomiting is now under control so I think God for that. Also my husband and kids came to visit me today and my son made me this beautiful card and call him but I’m sharing with you, they also brought some wonderful flowers and those really helped bring up my spirits as well. I am grateful this did not happen in the middle of My upcoming trip and I am hopeful that I can get fixed and not have issues while traveling. In the meantime I just got done taking a shower in the hospital and I feel more human so I will try to sleep a little to regain my energy. What would I gave for just a glass of cold water… and a sip of Protein drink sounds like heaven to me right about now. For those of you who can, enjoy your liquids on my behalf and count your blessings that you can take something down because I tell you what, without them it gets sucky very quickly...

  25. Like
    ellie123 got a reaction from insta_adventurer in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Quick update on my status. Thank you all so much for your lovely messages of encouragement each and everyone of them helps me keep my spirits up. I am still at the hospital and it looks like they will not be able to do the endoscopy till Monday morning… Needless to say that is upsetting. They think I have a structure and that they can fix it via the endoscopy. Until then I am on nothing by mouth which is very hard, And IV fluids I am also getting some nausea medicine and pain medicine as needed. The vomiting is now under control so I think God for that. Also my husband and kids came to visit me today and my son made me this beautiful card and call him but I’m sharing with you, they also brought some wonderful flowers and those really helped bring up my spirits as well. I am grateful this did not happen in the middle of My upcoming trip and I am hopeful that I can get fixed and not have issues while traveling. In the meantime I just got done taking a shower in the hospital and I feel more human so I will try to sleep a little to regain my energy. What would I gave for just a glass of cold water… and a sip of Protein drink sounds like heaven to me right about now. For those of you who can, enjoy your liquids on my behalf and count your blessings that you can take something down because I tell you what, without them it gets sucky very quickly...

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