Hi everyone - I apologize if this is in the wrong forum. I am looking for some advice on what to do after a second gastric leak.
My husband had a gastric sleeve done in late June 2014, and immediately had complications. He had a leak which caused an abdominal abscess and pleural effusion. He was on IV nutrition and took nothing by mouth for about 7 weeks before the leak healed. Once that healed, he was doing great. And then last month he started having shoulder pain and shortness of breath. The abdominal abscess was back along with another pleural effusion. At first the doctors thought it was a leftover pocket of infection. We've been in and out of the hospital, and on our third stay in a month they finally found a leak in the same location as his first leak last year. So back on TPN and we're hoping to be discharged today.
His surgery was done out of town (due to insurance) so we haven't seen his original surgeon yet, who will be taking over his care from this point forward. What are our options? Last time the surgeon wanted to let the leak heal on its own, but I'm concerned that we did that last time, and now a year later it's come back open.