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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About icecream

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/19/1978

About Me

  • Biography
    Lap-Band 2004, Lap-Band removal due to complications 2015. Regained over 140lb. Sleeve Gastorectomy 08/03/2016. Starting Weigt 283lb
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  1. Hi LxA, I was sleeved on August 3rd. Starting weight 283lb, CW261. I've been stalled for the past 2 weeks as well. It really is frustrating.
  2. Hi There, I was sleeved on August 3rd 2016. I'm just over a week out, and I've lost 9lbs. The full liquid stage is going well, except I am getting really sick of Protein powder. It's trial and error as to how much you can add when you're not making a smoothie... I've ruined a few sugar free puddings and a Soup.
  3. Happy 35th Birthday icecream!

  4. Happy 34th Birthday icecream!

  5. icecream

    February/March 08 plastics

    Does anyone know if it's a problem sleeping on your side after a TT & Lipo on the hips. I'm just over 2 weeks post op & just sleeping on my back is taking it's toll on my neck (despite good neck support). Last night I had a very restless night & the only comfortable position was curled up on my side. I had to roll onto my side carefully, but I wanted to know if it's ok.
  6. icecream

    Reflux Poll

    I did take part in your poll & here's another interesting find. I had my band loosened before I went in for a Tummy Tuck, the Dr. took out 4cc ( I was nearly at 8cc... very full & having reflux problems). My reflux problems disappeared during the period of my defill, about 3 weeks. I would have loved to stay at 4cc but I really had no restriction & had to get a fill yesterday, he put back 2cc so I'm sitting at 6cc, I had a little reflux yesterday night, but I'm hoping that it doesn't return to the extent that it was before my defill.
  7. icecream

    February/March 08 plastics

    I had a few external stitches, I think only 2 in the tummy at either end of the incision & 4 in the boobs, 1 on each nipple & 1 at either end of the underneath incisions. I had them all removed a week post op. The rest of the stitches are dissolving. Good luck with your refund.
  8. icecream

    February/March 08 plastics

    mommi-hammi, thanks for the reply. My bruising has started to dissipate, it's gone from solid purple to broken up & loosing colour. Although the bruising is going down, my saddle bags are still there! It's a matter of patience, I'm sure.... Everything else is feeling pretty good otherwise. Good luck to you too!
  9. icecream

    February/March 08 plastics

    Hi Karey, I had some stitches taken out on Wednesday, The PS was very pleased with how things are looking, hardly any fluid build up in the tummy, barely any bruising in the boobs. The only thing he was surprised about was that my hips were really bruised & didn't look that different despite having taken out nearly 500ml from each hip (I think thats the right mesurement... anyhow he said he took out alot.) & it's really bruised... very purple. He did say before I went into surgery that depending on swelling & bruising it could actually look worse than before! Has anyone had this kind of thing happen? I have really pronounced saddle bags & would love for them to be gone, as I was expecting from the lipo... it's a little too early to tell ofcourse, but everything else is looking good. The boobs are standing up & the tummy is nice & flat ( albeit a little swollen still) ... All in all I'm really happy.... just still have to take it easy!
  10. SEX! How long before it's safe to have sex after PS? (TT lipo on the hips & breast lift.)
  11. icecream

    February/March 08 plastics

    Hi everyone, Karey referred me to this thread & it is an excellent one! Thanks Karey. I was banded in May 2004 & it was a long journey that has taken forever to get to this point, but the journey never really ends does it?! I've lost approx. 150lbs (from 300lb+ ... I kinda stopped weighing myself at that point, to teetering between 154lbs & 160lbs). My goal was 150lb before PS, but I was close enough! On 12th March I had a TT, Breast lift, Lipo on the outer thighs (saddle bags / more like saddle-suitcases on me!) & my port repositioned, it was really protruding. In just under a week, I'm beginning to feel more like myself now, getting a little more mobile & not having to take much in the way of pain meds. I saw my belly button for the 1st time today (as the dressing came off in the shower), it's right there, cute as a "button" & not 3inches deep! I'm still swollen in the belly though. I didn't have drains. The lipo feels like I was kicked really hard in the hips, it's not so bad for me, & my boobs don't ache at all, I just have to be weary not to stretch too much! The TT is really what's been the most uncomfortable. I'm going in to see my PS tomorrow to remove some stitches. I can't wait to get this new body moving again, & especially coz I did have a de-fill before my surgery, I'm eager to get it filled again & start exercising as soon as I'm given the ok. Thanks to everyone here for sharing, it is so helpful.
  12. Hi Kareyquilts, You were right I'm feeling much better & i'm able to get up & down with alot less discomfort. Could you send me a link to the plastics thread, I can't seem to find it. Thanks.
  13. Hi, I had my hip lipo, tummy tuck & breast lift done on wednesday! I'm still pretty immobile, it hurts getting up so I'm staying down as much as possible. It's hard to tell what everything looks like under the dressings & I'm a little swollen right now, but I can't wait to see my new boobs & flat tummy! Nurseamy you look fabulous! How long was it before you were walking properly?
  14. Nurseamy, CONGRATULATIONS! YOU LOOK FABULOUS! I'm going in for my TT, breast lift & lipo on the outter thighs on Wednesday. I'm so excited. Not looking forward to the pain & being bent over, but no pain no gain right! Thanks for posting your pictures & giving the updates.
  15. I am 8lbs from my goal of 150lbs & I'm scheduled for a tummytuck, brestlift & lipo on my hips, I'm so excited I can't wait! However, my port is positioned between my breasts & is so obviously protruding, it looks like a bone sticking out from my chest. I went to see my Lap Band surgeon Dr. Leung in Vancouver, & he suggested moving it under one of my boobs! If it's still going to protrude this is not a satisfactory solution for me! As it is now, my bras rub against the port & if it moves under a boob, I can only see it rubbing even worse. I have another consultation with my plastic surgeon before I have my procedures done, I wanted to see if he could reposition the port instead, ofcourse with consulting Dr.Leung. Has anyone had success with repositioning their protruding port? Where do some of you have your ports positioned?

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