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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    judy1234 reacted to katanne in Told my psychiatrist I'm getting WLS....   
    The friend in question is my best friend, whom I've known for twenty years. I'm pretty sure she'd be hurt if I didn't tell her and she only found out after I'd had the surgery (she'd certainly notice my weight loss and how much less I'm eating). I only plan to tell one other friend besides her.
    Everyone else, I have a Mind Your Own Business policy.
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    judy1234 reacted to PrincessMonsterTruck in Did anyone's spouse lose attractiveness when they got close to goal?   
    I am still in the pre-surgery stage of my journey, but this situation has also occurred to me. My husband is a large man. I'm a large gal, so it's been fine for us. We are attracted to each other, and share a similar lifestyle now. Although he says (and displays) that he is supportive of my WLS, I am concerned how my dramatic weight loss will affect him, and our relationship. In a perfect world, I will have a very positive experience with it, and he may consider it for himself, and then we can continue together with the new lifestyle. But, what if he doesn't? I don't want him to feel guilty for eating something that I can't have. And I don't want to feel resentful towards him.
    When I first started this, I kept saying things like "OMG my whole life is going to change!" Then I thought of my husband and our life together. How hurtful that statement must have been to him. I realized that although my weight was certainly a major part of my life - but, it wasn't the whole thing. My marriage with my husband is awesome, and I don't want that to change at all. To head this off, I'm doing everything that I can do proactively communicate with him so we can squash those obstacles. But, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared....
    I am sorry that I couldn't offer you much advice or solace for your situation.
    I do wish you the best and hope that you can work it out. I suppose if I can offer any advice - it would be to encourage you to keep communicating with him. Show him that although you may look different... You're still the same girl that he fell in love with.
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    judy1234 reacted to drmeow in Long term maintainers?   
    I would love to hear from some people who are 5+ years out from surgery and how they have done, good or bad. I realize that there are probably fewer longterm people on this forum just by the nature of it - ie support in the early days. Does anyone know what the statistics are for bypass patients after 5 yrs? I have my first appt in a few weeks, and once I start to tell family and friends I know I'm going to hear all the negatives (I do not plan on telling many early on, even among my closest family/friends) and I'd like to be able to give some positive info back. I am doing this for my health and to be active again, not for vanity (although I sure won't mind looking better) and am 52 yrs old.
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    judy1234 reacted to Cervidae in First Little Scare   
    Scary! Glad it's resolved and you're feeling better. I think most of us have or will eventually do some silly thing like this. It's a learning process.
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    judy1234 reacted to Ready2LoseIt213 in It's finally done   
    That is normal! I was in terrible pain for about three days . I could still walk and move around but my abdomen was in a lot of pain... Considering what goes on in surgery I think it's understandable. Good luck to you!
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    judy1234 reacted to Djmohr in 3 weeks post op and I'm having a hard time.   
    @@Kats Journey
    I am sorry you are having a tough start but things will get better everyday. For me I started feeling back to my old self at the 8 week mark. I remember because I went to Las Vegas for 11 days. Other than dealing with food and Water I felt fantastic!
    It took me until 7 weeks before I could get all my Water and Protein in. This is normal because of all the swelling. You just do the best that you can.
    Oh and I still get very constipated. I take a generic stool softener with laxative twice daily just to stay regular. I think this is a side effect of the diet and RNY. As long as I take my stool softeners I have no problem.
    I should also say I am on narcotic pain medicine which doesn't help but even before that I had to take stool softeners once a day.
    Hopefully things will get better soon for you.
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    judy1234 reacted to rte837 in Feel like dying!   
    My surgeon had me on liquids only the first 2 weeks. When food was allowed, it was 1/2 egg and a bite of toast. What staples did you have removed? Did they do your surgery open? And BTW, the nurse is the one who sounds like an idiot. You should be starving yourself the first 2 weeks. We have plenty to live off of. Honestly, when I read some of these comments about certain groups and nurses, I am SO grateful for my surgeon and the program he runs. Talk to the DR. Maybe the nurse is confused. Good luck.
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    judy1234 reacted to Jessee3897 in Feel like dying!   
    Protein has really been a struggle for me as well. I was sleeved on Feb. 8. I went a couple days with maybe 10-20 grams of protein and I picked up a couple pounds.
    My surgeon drilled into me the importance of protein and I got in maybe 45 grams and pow 3 lbs came off in two days.
    I'm only a little ahead of you but we must remember why we did this and just stick with the program. If we do, it will work, as evidenced by all the vets on this site.
    Blegh. Stupid stupid protein!
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    judy1234 reacted to DaisyAmy in Feel like dying!   
    Are you eating the 2 scrambled eggs with cheese and applesauce together? I'm 3 months out almost and couldn't eat that much yet.
    eggs are a good soft food, or try cottage cheese, refried Beans (blended), tuna or chicken salad blended, chili (chicken or regular) blended, etc.
    It will be difficult to get all your Protein in during the first few weeks without tolerating any Protein drinks. Have you tried Syntrax Nectars? They mix with Water and are like a koolaid type drink. Or you can buy unflavored Protein powder and mix it in with your foods.
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    judy1234 reacted to caligirltt in Bypass vs. Sleeve   
    Thank you for clarifying. My surgeon has said I can choose either surgery and I have been under for 8+ hour surgeries where they stop my heart. So I'm not real concerned about the surgery. They are more concerned with recovery and blood clots because of a blood clotting disorder but I'll be on blood thinners for a while after with either one. I am loving all the input!
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    judy1234 reacted to rte837 in Bypass vs. Sleeve   
    no! Don't know where you got that information.
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    judy1234 reacted to caligirltt in Bypass vs. Sleeve   
    @@QueenLoser Thank you for your honest input. All of my doctors say "they are not sure" mostly because of my heart condition and the future is unknown, most agree on that I do need the surgery to avoid a heart transplant. And I am leaning towards the gastric because I LOVE sweets, and also it is some what reversible if for some reason with my heart it needed to be reversed. (God Forbid) I really am looking for exactly what you gave me, why you choose one or the other and personal stories as to why one was chosen over the other. I am the "exception" to every rule and really the doctors are unsure as to which one to choose. I have kaiser and go through 8 weeks of classes, and they are having to send me outside of kaiser to even have a Dr, and hospital that is capable of doing the surgery. I will talk with him more also, once I finish the classes. Thank you for your input.
  13. Like
    judy1234 reacted to cookarue in Bypass vs. Sleeve   
    You're welcome! I'm working towards goal. I started at a size 20 (tight) and I just got a 14! My bypass was 12/29. Can't wait to be a size 8 either lol.
  14. Like
    judy1234 reacted to QueenLoser in Bypass vs. Sleeve   
    Again...I would like to say that I have nothing against the gastric bypass and I'm sure it's better for some. I will however once again say... do as much research as possible. ...the sleeve has become so popular and
    Is as successful that many are calling it the new golden standard. Also, I never said that you don't have to take Vitamins on sleeve....but you have to take more on gastric. One other factor is weight....from what I understand, bypass is highly recommended for people who are morbidly obese.
    Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  15. Like
    judy1234 reacted to Djmohr in Bypass vs. Sleeve   
    I originally planned to have sleeve surgery and ended up going the route of bypass for two reasons. I had severe reflux and learned that bypass would cure it and it did. Secondly I wanted to have 1 surgery and be done with it. Given bypass is the gold standard and has years of data behind it I decided to go for it.
    I am very thankful that I did as it cured so many comorbitities in the process. I don't have any side effects. I take Vitamins every day (4 of them) instead of taking numerous prescriptions for all my comorbitities. By the way, sleeves take the same Vitamins.< /p>
    The malabsorption factor actually helps you to lose the weight, it is not a side effect. It is very effective and my prescription strengths went down not up as a previous posted called out.
    Both surgeries are equally as invasive. The sleeve removes 90% of your stomach which means it is not reversible where the bypass is.
    hair loss can happen with both surgeries, some people have this issue and some do not regardless of the surgery you choose. I lost a lot of hair but it came back, all of it. Loose skin happens with massive weight loss regardless of how you lose your weight. This is not caused by the type of surgery you choose.
    I am now 17 months post op. Down 143+lbs, 1 lb from goal. I fit into a size 8 jeans from a size 24/26.
    I have never dumped and it only happens to a small percentage of people.
    Yes my hunger came back but it is not the same and when I do get hungry a few bites and I am full. I am a good cook and if I taste my food too much while cooking I will get full before I even get to dinner.
    Bypass is the best thing that ever happened to me. I thank god every day for the doctors and nurses and dietitians that work in this field. Without them this wouldn't be possible.
    Oh by the way, I have not been able to exercise for nearly a year now do to issues with my spine. The best I can do is small walks. I control my weight with mostly my diet. Because I have had bypass this is totally possible.
  16. Like
    judy1234 reacted to James Marusek in Bypass vs. Sleeve   
    I am 34 months post-op RNY surgery. I choose this approach over sleeve because I had severe acid reflux (GERD) prior to surgery and that is the recommended approach for that condition. Also I choose it due to the low rate of revisions. If I underwent the knife once, I do not want to repeat it again.
    After surgery, I completely lost my hunger. It was not difficult to lose weight when hunger is not constantly continuously gnawing at your bonds. The hunger returns after a year or two, but it does not have the same intensity as before surgery.
    I had several conditions prior to surgery and took many prescription drugs prior to surgery. Most of these conditions went into remission shortly after surgery and have remained there. So even though I have to take Vitamins, it is offset by the fact that I am no longer taking these prescription drugs.
    As far as exercise, one of the best exercises after surgery is walking. So if you can walk for around 30 minutes each day, you should do fine.
    As far as choosing between RNY gastric bypass and sleeve, I would place a lot of weight on what your surgeon recommends.
  17. Like
    judy1234 reacted to aelovelady in Bypass vs. Sleeve   
    I agree with cookarue! And because you only have only one shot, why wouldn't you go with the one with the most success? Not a sermon, just a thought! Btw - I reached my goal today 111 lbs in 16 months!
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    judy1234 reacted to cookarue in Bypass vs. Sleeve   
    The bypass is the golden standard for weight loss procedures. There are many people who get revised from sleeve to bypass. I take medications, and never needed a higher dose of anything.
    As far as I can tell the lack of absorption means that, no you won't absorb everything you put into your mouth, so you won't get those calories either. Which is a good thing if you're trying to lose weight and maintain for the rest of your life.
    Both surgeries you have to take Vitamins daily.
    I, too, was concerned about hunger. Before surgery I was worried that I'd be hungry still, well no - not for weeks and months. I am 2 months out and my hunger is returning, BUT a tiny meal and I'm stuffed for hours. Lol. I am able to feel very satisfied all day long on about 400-500 calories a day. However, Head hunger (cravings) won't be going away with either surgery.
    Also, the complication rate is less than 1% with the bypass. Higher than the sleeve? Sure, but still it's very unlikely.
    I've gone from 237 hw to now 189 in 2 months.
    Good luck to you on whichever surgery you decide.
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    judy1234 reacted to QueenLoser in Bypass vs. Sleeve   
    I was set in doing the bypass for a long time and then I decided to change it to the sleeve for a few reasons. The number one reason is that after some thought I decided that it was not a good idea to create a condition that would mean that my body cannot absorb all the things I put in my body. With the sleeve you can't eat as much, but at least what you eat is what you eat and all the nutrients and Vitamins you put in your body will be received and not bypassed. Since you have a medical condition already....and I'm assuming you take meds or might have to in the future....your body will have trouble absorbing all of your dosage which means that you will need higher dosages for everything. I personally don't like the idea of having to take higher dosages of any medications that I might have to take in the future. Also the bypass is way more invasive and requires rewiring your stomach. I thought I was going to be okay with that, but with much thought I decided that I really wasn't. Bypass also has more complications and it seems to me, that the side effects are worse than the sleeve. Since you're losing weight at an even faster lost than the sleeve...it means more hair loss, more loose skin, and dumping syndrome seems to be worse (although some people think of it as a pro). I would suggest watching youtube videos with people who've done both the sleeve and bypass, and do as much research as possible. I have nothing against the bypass as an option and I'm sure it's a better option for some people, but since you have a heart condition you might consider doing the procedure with fewer complications. Also ask your doctor what she thinks. Good luck!
    Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    judy1234 reacted to mngreeneyes in CPap Machine question   
    I have sleep apnea. I am going towards 4 months out and I know that it has gotten better.
    @@Ryan TN so the cotton mouth is a sign of it being too high? I have noticed that a lot lately. Its obnoxious! I already wear a full mask so I suppose I should look into checking with the sleep dr. I will be so excited to get off my machine!
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    judy1234 reacted to AimeeD in CPap Machine question   
    My thoughts exactly and my sleep Dr. said the same to me!! I'm having the hardest time sleeping because every time I readjust to my pillow.... I break the seal. I just want to sleep through the night [emoji99][emoji42][emoji99][emoji42][emoji99][emoji42]
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    judy1234 reacted to Ryan TN in CPap Machine question   
    It took me a few weeks, i would wake up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth, and not just a hey I'm thirsty dry mouth, I mean like my tongue would be stuck to the roof of my mouth dry. It was awful. I took my machine in to my sleep dr, it was already an automatic machine which adjusts pressures automatically. They Gave me a chin strap to wear. I tried that for a week, finally I gave up. Quit using it and my ribs didn't hurt so I guess I don't have sleep apnea any more. (ribs hurting from my wife punching me in the side when i snored). Haven't been back to the sleep dr yet for another sleep study, but I Seem to be doing fine, not tired ehen i get up, not snoring, etc.
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    judy1234 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in CPap Machine question   
    I couldn't sleep it was blowing so hard. Believe me, I could tell.
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    judy1234 reacted to jj7481 in Bypass vs Sleeve   
    Without knowing your other measurements (height, BMI, etc) it's hard to gauge. What comorbidities do you have? Any GERD? If you have GERD then gastric bypass is the way to go.
    I had this discussion with my surgeon and discussed why I was getting WLS as well as my previous attempts a weight loss. His recommendation was bypass (you'll also see it called RNY here). Especially if you have comorbidities. Plus, no anatomy is physically removed from your body.
  25. Like
    judy1234 reacted to beachgal2935 in "Cheating"   
    Sorry I haven't responded until now but I have been so busy that I haven't been on the site. Here's the chicken crust pizza recipe for all those who wanted it:
    PIZZA CRUST – (Chicken)

    One pound ground (raw) chicken breast ¼ cup grated Parmesan ¼ cup Reduced fat 4 cheese Italian shredded cheese – ¼ cup shredded cheese is 1 oz. by weight ½ teaspoon garlic powder ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp black or cayenne pepper (I used cayenne) Tools
    Mixing bowl (stand mixer - easiest combining method) Baking sheet, pizza pan or pizza stone (crispiest crust) Parchment paper Wax paper Rolling pin Pam or any vegetable non-stick cooking spray Instructions
    Preheat oven to 450°F. In a medium bowl combine all of the above ingredients. Place a wet paper towel on a flat surface then place your parchment paper on it. Spray it with Pam and then put your chicken mixture on top. Mixture makes 1 large or I like to make 6 – 3 oz. portions, so 6 individual crusts. Lightly spray a sheet of wax paper with non-stick cooking spray (makes for easy removal). Place wax paper, sprayed side down and evenly press using a rolling pin to get it as thin as you’d like. Remove the wax paper and place parchment paper on pan bake until golden brown, 12 to 15 minutes (depending on thickness). Put the crust between two paper towels and pat to absorb any grease. It is chicken after all. Then place it on a new sheet of parchment before topping it. Top baked crust with sauce, cheese and you favorite healthy toppings. Place back in oven on baking sheet or preheated pizza stone and cook until melted and bubbly 5 to 6 minutes. Remove from oven and enjoy! If you bake it on a pizza stone it will get crispier.
    Crust Only:
    Nutrition Facts
    Amount Per Serving:
    Servings 6.0
    Calories 114
    Total Fat 3g
    Carbohydrate 1g
    Dietary Fiber 0g
    Sugars 0g
    Protein 19g
    As Prepared :
    1 Tbsp Prego pizza sauce
    2 Tbsp Sargento reduced fat 4 cheese Italian shreds
    1 tsp sautéed Vidalia onion
    1 tsp sautéed red bell pepper
    ½ oz. cooked 90/10 lean ground beef
    Nutrition Facts
    Servings 1.0
    Calories 238
    Total Fat 10g
    Carbohydrate 5g
    Dietary Fiber 1g
    Sugars 2g
    Protein 31g

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
