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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    LoseItKacy reacted to Babbs in people not educating themselves   
    Something I'm curious about. Did any of you're NUTS or surgeons talk to you about stalls? Specifically the 3 week stall? Seems the only way we learned about it was on forums like these.
    They either don't know about it, or don't bother to mention it to many people. I really wish they would warn people to ease the panic that sets in when it ultimately happens.
  2. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from Sleeve_Sistah85 in Please share your 1-3 month losses   
    Starting weight: 257
    During my preop I lost 22 pounds.
    So I was 235 on surgery day.
    I am about 10 weeks out.
    I'm 189 now. So I've lost 46 pounds since surgery.
    I want to be 135-145. It's slowed a lot as of this week.
    My quick loss is rare. Most people aren't over halfway to goal at 10 weeks. Everyone is different. It's not really a race. Our bodies lose when they need to. Best of luck.
  3. Like
    LoseItKacy reacted to Miss Mac in What digital brand of scale do you have?   
    I have a Health O Meter digital body fat scale that I bought at Walmart. It tracks several values for up to four people. I have had this one for two years, and it has stayed right on with the scale at my doctor's office.
  4. Like
    LoseItKacy reacted to jess9395 in Anyone feel they have lost to much weight?   
    I have had a few people tell me I'm too skinny (my husband being one of them, but he's very change-averse). But at 5'6" 135lbs, 46 years old, 18% body fat, I'm in a healthy range.
    The plastic surgeon who did my work did tell me not to lose any more, but I have no intention of doing that.
    Perhaps it's just because the average American woman is now a size 12 I believe? A size 4 probably looks quite skinny.
  5. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from curvybritt in This diet seems like BS and I am pouting   
    In my program the sleeve actual has more restrictions for a longer time than bypass. You have a huge staple line that has a higher chance of leaks.
    In my program your on liquids for an extra week longer and on puréed food for an additional 2 weeks longer than the bypass patients.
    It really just depends on the program and the doctors opinion on how they feel about the surgery.
    But like others have said. This isn't a diet. It's a lifestyle change. And "if you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten"
    From personal experience. Carbs got me here to begin with. I don't want to ruin this amazing opportunity I have. No matter how bad it sucks.
    I just sat at Applebee's and watched everyone eat. I went home and cried. I'm a month out. I miss food. I miss meals. But at the end of the day. My life and well being is way more important to me than Pasta and carbs. This is the last resort that can change my life for the better. There is no other option after this. I can't afford to mess this up.
    I can't tell u how many times I have felt like this is unfair. But what's also unfair is not fitting comfortably on a plane, wearing cute clothes that don't cost a fortune cuz they are not plus size, feeling like I have no sense of self worth, being treated differently by others because of my size, no being able to go hiking with my friends, feeling like I have to miss out on so much because my body stops me.
    There's a lot of things that aren't fair but I'm slowly learning that food shouldn't be something that is "unfair" to me. I have to learn to eat to live and not live to eat.
    I completely understand where you are coming from but you have to look past the "now" feelings and think of where you will be years from now living a happier healthier life.
  6. Like
    LoseItKacy reacted to Babbs in A shocking confession... (Warning - That may be a slight overstatement).   
    If you can handle the normal fluctuations without it ruining your whole day, by all means weigh every day! I'm a big proponent of you can't measure what you can't see. Pre surgery, the times I would ignore the scale were the times I was gaining and at my highest weights. I'm not going to let that happen again! So I know when the time comes and I feel I need to avoid the scale, I need to get my butt back on track and hold myself accountable.
    But that's just me.
  7. Like
    LoseItKacy reacted to Sajijoma in Where did you all lose weight from first?   
    I had RNY on 11/9 and I've noticed that I'm losing weight from the top down! It's so weird! My face is thin now and I've lost a couple of top sizes, but my bottom half is still the same size! I feel like one of those bopping balloons or something that you hit and it wobbles but sits right back up! Did anyone else lose like this and when did the bottom half kick in?
  8. Like
    LoseItKacy reacted to Mom26 in At 2 weeks post-op, my non VSG world shattered. I am trying to pick up the pieces...   
    I had my sleeve surgery on 11/9. Went back to work on the 23rd - tired, a bit sore, but back in to the swing of things. I did pretty good with logging my meals into My Fitness Pal, was walking, etc. Perfect. On the road to recovery. Even the issue with my lung not fully inflating was resolving itself. Life was great. My husband and I sat at the dinner table the night I went back to work and reflected on just how wonderful life was for us. Six happy, healthy kids ranging from 18-28. A beautiful home. Stable careers. And a wonderful family. Who could want more??
    The very next day -- last Tuesday -- my oldest son asked me to make a trip up to Connecticut (he lives there with his girlfriend). He had not been feeling well and went for a colonoscopy to potentially diagnose colitis. That was what they expected to find. That's not what they found. Instead, they found a very large tumor in his rectum and were unable to continue the colonoscopy because it was nearly completely blocked. They set him up for a CT Scan for Wednesday and he asked that we come up there because the doctor didn't like what he found. I found out on Wednesday when we got there that he didn't want to tell me they already knew it was a cancerous tumor.
    I grabbed Protein shakes, a few waters, and we headed up to CT to be with him for his scan. What we didn't realize was the day before, the doctor already put an entire team in place to meet with us -- including a surgical oncologist, a medical oncologist, and had quite a few tests set up as emergencies. By 1pm, our world had shattered. My seemingly healthy 28 year old son was told that not only was the tumor cancerous, it was already invasive and had progressed to Stage 4 - with lesions on his liver. Five in total. And they're a decent size. His tumor is inoperable right now - as it's too large and invasive and needs to shrink. He's at a high risk for a blockage and that would be devastating. Every ounce of focus has been on him since Wednesday. Back in the hospital on Friday for a chemo port and PET scan. Back to CT yesterday for the PET scan results and his first chemo treatment. Reaching out to other cancer centers for input/validation/etc.
    Throughout this ordeal, I crumbled. I think I had 10 calories that day of diagnosis. Thanksgiving was a blur. Then Friday to Monday, I tried. I really tried. But I certainly didn't get anywhere near my Protein or liquids in. This morning, I realized I am no good to anyone if I can't get my shit together. I took out my scale and weighed what I thought would be 4oz of my Ricotta Bake (which is heavenly). I was shocked to see it was under an ounce. I've been starving myself this past week with what I thought were "full meals". No wonder I haven't lost any more weight in a week. I'm in starvation mode. So I'm logging stuff back in My Fitness Pal starting today. I've got 2 bottles of Water on my desk. I added Protein powder to my egg this morning. I have to fix myself so I can help fix my son. But how do I keep myself out of this funk? Before surgery, I would have eaten 100 ice cream sundaes in the past week (not really 100, but you get what I'm saying). There is no food therapy anymore. And that's such a strange concept.
    Funny how just a week ago, my entire focus was on me, my sleeve, healing, getting healthier. And then we get smacked in the face hard. HARD. Sure makes you realize what matters in life. <3
  9. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from curvybritt in This diet seems like BS and I am pouting   
    In my program the sleeve actual has more restrictions for a longer time than bypass. You have a huge staple line that has a higher chance of leaks.
    In my program your on liquids for an extra week longer and on puréed food for an additional 2 weeks longer than the bypass patients.
    It really just depends on the program and the doctors opinion on how they feel about the surgery.
    But like others have said. This isn't a diet. It's a lifestyle change. And "if you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten"
    From personal experience. Carbs got me here to begin with. I don't want to ruin this amazing opportunity I have. No matter how bad it sucks.
    I just sat at Applebee's and watched everyone eat. I went home and cried. I'm a month out. I miss food. I miss meals. But at the end of the day. My life and well being is way more important to me than Pasta and carbs. This is the last resort that can change my life for the better. There is no other option after this. I can't afford to mess this up.
    I can't tell u how many times I have felt like this is unfair. But what's also unfair is not fitting comfortably on a plane, wearing cute clothes that don't cost a fortune cuz they are not plus size, feeling like I have no sense of self worth, being treated differently by others because of my size, no being able to go hiking with my friends, feeling like I have to miss out on so much because my body stops me.
    There's a lot of things that aren't fair but I'm slowly learning that food shouldn't be something that is "unfair" to me. I have to learn to eat to live and not live to eat.
    I completely understand where you are coming from but you have to look past the "now" feelings and think of where you will be years from now living a happier healthier life.
  10. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from curvybritt in This diet seems like BS and I am pouting   
    In my program the sleeve actual has more restrictions for a longer time than bypass. You have a huge staple line that has a higher chance of leaks.
    In my program your on liquids for an extra week longer and on puréed food for an additional 2 weeks longer than the bypass patients.
    It really just depends on the program and the doctors opinion on how they feel about the surgery.
    But like others have said. This isn't a diet. It's a lifestyle change. And "if you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten"
    From personal experience. Carbs got me here to begin with. I don't want to ruin this amazing opportunity I have. No matter how bad it sucks.
    I just sat at Applebee's and watched everyone eat. I went home and cried. I'm a month out. I miss food. I miss meals. But at the end of the day. My life and well being is way more important to me than Pasta and carbs. This is the last resort that can change my life for the better. There is no other option after this. I can't afford to mess this up.
    I can't tell u how many times I have felt like this is unfair. But what's also unfair is not fitting comfortably on a plane, wearing cute clothes that don't cost a fortune cuz they are not plus size, feeling like I have no sense of self worth, being treated differently by others because of my size, no being able to go hiking with my friends, feeling like I have to miss out on so much because my body stops me.
    There's a lot of things that aren't fair but I'm slowly learning that food shouldn't be something that is "unfair" to me. I have to learn to eat to live and not live to eat.
    I completely understand where you are coming from but you have to look past the "now" feelings and think of where you will be years from now living a happier healthier life.
  11. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from Yaberhoo in B12 shots?   
    I have worked in the medical field and don't have a needle fear. I actually like the idea of being able to give them to myself so I don't have to drive to the doctors every time.
  12. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from 2goldengirl in To Tell or Not to Tell?   
    When I was in school I was teased so much for my weight even when I wasn't obese. A group of boys use to try to take my food tray away from me and say "they were doing me a favor". It got so bad that when I moved schools I never wanted to try to make friends. I sat in my house and literally ate myself to death. I gained almost 100 pounds in one year.
    After graduation I still didn't want to meet people. I didn't go out. I didn't do anything. And i honestly didn't care what happened to me because I was content with dying fat.
    I went to therapy for a few years. And finally found some sense of self worth but I still didn't go out. I started trying to lose weight and couldn't. I worked out for at least 2 hours a day every other day. And lost nothing. I tried a ton more diets and gave up honestly.
    One day I was on FB and my friend posted a video of someone who went through this and I ended up spending HOURS watching all of her videos.
    My mom didn't recommend this surgery to me. My doctor didn't give me the idea. And honestly I didn't even think it was an option. I thought it was for people who were trapped in their beds and weighed 800 pounds.
    But because ONE person put their story out there, it saved my life. She didn't care about bad uneducated comments or it being personal, and it changed my life.
    Now, I refuse to keep it secret because if I could pay it forward to one person like this girl did for me I can sleep better tonight. There's a lot of people out there that don't know this is even an option for them and it just takes one voice to make a difference.
    It is a personal journey. And if you feel the need to keep it a secret it's completely understandable. But for me I feel the need to give a voice to wls.
  13. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from grandmaofone in Joining the ONEDERLAND Club!   
    That's awesome!!! Congrats! I'm hoping tomorrow is my day! I'm 200 even right now! I never want to see a 2 in front again!!!
  14. Like
    LoseItKacy reacted to stelsewhere in For all who are contemplating surgery!   
    I feel the exact same way! I had my surgery 7 weeks ago and I am down ~30 lbs! 54 total with the presurgery diet weight loss included. It was the best decision I ever made! No regrets whatsoever. Never thought I could feel this good about myself, and there's still so much more to go! Picture is me 2 weeks before surgery, and me today. I should mention I have Spanx on in the first picture. No more spanx for me. Yayyyy!
  15. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from Babbs in Response to: does anyone end up in bikini...   
    It's funny you mention that. I hate my chest. I went from a DDD to a B or a C I've been so self conscious about it since I've been losing weight. I've lost 61 pounds. 39 of that as a post op in 8 weeks.... I feel like 20 of it was boob. I think the swim suit makes them look better than what they really are lol but I would rather lose my boobs than battle obesity and my mom had breast cancer so I can't complain. thank you all
  16. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from enjoythetime in Response to: does anyone end up in bikini...   
    So awhile ago I saw a post saying: does anyone end up in a bikini. (I couldn't find it for some reason)
    I responded on the topic as a preop saying "one day, I will wear one even if it's -40 outside."  I live in Minnesota so yes that's a thing.
    Well today, it was 20 degrees.
    And I put on a bikini.
    And I felt so good about it
    Is it where I want to be, no. But it's progress and I can't wait for the summer to rock this!
  17. Like
    LoseItKacy reacted to laguerr13 in Response to: does anyone end up in bikini...   
    Congratulations you are amazing, I recently posted some pics on FB for my friends, I started in January @ 388lbs and on my surgery date June 10th I was @ 342.2, today 5 months out I am @ 269lbs, I was a size 60w and the last time I bought scrubs I was at 52w, I was shocked last Wednesday when I had to go with a size 48w pant, I told my friends to excuse my pic but I wasn't going to try to hold my stomach in or hide anything, while I am proud and continue my weight loss I also never want to forget to be humble, but your pic is truly amazing and believe it or not it's people like you that make me wanna keep going, fortunately you will never see me in a bikini lol, but I want to take a pic in swim trunks when I hit 200lbs, keep going.......
  18. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from enjoythetime in Response to: does anyone end up in bikini...   
    So awhile ago I saw a post saying: does anyone end up in a bikini. (I couldn't find it for some reason)
    I responded on the topic as a preop saying "one day, I will wear one even if it's -40 outside."  I live in Minnesota so yes that's a thing.
    Well today, it was 20 degrees.
    And I put on a bikini.
    And I felt so good about it
    Is it where I want to be, no. But it's progress and I can't wait for the summer to rock this!
  19. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from enjoythetime in Response to: does anyone end up in bikini...   
    So awhile ago I saw a post saying: does anyone end up in a bikini. (I couldn't find it for some reason)
    I responded on the topic as a preop saying "one day, I will wear one even if it's -40 outside."  I live in Minnesota so yes that's a thing.
    Well today, it was 20 degrees.
    And I put on a bikini.
    And I felt so good about it
    Is it where I want to be, no. But it's progress and I can't wait for the summer to rock this!
  20. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from Babbs in Response to: does anyone end up in bikini...   
    It's funny you mention that. I hate my chest. I went from a DDD to a B or a C I've been so self conscious about it since I've been losing weight. I've lost 61 pounds. 39 of that as a post op in 8 weeks.... I feel like 20 of it was boob. I think the swim suit makes them look better than what they really are lol but I would rather lose my boobs than battle obesity and my mom had breast cancer so I can't complain. thank you all
  21. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from jhutch in For all who are contemplating surgery!   
    I didn't have a drain or staples. My incisions are so small it's hardly noticeable and I'm 8 weeks out.
  22. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from enjoythetime in Response to: does anyone end up in bikini...   
    So awhile ago I saw a post saying: does anyone end up in a bikini. (I couldn't find it for some reason)
    I responded on the topic as a preop saying "one day, I will wear one even if it's -40 outside."  I live in Minnesota so yes that's a thing.
    Well today, it was 20 degrees.
    And I put on a bikini.
    And I felt so good about it
    Is it where I want to be, no. But it's progress and I can't wait for the summer to rock this!
  23. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from sleevedinseptember in Beyond happy with my surgery!   
    HW: 257
    Surgery Weight: 235 (September 30th)
    Today: 202!!! So close to Onederland!
    I've lost 55 pounds! I've gone from a size 22/24 to a 13/14. From a 3x on top to a large! I work out 5 days a week and I've ran my fastest mile (12:59) ever! I survived an intense yoga session yesterday! Before I was too big to even attempt it! I no longer have to shop plus size! I'm off all of my acid reducers for acid reflux!
    The last picture is a dress I bought thinking as I skimmed down would still look cute and be wearable. The picture shows when I first bought it in the top left. The next two are what it looked like yesterday. And the bottom right is the exact same dress just different color, in a size large.
    I'm finally getting my life back. I couldn't be happier. I fly to Colorado to visit my boyfriend for the first time since surgery and I'm so excited to see him AND to fit on an airplane for once!   
  24. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from enjoythetime in Response to: does anyone end up in bikini...   
    So awhile ago I saw a post saying: does anyone end up in a bikini. (I couldn't find it for some reason)
    I responded on the topic as a preop saying "one day, I will wear one even if it's -40 outside."  I live in Minnesota so yes that's a thing.
    Well today, it was 20 degrees.
    And I put on a bikini.
    And I felt so good about it
    Is it where I want to be, no. But it's progress and I can't wait for the summer to rock this!
  25. Like
    LoseItKacy got a reaction from enjoythetime in Response to: does anyone end up in bikini...   
    So awhile ago I saw a post saying: does anyone end up in a bikini. (I couldn't find it for some reason)
    I responded on the topic as a preop saying "one day, I will wear one even if it's -40 outside."  I live in Minnesota so yes that's a thing.
    Well today, it was 20 degrees.
    And I put on a bikini.
    And I felt so good about it
    Is it where I want to be, no. But it's progress and I can't wait for the summer to rock this!

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