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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by NJGuy78

  1. I had my 1 month check up/blood work a few weeks ago. I've been using the Vitamin Patches from PatchMD and everything came back normal except for my Vitamin D levels...they were low.

    I talked to my PCP about the Patches and he stated that I need to make sure to stick the patches on areas where it can be absorbed quickly and easily. So, any areas where there's a lot of fat are a no no. He stated to stick them to the top of the shoulders, upper back, top of feet, ankles, etc.

    I do use the calcium chews from Bariatric Advantage.

  2. Hey Everyone! Happy New Year! I just toasted in the new year with some Powerade Zero, haha. I've been sipping and sipping and walking and walking. Gas pains are all gone, but the fact that every single time I take a sip and it sits right above my stomach before it 'flushes' into it is bothering me like crazy. No sharp pains, just dull soreness. I'm dying to take a solid sip of Water without having to sip.

  3. Hello All!

    36 year old guy here from NJ. Met with the surgeon on August 26th and he recommended the sleeve. I'm scheduled to attend the seminar tomorrow night at Hunterdon Medical Center in Flemington, NJ. I have my nutritionist appointments and psychologist appointment all scheduled.

    I've never had any type of surgery and I'm a huge baby when it comes to pain, so I'm not looking forward to the procedure, but I'm mentally prepared to start this 'journey' and right the wrongs of my eating habits.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
