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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    60&goin4it got a reaction from GBLady41 in October List of Surgery's   
    @@GBLady41 So glad to hear from you!!!! Finally you get to start your journey! It has been much easier for me than I had ever dreamed! Surgery wasn't near as bad as thought! The first couple of weeks, hard because of just sipping & trying to get your fluids down. But I'm now 13 months out, reached my goal of 150, & feel better than ever! Best decision I ever made! Wishing you the best of luck & a lot of it is attitude! Be positive & do everything the dr. tells you to do because it does work & you will have the best results following their direction!!
  2. Like
    60&goin4it got a reaction from GBLady41 in October List of Surgery's   
    @@GBLady41 Hooray! Just remember it only gets better! Stay positive! Glad your surgery went well!!!
  3. Like
    60&goin4it reacted to GBLady41 in October List of Surgery's   
    I'm on the losers' bench!!! I had gastric bypass surgery this past Monday, December 12th. I'm doing great and looking forward to my new life!!
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  4. Like
    60&goin4it got a reaction from GBLady41 in October List of Surgery's   
    Hi everyone! What a year!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I was on vacation at my 1 year from surgery & when I reached my goal! Yes I reached my goal while on vacation!!! First time I didn't gain wait while on vacation!! Hooray!!! I went for my 1 year check up a couple of weeks ago. 80lb loss! All of my blood work came back good!!!! Except kidney, I need to drink more Water ! Still struggle with it! Although my doctor said I could drink Water right up to my meal, I don't have to wait 30 minutes before I eat. I still have to & will always have to not drink during meals or 30 minutes after! It flushes the food through too fast to get the nutrients you need. I can eat anything, except not too much sugar! I still have to chew my food, especially meat really well or I get that slightly stuck feeling or feel too full too soon! Sending you all hugs for helping me get through this! Couldn't have done it with out you all!! Let us know how you are doing! Your friend Terri!

  5. Like
    60&goin4it got a reaction from GBLady41 in October List of Surgery's   
    @@GBLady41 So glad to hear from you!!!! Finally you get to start your journey! It has been much easier for me than I had ever dreamed! Surgery wasn't near as bad as thought! The first couple of weeks, hard because of just sipping & trying to get your fluids down. But I'm now 13 months out, reached my goal of 150, & feel better than ever! Best decision I ever made! Wishing you the best of luck & a lot of it is attitude! Be positive & do everything the dr. tells you to do because it does work & you will have the best results following their direction!!
  6. Like
    60&goin4it reacted to GBLady41 in October List of Surgery's   
    Hi 60&goin4it,
    I haven't posted in months, but I started posting on BariatricPal around September/October of last year. It's taken more than a year, but I'm finally having surgery on December 12th!! I'm working with BariatricPal TeamMX and Dr. Illan is doing my surgery. I'm so excited!!
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
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    60&goin4it got a reaction from anewme2015 in October List of Surgery's   
    @@anewme2015 I don't eat near 1200, probably closer to 900-1000. My loss is around a 1/2 lb a week, depending on how much walking I do if any. I don't eat much at a time like I use too. I try to quit as soon as I feel slightly full. I notice I snack more than I use to. I try to only snack healthy, but when the company is here I get into their Snacks. Not good. I bought some healthy choice fudge bars 80cal, & eat one a day, which seems to satisfy my sweet tooth. Normal, not sure yet.
  8. Like
    60&goin4it got a reaction from doggiedaddy in October List of Surgery's   
    @@chavonjb Good to hear from you! You look great in your picture!!! I just have 12 lbs to goal too! This is the hardest of them all! We will get there!!!
  9. Like
    60&goin4it got a reaction from anewme2015 in October List of Surgery's   
    @@anewme2015 I don't eat near 1200, probably closer to 900-1000. My loss is around a 1/2 lb a week, depending on how much walking I do if any. I don't eat much at a time like I use too. I try to quit as soon as I feel slightly full. I notice I snack more than I use to. I try to only snack healthy, but when the company is here I get into their Snacks. Not good. I bought some healthy choice fudge bars 80cal, & eat one a day, which seems to satisfy my sweet tooth. Normal, not sure yet.
  10. Like
    60&goin4it got a reaction from anewme2015 in October List of Surgery's   
    @@anewme2015 Good Job! You are doing great! I love that your doing the combat classes & weight lifting & love it! I think that is the key, to find something in fitness that you love!!! The adkins diet I think is one of the best ones out there for us! My husband does this & is pretty close to how I eat so it works. The hard part is when we have company to stay on our regular routine. They bring chips etc. & I think I have to serve my tried & true recipes that are full of carbs etc. We live at the lake so have lots of company during the summer. Carbs are my enemy. As I right this I have a Breakfast casserole ready to go full of carbs for our company & I know I will have a little. I hope to see more updates too! It is encouraging for me!! Keep up the good work!
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    60&goin4it reacted to chavonjb in October List of Surgery's   
    I am 12 pounds from Goal weight, I can't remember the last time. I was this size.
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    60&goin4it reacted to jjod in October List of Surgery's   
    I can relate to boobs that are flat pancakes. In fact when I lie down, I only feel ribs. But I love having ribs and hip bones too.
    My goal was to be the highest healthy BMI which is 25. For me that was 140 which is where I hope to stay. My 800 cal/day has been raised to 1200 now that I'm on maintenance. It does seem like a lot and I'm trying to stay calm and not go nuts.
    I learned how to log my food from my support group. I would strongly recommend using MyFitnessPal otherwise you won't know why you're losing or gaining.
    I don't have a prayer of maintaining without it.
  13. Like
    60&goin4it reacted to miiasan in October List of Surgery's   
    Hi all! Just an update. My weight loss has slowed down dramatically - in fact, I went a little over 4 months not losing anything. Then I dropped another 10 lbs. when my NUT had me increase my calories from 800 to 1200 per day.
    At my last visit my surgeon told me he didn't want me to go under 159 lbs. He said 'for a woman my age (lol) and height that 159 was perfect. Well, I told him I would like to get to a healthy BMI which is 155 - even though secretly I still want to get down to 150. We will see how it all turns out.
    I am between a size 12 and 14 now and am happy as a clam! I just bought another swim suit and am enjoying the choices I have in clothing. I am still losing fat and don't have too much loose skin on my arms or legs yet. I just had my annual mammogram. Let me tell you - the difference between last year and this year was pretty phenomenal. Seems like two low hanging flat pancakes hurt a lot less than what I had last year!
    As I said before, my NUT put me at 1200 per day and wants me to go to 1600 per day when I reach goal. 1200 calories is still an awful lot it seems and I can hardly imagine getting up to 1600. I still eat 5 times a day and am really enjoying the large amounts of fruits and veggies available in the summer (even if I can only eat a few bites).
    I eat around 70 grams of Protein every day but still struggle with getting enough fluids in. Most days I get in around 55 or so ounces and I really have to push to get that!
    I still am not exercising like I was able to before my surgery. I walk every day and do Water aerobics 3-4 times a week. I don't have a whole lot of energy, though so I nap on days I can. A couple of months ago I started having night sweats. On the nights I have them I wake up several times fully drenched in sweat. I immediately thought of low blood sugar - but tested and it is always okay. My doctor ran lots of blood tests and they all came out fine. She did a chest x-ray and it was clear. I don't think it could be menopause since I went through that over 8 years ago when I had a hysterectomy. My doctor is theorizing that my body could be releasing hormones that were locked up in the fat. Hmmm - sounds plausible - anyone ever heard of this? Anyway, I follow up with her in a couple of months.
    Anyway, am enjoying reading how other folks are doing and hope that more folks will check in. We have all been on quite a journey; our challenge in the next part of our lives will be maintaining what we fought so hard to obtain. My best wishes and blessings to all of you.
  14. Like
    60&goin4it reacted to SleeveandRNYchica in October List of Surgery's   
    Hi everyone! Glad to see you all are progressing well. I am still losing very slow. April I tracked 3.4lbs loss, same for June. I have 32lbs to get to my personal goal. I thought I would be further along, but honestly it doesn't disappoint me any more. I no longer have back and knee pain. My clothes are too big and I can walk with my kids and go to the pool without so much shame. I am getting there and will get to my personal goal. Drs goal has me losing and additional 20lbs but I don't even worry about that! I make good choices 85 percent of the time.
  15. Like
    60&goin4it got a reaction from anewme2015 in October List of Surgery's   
    Update : I'm at 165 now at 8 months, well I guess now its closer to nine July 8th. 15 lb. more to go to reach my 150 goal which is where I want to be! I'm not exercising like I should. I did purchase & wearing 10 lb. ankle weights I purchased from Walmart online (5 lb. each leg) that I put on most days to walk around the house or do some leg lifts. Need to walk to get the last 15 off. I eat just about everything, I do stay away from sugar. I still only eat around a cup to cup &1/2 of food at a time. Still very glad I did it. Scares are almost gone. My arms look horrible & inner thighs. Feel great with more energy than ever!! Hope everyone is doing well!! Have a wonderful 4th of July!!!! Terri
  16. Like
    60&goin4it reacted to jjod in October List of Surgery's   
    I've hit my goal of 100 lbs and being under 25 BMI. Woohoo! Thank goodness for gastric sleeve, MyFitnessPal and low carb eating.
    It was fun changing the settings to maintenance mode.
    Before: calories 800, carbs 40, fat 30, Protein 80.
    Now: calories 1200, carbs 80, fat 60, protein 90.
    So much easier. The extra carbs are supposed to come from veggies.
    I'll never feel like "I've got this". I'm addicted to simple carbs and will have to avoid or my hunger will return. Also I have to continue logging my food so that I don't mindlessly eat.
    How are or will you all handle your maintenance???
  17. Like
    60&goin4it reacted to anewme2015 in October List of Surgery's   
    So great to hear from you! I hope the rest of the group chimes in too.
    My update is mixed. My highest weight was 278 and I was 257 pre-OP Optifast and 236 I think at surgery. I'm now 146 and still losing but SLOWLY. My eating hasn't been great lately and I'm starting Atkins tomorrow. Carbs send me into a spiral of poor eating choices and cravings. My appetite returned and it's thrown me for a loop. I feel hungry and I can eat! Scary! Lol
    I exercise 3-4x a week and have really started to enjoy combat classes and weight lifting.
    I have this vision of myself strong and centred and fit. That's more important than a number on a scale although it bothers me that at my height I'm still 'overweight'.
    Anyway keep posting! And I hope others will too!
  18. Like
    60&goin4it got a reaction from anewme2015 in October List of Surgery's   
    Update : I'm at 165 now at 8 months, well I guess now its closer to nine July 8th. 15 lb. more to go to reach my 150 goal which is where I want to be! I'm not exercising like I should. I did purchase & wearing 10 lb. ankle weights I purchased from Walmart online (5 lb. each leg) that I put on most days to walk around the house or do some leg lifts. Need to walk to get the last 15 off. I eat just about everything, I do stay away from sugar. I still only eat around a cup to cup &1/2 of food at a time. Still very glad I did it. Scares are almost gone. My arms look horrible & inner thighs. Feel great with more energy than ever!! Hope everyone is doing well!! Have a wonderful 4th of July!!!! Terri
  19. Like
    60&goin4it got a reaction from SleeveandRNYchica in October List of Surgery's   
    @@SleeveandRNYchica @@dede0314 @@Cape Crooner You guys are doing amazing!!!! My loss is still 60 lbs, 20 more to go. I think the closer we get to our goal the slower it gets. I need to walk!
  20. Like
    60&goin4it reacted to anewme2015 in October List of Surgery's   
    One day down and low carbs. Amazingly I already feel a bit better. I agree with the posters who say it's better to be simple
    Carb-free. Here's to tomorrow being another good day. It's a one day at a time thing for sure. I just want to break into the 140s!
  21. Like
    60&goin4it reacted to doggiedaddy in October List of Surgery's   
    Yes... I am this way lately, too... and from what I have been reading, it is very common AND I've read we snap out of it, so don't worry
  22. Like
    60&goin4it reacted to doggiedaddy in October List of Surgery's   
    I agree... I've had some of that, as well. I have to admit that I am still more than happy to not be at my old lowest weights... not sure it is just me used to being bigger so I am happy with anything less now or if it is because I am healthy and active than I have been in years so not worried about being "thin"... I'm gonna go with the second reason
  23. Like
    60&goin4it reacted to doggiedaddy in October List of Surgery's   
    Did you guys have a different surgery from each other? Or both RNY?
  24. Like
    60&goin4it got a reaction from doggiedaddy in October List of Surgery's   
    I have people telling me all the time now when I tell them I have 20 more lbs to go, oh no you will look too thin! I don't think at 5'5" 150 (in 20 less lbs. 170 now) I will be too thin. Maybe they are trying to compliment me & saying I look great now but it does make you wonder. I'm not trying to be 125 like was in high school, or 135 at 40. I'm 60 now & don't mind keeping a little weight on. So 150-155 I think I will be fine.
  25. Like
    60&goin4it reacted to doggiedaddy in October List of Surgery's   
    You look great!

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