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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by RAINWI

  1. Yvette that pie looks good. Could you just make it for me? Id love to eat it haha!!
  2. No fill for me. Im just right, I get stuck on some bread but most things go down .I havent had to pb since I got pregnant. I enjoy being able to eat most things and not feel too guilty. Of course I gained @ 15 lbs in the last few months but whatever!!! I only have 11 weeks left to go and them I can try to get back on track. 77 days until my due date!!!!!!!
  3. Dee, I didnt see you. I also couldnt wait for Dr Hoffman I was waiting to long and really didnt need to see him so I left. How long were you there for?
  4. anyone have an appointment tomorrow? I do at 8:45
  5. So I just called buff gen to reschedule my appt for May 4th and the lady that answered was a complete and utter B****. I had a work conflict so I thought 8 days was plenty to reschedule. She was like so what you leaving town? and I said no I have to work and she was like real nasty... Well how do you know you wont have to work on the next appt I give you.... She was just a jerk. I wanted to hang up so bad and tell her to F off!!! Ughh that staff up there is so ignorant!
  6. Hey Val, want to add me to your Facebbok page. Im listed as Rain Williams. Im sure there arent too many of me!
  7. I guess Im here, but Im just not in the lap band mentality. Too busy gaining weight. 14 more weeks until my due date than I can count on you ladies to get me back on track right?????
  8. Hey Vicki whats going on with you?/ New fixed band= weight gain huh??
  9. I feel like Im gaining weight like its going out of style. Im 16 weeks and have gained a lb for every week Ive been pregnant. I still fit into me prepragnancy size clothes but the pants are getting snug. I so did not want to gain a ton of weight with this pregnancy but I cant stop eating. I had 2cc taken out of my band and now I have absolutely no restriction and Im hungry all of the time. Anyone else in the same boat? Everyone I talk to is losing weight or staying the same blahhh!!
  10. So you know how I got 1cc back in, well I didnt think it would make a difference. I went out to eat last night with my dad and got a sandwich. Yikes not a good idea. Totally had to go to the bathroom two times and bring it back up. So I guess the food party Ive been having for the past 3 months is over!!!
  11. It was kinda funny. I gained like 20 lbs since December but the Dr didnt know I was pregnant. So he was like hmm its not the holidays so what happend. And I was like I was impregnated and its a boy! So he was relieved to know that I wasnt gaining weight like crazy for no reason. I also got 1cc put back in so that might slow me down a little (I hope) How did your appt go?
  12. Anyone have an appointment tomorrow with Hoffman? I will be there at 11:15.
  13. Glad your feeling better Vicki. Im sure hope you have to pee a lot and you will lose those lbs!
  14. Vicki, Im so glad I checked in. I m so sorry about your band. I pray that everything goes ok with you. At least you know you are in good hands with Dr Hoffman. I do feel as though they should have investigated this earlier since you are constantly having problems. Good luck girl and keep us posted
  15. RAINWI

    Anyone gaining A LOT?

    Thanks ladies for your replies. It just gets discouraging seeing the weight creep back up. Im now really focusing again and tracking on Fitday.com so I can see where Im going crazy. Of course I upped my calories for the baby. I just want to hold steady for the next few weeks so Im not huge by the time delivery gets here. I must add that with my daughter 5.5 years ago I had lost over 100 lbs with Weight Watchers and gained it all back during my pregnancy and do NOT want to repeat this. I thought oh I can eat whatever I want its so easy to lose. Not. I never lost it and then got the band 5 years later. But as most of us know food is an addiction and it overides the brain that knows Dont eat that or youll regret it later.
  16. Yes Vicki Im always reading but havent much to post about!
  17. Way to make a girl feel guilty for not posting. Im just out of the weight loss mode. I wish I was at least maintaining but the weight is getting the best of me. Its so depressing to step on the scale every morning:tongue_smilie:. But Im still hear reading all about your trials and tribulations!
  18. My guess is that I will get high blood pressure again while pregnant and be put on Meds again.
  19. I also had the same problem with my first pregnancy but I gained a lot of weight and with every lb gained my blood pressure went up. At around 6 months I was put on meds and I have been on high blood pressure meds since she was born 5.5 years ago. After I lost weight with the lap band my dose was decreased by 1/2. Once I got pregnant my OBGYN took me off of them completely b/c they werent safe drugs. So far my blood pressure has been ok but I think it will go up again with pregnancy weight gain. I have a drs appt today so I will know if it is high or ok.
  20. Im here and gaing steadily:sad:. I can totally eat anything now and NOTHING gets stuck!! Im hungry all day long and eating a lot. Oh well Im still doing better than I did with my last pregnancy. Last time I would gain@ 2-3 a WEEK for a total of 94 lbs. Not going to let that happen again. Rain
  21. Vicki, Im due sometime at the end end July. Yes they dont unfill it totally they go by how you feel. Like I said she took out two leaving me with 4cc and I can eat A LOT. Its kinda fun to eat a whole bagel and not get stuck and barf. I knew the bathroom at every restaurant because I had to use them during every meal out. I guess thats not so good but I didnt really realize that I was getting stuck with everything I thought it was just how it had to be. Im just trying to go slow with the weight gain this time around.
  22. Vicki, all went well. I gained 10 lbs but thats was to be expected. I think I have it under control now. Barb took out 2 cc's and its so wierd that I can eat a 1/2 a bagel now and not get stuck and have to barf. Its cool and scary all at the same time. I guess I got stuck A LOT and just was so used to it. I had 6cc in my band before she took out the 2 so I was pretty restricted. I will be interested to hear what your upper GI has to say. Let us know.
  23. my appt is at 9 am so hopefully I will be in and out!

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