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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Debs528

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    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 05/28/1984

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  1. Anymore updates? Ive been going through similar pain for months, I suffer from kidney stones and every time I’m in this pain and get sent to hospital they scan me for it and send me home when they don’t find one under the same predictions- that I’m an opioid seeker which I’m not. I’m in constant pain on my lower left side. It’s a throbbing most days and others it’s a stabbing pain. I’m even sensitive to the touch if someone were to push on it. It’s been horrible. My surgeon sent me to get a colonoscopy which came back clean w the exception I have diverticulosis but it’s not bad at all he said. Shouldn’t be causing the pain. He did mention getting my stomach looked at for scar tissue build up?? That it could be what’s causing my pain. At this point I’m just back to the drawing board. But it’s horrible knowing your in pain and everyone doubt you. Btw I’m 3 years out post surgery.
  2. Debs528

    Internal Pulling

    I had my sleeve on 9/2. I go back to work tomorrow and I'm so worried it's too early because of this pulling pain. I can't completely stand straight and it's a pulling burning feeling also up and to the left slightly of my belly button. originally I thought it WAS my belly button and that maybe the incision was infected but all my incisions look great ( I have 8 total due to having my gallbladder removed AND a hiatal hernia fixed at the same time). To be honest, the pain started to increase on my second week and sometimes it's so bad I wanna cry. I'm a florist and this is going to really stunt my level of work even more so than I already anticipated
  3. Debs528

    4 weeks out, pain in lower abdomen

    I've been actually sitting here for about 15 minutes searching the forums for anyone with the same issues. I'm two weeks out and I get the same pain. some days are better and then some days are worse. I kept thinking maybe it was an infection but I never realized there's a stitch in my muscle.. so that def explains it. I had the sleeve/ gallbladder/ hiatal hernia repair allllll at once so at this point I don't know what's causing what. my poor body is in shock! lol
  4. Debs528


    I feel your pain!!! What I though was going to be me moving to a puréed diet ended up being me moving to a stage 2 liquid diet! for TWO MORE WEEKS! only thing added I can have is creamy soups, farina and pudding ... JOY! I think right now my biggest struggle is the no chewing! and the creamsoups are causing havoc on my stomach ! I'm sure soon this will all be a far distant memory though ! ( I keep telling myself that!)
  5. Debs528

    Tiny tummy, the dictator

    lmao! I'm 10 days post op.. fustrated as all hell with my evil tiny tummy and this made me crack up! exactly what I needed!
  6. Debs528

    My doctor said NO to surgery!

    while I have never been on victoza... My mother who is diabetic, was placed on this in the past to help maintain her sugar levels AND with the hopes she'd have some weight loss and it DID work ... but she didn't have 100 lbs or more too lose. more like 30-50 lbs MAX for her. she had to come off it due to insurance reasons for a couple years and the weight came back. Within the past month she went back on, and as usual her sugar is wonderful and hunger cravings are gone and she's lost 9 lbs already. Do I think it works? yes.. but I'm not so sure it's something that's going to stay off permanently... I would recommend what everyone else is suggesting and if anything, see another PC for a second opinion. In the end, this is your decision.. and whichever is the best choice for you! Good luck!
  7. I go for my week post op follow up tomorrow morning where my doctor will give me the go ahead most likely for puréed foods... any creative ideAs? any that work better than another?
  8. Debs528

    Sharp squeezing pain!

    That sounds exactly like a gallbladder attack! I would get checked out immediately.. if you let it go.. the gallbladder may get backed up and you can become jaundice and very sick. My mother didn't realize for years that's what she was having and almost died from this... I'm now 6 days post op and I chose to get my gallbladder removed at the same time because I had a growth.. turns out the scan missed that I also had stones .. trust me, there's no need for panic but definitely talk to your doctor and get it checked out.
  9. my doctor said one cup of coffee with caffeine a day is okay( as long as ur keeping up with water intake) ...but to make sure it's black or with alittle skim milk if anything. when I used to suffer from kidney stones and dehydration my urinologist used to say for every drink that's a diuretic, up your water by 8oz to cancel it out. hope that helps!
  10. I'm 6 days post op and I know exactly what your talking about .. you're not feeling satisfied! I'm all liquids right now until this Wednesday with my follow up where I can move to puréed foods... but it's frustrating.I still get pain or burning when i swallow but it's more manageable now.. and my fluid intake has been good.. I could drink alittle more water but I'm concentrating more on my protien at the moment. but after everything I ingest I don't have a satiated feeling. I'm pretty sure this is something we'll have to learn to manage. I feel like it might be a mental satisfaction more than a physical. But I guess we'll find out more as time goes! Good luck !
  11. Debs528

    September Sleevers

    I just had mine September 2nd!
  12. Hiii everybody! I had the sleeve done on 9/2 .. along with my gallbladder removed and a small hiatal hernia fixed. Things have been okay so far.. I'm on a clear liquid diet for the first 7 days after (with the exception of protien shakes ) which as of today is starting to weigh on me. My biggest problem right now is swallowing. I get immediate pressure/ pain soon as I do... Idk if this is due to my actual sleeve or my other problems that were taken care of. Any advice would be great! Also, I live on Long Island, NY ... I went through Mather hospital, my surgeon was Dr Armad

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