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Everything posted by doggiedaddy

  1. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @@edie091371 - So happy to hear you are back on track! I know what you mean about nesting… I had my own little area in my bedroom and I rested there often, but today I tried to do too much and just about collapsed in my nest mid-evening. I have to remind myself we've had major surgery and it will not all click overnight. Other than the birth of my 3 boys, this is just the first major medical experience I've had and I'm learning what I can and can't do in the beginning.
  2. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    Very best of luck and well wishes for your surgeries today @Cherry Muffley & @julbel721 & @sleevemylife & @pimmar & @Dub & @lili2333 & @chavonjb! We will be thinking of you and know you will be awesome!
  3. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    Lol, no Halloween surgeries, yet!?! Having your insides re-arranged, it is the perfect day for surgery
  4. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    Yes, @@60&goin4it, we are blessed… Ron's complications break my heart, he was so excited and supportive… this is the last thing he would want. Please let us know of any news… I am trying to get in here often, but I get behind and can not catch up! Edie091371, too… Do we know if she is home from the hospital? Regarding my stomach, it is so bloated - and my face has thinned out just enough - that people have started to look at my stomach during our conversations, lol… I want to scream, "No, I am not pregnant! Don't you dare ask!", lol. I am ready to not ever hear that question again! Any idea when the bloating/extra fluids evacuate our bodies? I have not seen an average time… 1 week out? 2 weeks? A month!?!
  5. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    I have not had a BM yet either and bugs me, too. Yet I have had gas, so I know everything is connected correctly, lol, I guess. I am so ready for pureed foods, so bored with the liquids.
  6. doggiedaddy

    6 days out feel weak and drained

    I had RNY on 10/8, so I am only 4 days out… I am drained easily and feel most limited by the mild pain I'm feeling… it is not bad at all, considering, it is just hard to bend over and it starts to wear on me quickly. I have not gone back to work yet and I've been lucky that I do not have too many physical demands right now. I think I would notice it more if that were the case… as it is I usually nap once during the day and do the bare minimum the rest of the day. Each day is better, though, so I think we will see the light, soon!
  7. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    So sorry, @edie09371… are you home now? I've gotten lost in the posts, so I am sorry if I missed that part…
  8. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    @@60&goin4it - So happy to hear you are doing so well! Wow, no pain, either… you've got me there I've got very mild pain, but usually only upon first getting up after I've rested too long… hurts to bend over, too. Other than that, I am doing great and, like you, bored with the same ol', same ol' routine. I have my check up on Wednesday and I will be moving to purees at that time, so I am looking forward to that, lol! What about you… same time frame for purees? Oh, and yes feeling super bloated. I could not help it and I weighed this morning and my weight is more than it was on my surgery date. I was expecting this though, have heard much the same, so I was not disappointed… I know it will start to come off soon enough!
  9. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    Oh no! Prayers and hugs to @395Ron... Thank you for sharing @@60&goin4it, I look forward to hearing of his recovery and he will be in my thoughts until then...
  10. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @@edie091371 - I chose to stay another day too. my pain is more generalized, plus they are tapering me off the better pain meds. going home tomorrow and hoping I am ready Good luck to you, hope the shoulder pain subsides soon.
  11. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    My doctor said I could go home today, but I elected to stay another night. My self pay arrangement allows for up to three nights with no refunds if I stay less... So, I'm taking advantage! Feeling great, just bloated. They have taken me of nausea meds and demerol... Now on tramadol and Tylenol 3. I just had sugar free vanilla (p) doing and internal freaking good, lol, not like the store stuff, almost custard-like. It is the little things
  12. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @dancingqueene@dancingqueene@dancingqueene @dancingqueene- wow, congrats! That is awesome!
  13. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    It is 5:30am and I'm awake and restless, but doing well! About to try and walk again. I made myself change into my own gown and I am so glad I did... makes me feel less vulnerable, some how. I'm hoping day 2 is complication-free and I continue to feel this positive and excited! wish me luck! Also hope my fellow surgery date friends are doing wonderfu!
  14. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @@60&goin4it - how r you doing?
  15. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @365Ron - you doing ok?
  16. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @@edie091371, how are you doing?
  17. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @@dede0314 - so awesome, good luck! The two weeks goes by fast, but know it is hard to believe. I will say that day 2-3 were hard for me... I had the carb flu, big time yet when that time passes, an amazing clarity took place.... I was often not hungry, was satisfied earlier, and had a newfound energy I'm 10 hours out from my surgery and still in hospital. I'm doing great and excited about the road ahead!
  18. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @sooonergirl619 - so awesome to here! I am still in the hospital, too... Doing good here, as well I'm about 17 hours out and I have also decided to stay another night. How much/often are you walking.? My nurses here do not encourage me to walk, so I need to request it or just do myself. Also, I'm always nauseous after walking... When does that go away?
  19. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Good luck to you all tomorrow! I have to be at the hospital at 6am and I am usually not asleep at night until past midnight, lol… Good thing I don't have to do anything during surgery
  20. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    @60&goin4it… I probably need that myself, as unpleasant as it sounds… good luck!
  21. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    @60&goin4it… Lol, great minds Thank you for thinking of me… It is football season for our three boys (6,10,13) and between practices, games, work, AND this darn liquid diet, I've been too exhausted to participate much. I'm off work today and trying to fit it all in… I'm badly in need of a pedicure, lol… thought only clear on my fingers, right! Thank you for the glasses reminder. I just thought of that this morning; putting on my contacts is a daily habit for me. What is the magnesium citrate for…?… my doctor does not list that as a pre op requirement for me. I imagine it is to "clear the system", lol? I'm glad to hear you are doing well and moving along with preparations… We will all touch base as soon as we are able, post surgery, and share our status… so excited! Not nervous yet, my mind is just spinning with "to do's"…
  22. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @@edie091371 @@60&goin4it Tomorrow is our big day! How are you guys feeling today? I 'm in prep mode My middle son has a football game tonight, not sure how well I will be able to watch he game, lol
  23. My husband has been completely supportive of my decision to have RNY. He has been so supportive that he has been online researching RNY so he can be prepared for the changes that both me and my family will experience… Unfortunately, he has become very worried about the post surgery complications that can occur and I do not know how to calm his fears… I myself am pretty nervous. We are mostly understanding of the usual arguments for and against WLS… he gets that WLS will greatly improve many of my current and future ailments attributed to being obese. The root of his worries lie with the "not uncommon(?)" complications such as ulcers, perforations, leaks, clots, staple-line failure… oh my, just listing all this stuff is stressing me out! Are the horror stories one can find online something that should not be dismissed lightly or are all of these serious complications truly worrisome… By having RNY surgery (10/8), am I just trading off current health problems for a few other, possibly more serious, health problems? Thank you for your response… the support and time freely dispersed on this website by so many of you is truly amazing and much appreciated.
  24. doggiedaddy

    Gastric bypass and acid reflux

    I was set on the sleeve then my endoscopy showed mild inflammation, as well. I did not want gastric bypass, so I was pretty bummed when my doctor told me he recommended RNY over the sleeve. He did, however, tell me that he would do the sleeve if that is what I decided. I decided on gastric bypass because I was worried I'd regret going against what he recommended. I researched it a lot, as well.
  25. Thank you all… one minute I'm so exited and positive and the next I feel like a crazy fool who started down this path on a crazy whim… I'm finishing my second day of all liquid diet and my mind and body feel very off right now… hope this edge is gone soon!

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