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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by doggiedaddy

  1. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @@60&goin4it - Good luck at your doctor's appt/weigh in tomorrow! I know you will do great!
  2. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Wow, we really are, @@edie091371! Feels SOOOOOO good, doesn't it! Though, I just stuffed myself, so feeling bigger than ever, lol, you know the feeling... I did not plan to, but waited to long to eat and found a puree that was so good, I was stuffed before I knew it... Ugh, hate this feeling! I'm still learning, lol
  3. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    interesting… i drink smart water (Costco bulk!), but will give Fiji a shot
  4. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    That totally happens, to all of us @kvoneye… i was 248 on SD and 252 on the day of my one week followup appt. It dropped fast though and will for you, too! I am two weeks post SD on Thursday and my weight is down to 239 It i normal, i promise
  5. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    I go from puree to soft on Thursday… Yay for us!
  6. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @@Miracle - Our puppy sleeps with us, but I still wanted to play it safe… My husband slept out in the living room on the couch with our dog and in the bed with he freshly laundered sheets
  7. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Did your doctor give you a puree stage or do you go straight from liquids to soft foods? I'm in a week of puree (the pintos (mashed) and cheese count as puree) then start soft foods in Thursday. All the docs are so different!
  8. doggiedaddy

    1/2cup of food

    I am 8 days out and had 2 pureed scrambled eggs, no problem. But trying to remind myself that the nerves involved in my gastric bypass and not sending me the right signals for awhile. I was surprised that I could eat two eggs as well, but my keep it to one until I have more healing time under my belt (no pun intended!
  9. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @@edie091371 Sounds like a plan! We got a Gringos out here in Cypress a couple of years ago and it is till one of my favs
  10. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    You get it at Taco Bell! It is really just refried beans with some cheese on top. It is served in a small container, so the size is not overwhelming, either. I know I can make the same at home, but somehow it is better when someone else makes it and it feels like a special treat
  11. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    mine probably days that too, lol, I'm just a big milk drinker (now LOVING Fairlife white milk) and started having some a couple days ago... So happy I can still tolerate it!
  12. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    I'm so glad your first full feeling was positive. I had my first full feeling last Sunday but it quickly shifted to over full and I felt sick to my stomache for over an hour. Now when I get close to full I stop and wait to see if my body needs to catch up and tell me I'm full. At this point satisfied is a way better feeling than overfilled lol. Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk I've had this happen too, @sylviaflowers… I'm still learning
  13. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @@kvoneye, Yay! Enjoy!
  14. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    I've been eating cream of wheat in the morning mixed with almond milk... @edie91372, are you able to eat purees, yet?
  15. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Same here... I've been doing great and then quickly became bloated and uncomfortable... could not even pass gas. I took some miralax, but needed something immediate... Resorted to glycerin suppositories (I know, yuck and tmi, so sorry!) and it helped almost immediately... I was miserable last night but much better today!
  16. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    I have the same fear, lol! My surgeon laughed when I joked about it, said he attached it better than that. But still! Having this surgery sometimes makes me feel like I'm pregnant again... My abdomen has been transformed into this life-changing new entity with all the worries that come with it, lol. With every gas pain I have to remind myself that it is not a baby's foot or hiccup
  17. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    That is awesome, @@edie091371!
  18. doggiedaddy

    Got milk?

    Fairlife is so good… I was a big skim milk drinker and worried about not being able to tolerate milk after the surgery. I've had the Fairlife chocolate before, but I bought some white and about died. So creamy and yummy! Better for you, too!
  19. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    I have trouble with cold now too
  20. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    @@sleevemylife - Yay! Congratulations!
  21. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    @@60&goin4it - Yes! Also, I found @@edie091371 and I think I found you, but let me know if my request did not come through!
  22. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    You've got this!
  23. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    @@kvoneye - Lol, I worried the same… Let's just say I was a big wine drinker before starting my 2 week pre op liquids… I kept thinking, "my poor liver may need more than just two weeks to dry out!", but post surgery my doctor told my husband that the surgery went perfectly and he had no problems whatsoever… even said, and I quote, "she has good insides", lol… Don't worry, you will be fine and best of luck for the surgery!
  24. @ - I'm doing great, thanks so much for asking! I get tired quickly, still have some pain, and I'm bored to death with full liquids, but other than that I am doing good, lol I see my doctor tomorrow and I think he will put me on purees, so I'm looking forward to that! Do you have a surgery date?

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