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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by doggiedaddy

  1. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Hi @@edie091371, so happy to hear you and your hubby are doing so well! I am doing great over here and just moving right along… I had my 2 month appt yesterday and I've lost a little over 50lbs from my HW, so my doctor was very pleased. I am trying to fine tune my eating habits and focus more on exercising and not drinking during meals (very hard for me, lol!). Love hearing about your new venture and wish you the best with the nail salon! Sounds like it will be a great success, Congrats!
  2. doggiedaddy

    Torani vs extracts

    I've bought them at the grocery store, Sam's Club, amazon, and the Torani website. Sam's club has the best price of $5.62 for a liter, but they only have a few sugar-free options. Torani website is great when you want selection (they have so many SF options!) and the price is not bad at $7.99 for a 750ml.
  3. doggiedaddy

    Torani vs extracts

    The salted caramel added to a Protein shake was a life saver during my liquids pre op stage! So good!
  4. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    that seemed like a lot when you posted the amts, but I'm just basing that off what I've read from peeps that r many years post surgery... But, I'm not sure! I would not force it...?... If u hunger for that much, then great, but if not, I'd probably not try to meet those goal amts... Just my thoughts, lol, for what they r worth!
  5. Thought this was interesting… https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2015/11/20/the-diet-study-that-upends-everything-we-thought-we-knew-about-healthy-food/?tid=sm_fb
  6. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    Same for me and I have not been able to narrow down the cause… sometimes I think it is because I ate too much, but sometimes it happens after a string cheese stick… not my vitamins, either, because some times it happens when I eat and do not take my vitamins for that meal… Also, not too much sugars. Hope it goes away soon!
  7. doggiedaddy

    Gallbladder pills post op

    I just take mine whole… it is a pink and white capsule and I swallow it like I do my other vitamins… no problems…
  8. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    So great to hear, @@395Ron!
  9. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Wow @@395Ron - That. Is. Fabulous!
  10. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Yay! So awesome! Ron is right, you two on this journey together is such a wonderful thing
  11. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    @@395Ron so glad you are home again! Things only go up from here, Ron, I just know it!
  12. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    Don't you just love discovering things in your closet that fit so much better now! I do!
  13. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    @@anewme2015 - well said! I like that phrase, too… "There is no perfect journey"
  14. Thank you so much for this! She said because they don't absorb the same way as the crunchy ones, BUT your levels are good so that must not always be the case! From what everyone is saying ..and knowing myself..I need some of the bariatric advantage chews. I'm much more likely to take them all day if I'm not having a hard time getting them down. Thank you so much!That's what I was worried about with chews, that the absorption wouldn't be that great, I started with the bariatric advantage tablet chewable a and multivitamins but I only made it two weeks with them, I couldn't hardly get them down and it made me not want to take them. Today I went to costco and got the Vitafusion women's multivitamin gummy 220 gummies for 8.99 and the Vitafusion Calcium 2 bottles of 100 gummies for 10.99. Costco does have a version of the bariatric calcium chews, they are Kirkland brand and are chocolate or caramel sugar free chews, 180 for 11.99. Hope this helps! Also after I can get to the 8 week post op and I can take caps and tabs I'll switch to those. I bought the Costco calcium chews, too, but was told I should not take them because they are calcium carbonate, not calcium citrate…?…
  15. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    I've had trouble catching up with posts, @CHELLB32, but I'm so sorry to hear you've had a set back... For what reason did they need to do the picc line? Sorry if I missed the explanation... I get this thread confused with the other Oct surgery thread, lol, so sometimes miss some things...
  16. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    So many have so much success with the sleeve... I really wanted the sleeve, but RNY was my only option due to a history of reflux so much of what I've read on both surgery experiences mimic with other to a huge degree... Sleevers have many of the same (desirable) restrictions as GBer's do it seems...
  17. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    @@kvoneye, please don't think that way! I totally get it because I am queen of saying, "ah, screw it", lol, and I have been discouraged, too, lately, but if I have learned one thing it is that way of thinking is a recipe for failure… we are still learning and I have faith that this monumental physical change we've experienced will be equally matched with a monumental shift mentally, as well… Even truly believing this, I still fight against the feeling that "I should be further along" or wondering why I crave things and others don't, so what am I doing wrong, etc. I'm learning, like @@60&goin4it has already said, that comparing ourselves can be a really negative thing and we are bound to be disappointed with our results if we continue to think that what we are experiencing is abnormal… I've, like you guys, have read a lot of posts about WLS and what you describe is so very common… it is just easier for us to see this than it is for you to self realize… we are just too hard on ourselves. I'm October 8 surgery and weight flew off me at first and then (again) it has completely stopped. I keep over analyzing every little choice I made, wondering if I am doing something wrong. Truth is, it is a pretty common knowledge that we WILL lose weight if we've had RNY, no matter what we do in the very beginning… it is what we do after that "honeymoon" period that matters. SO, we are really just practicing and learning right now, preparing ourselves for when the food and exercise decisions really matter. That being said, I'll admit that is my new, latest and greatest obsession, lol… THAT I AM LEARNING ALL THE WRONG STUFF! I was freaking out a little yesterday thinking I would resort back to my old ways just because I did not put veggies on my chicken crust pizza and had a sugar-free Werther the other day. A WLS veteran wrote somewhere that we newbies are still just learning, obsessed with our food choices, and that this will be easier for us down the line. Just 6 short weeks ago, practically, we were eating whatever we wanted (or at least I was!) and this surgery, while huge, is not a magic button that we push and forever rid ourselves of any bad eating habits. Reading this, stuff I already knew, mind you, made me feel so much better. I am not "screwing up, already"… I am just learning and I will succeed! We all will Sorry for the rambling post… I am trying to squeeze in a lot of thoughts and the thoughts seem to change by the minute, lol, so my post is really just a reflection of my mind right now… all over the place
  18. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Wow, Ron… I finally get back here, anxious to welcome you back, only to hear that you are back at the hospital once again for a possible blood clot. This is just so heartbreaking, We thought you might be finally be back on track and moving forward…. so hate that a new complication has arisen, it is just not fair. You just cannot catch a break, my friend. I truly hope this is the last of the complications and you can be on your way, continuing the journey of which you were so excited to begin. Please keep us posted and know that we are all here for you.
  19. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    I agree, let's keep our group going!
  20. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    So glad, Ron! Cannot wait to hear all about your experiences…
  21. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    i lost about 20 in my pre opt stage and about 25 since the surgery… not much this week though :} I was 265 before wls and had Gastric Bypass surgery on 10/8
  22. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    lol, that does not sound half bad! I love how creative we can get when we are craving something!
  23. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Wonderful news!!! Thanks so much for sharing!
  24. Good to know! I am 1 month out and had gastric bypass. I am a lover of good red wines (and the occasional great chardonnay!) and missing out on these passions has been one of my biggest worries and one of the things I've mourned the most... For me, drinking wine is not about getting drunk on it... it is the ritual of it all. Uncorking a good bottle, pouring into a good glass, and sipping my way through the evening was thoroughly relaxing for me. I miss that ritual (miss the buzz a little too, to be honest, lol). I hope I can have healthy relationship with wine again in my future, one that does not sabotage my success and health. Nice to know that there are others out there that have achieved this themselves!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
