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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by doggiedaddy

  1. doggiedaddy

    Food Funeral

    This is so true… for awhile after surgery, I obsessed about what I could eat and when, but after a routine kicked in, I did not miss a thing… I ate some of my faves before I started my 2-week liquid diet, but can't even remember what it was now… I was unprepared for how much the surgery would change me mentally, how it makes you not desire what you used to crave… Best of luck to you, @cruelirony!
  2. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    Wow, time flies, right!?! Hope you are all well! I'm doing great My weight loss has screeched to a halt, but I know that is due to my not exercising enough. So happy I got the surgery, though it still feels so surreal sometimes, all this rapid weight loss. I am determined to keep it off! Happy Surgiversary Month, everyone!
  3. doggiedaddy

    Trouble with Depression Meds absorption 2 years out?

    I fell into this discussion backwards, if you will… I was not looking for any problems, been happy as a clam since my gastric bypass last October 2016… However, in the last month or two, I started feeling increased anxiety for no reason at all… I started to recognize the old signs, those overly anxious feelings that I had many, many years ago, before I went on antidepressants. I am on Pristiq (extended release) and have been for 5+ years. When the all-too-familiar feelings arouse out of nowhere, I chalked it up to the mental and physical changes that happen after weight loss surgery, but it just did not feel right. I started researching how medications are absorbed (or not) after gastric bypass and stumbled upon this post. I have contacted my doctor and will post updates. To summarize, I read learned that a non-ER (extended release) medicine may be the answer, but changing from an antidepressant that has always worked for me is scary. There definitely needs to be more research on this topic!
  4. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    Yes... I am this way lately, too... and from what I have been reading, it is very common AND I've read we snap out of it, so don't worry
  5. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    I love this, @@Cape Crooner!
  6. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    I agree... I've had some of that, as well. I have to admit that I am still more than happy to not be at my old lowest weights... not sure it is just me used to being bigger so I am happy with anything less now or if it is because I am healthy and active than I have been in years so not worried about being "thin"... I'm gonna go with the second reason
  7. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    Did you guys have a different surgery from each other? Or both RNY?
  8. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    Your before and after pics are amazing, @@kaitlynm!
  9. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    I'm almost 20 pounds from goal, too! We both saying we need to walk, lol, and it still holds true for me. I am barely hitting 8000 steps a day, so i need to kick it up. Now that my weight has slowed, I'm more motivated My doctor says that exercise shows more result now, post surgery, than it did for our pre surgery bodies... good to know!
  10. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    what a difference! you look great!
  11. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    You look great!
  12. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    Thank you @@kaitlynm and sorry for the delayed response! I get on this site when I have time and for some reason I never received a notification of your response! You are doing so well and it is good to know that others are experiencing these stalls only to have continued weight loss as time passes I like the idea of trying to stop the losses later down the line, lol, sounds like a good problem to have, right!?
  13. doggiedaddy


    I've noticed the same… I am a wine drinker and have been drinking it occasionally since around the 5 month mark. At first, it barely affected me, but I was being super careful. After I relaxed enough to enjoy it, I noticed it would hit me fast (nothing I could not control), but the buzz would fade fast, too. So, like VSGAnn2014 said, I now know I need to be careful. One night, in a social setting, I drank too much wine, but just to keep my buzz (helped with the social situation)… I never got 'drunk'… not good for my liver, I know, so I am trying to be super careful now. This is just another one of those areas, post surgery, where I am learning anew… I don't plan to stop drinking wine occasionally, but my post surgery health comes first and I am trying to find the right balance… Just being honest
  14. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    I'm having the same post 6-month issues, too. I seem to do a lot of snacking because, well, it is easy. i have found some low sugar/carb snack bars i like and i seem to grab them way too often. however, the carbs are still there and the protein is not high enough to compensate. i need to weed out the snacks and walk a heck of a lot more. my weight has stalled, as well, and i am still not sure if it has to do with me hitting my peak weight loss or the fact that I am not exercising. probably that i am not exercising and now my metabolism is suffering. I do drink lots of water and get all my protein on most days, so that is something. I am also religious about my vitamins. Hair loss has slowed. I've lost 85 pounds approx. and I am feeling great, just feel like I need to loose another 20 to be at my goal weight. I'm not giving up yet!
  15. I am a 41 year old mom of 3 boys (and a puppy!) sharing my life with my wonderful husband of over 15 years. I've struggled with weight for most of my life and have tried all the usual weight loss suspects, only to not lose much or quickly gain back any weight I had lost. I only recently "gave up" losing weight, 6 years post my youngest son's day of birth. Out of desperation, I began researching bariatric surgery, something I had never before considered. I made a decision to pursue weight loss surgery and have never thought twice… even when I discovered my insurance would not pay. I am now a self-pay, pre-surgery patient scheduled for 10/8. I struggle with my self-pay status, not only because of the money required to pay for the surgery, but also because of the guilt I feel, taking away such an important safety net for my family. My husband is very supportive and just wants me to be happy. I am fortunate. I just wish this decision did not feel so selfish. That's it. Bittersweet, really… So excited and ready for the surgery and inevitable changes, but apprehensive as one would expect. I so hope that I do this right and make the most of this wonderful opportunity.
  16. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    It is like you read my mind… we are both feeling the same things! I feel better just reading that I am not alone… I've lost so much weight and have done so well, but I'm worried that I am not doing enough. I am not walking, starting to sneak in carbs (and wine!)… just feeling guilty and know that I am not doing enough. My weight loss is super slow now, too. That part you said about feeling fat and squishy still, lol, i feel that same way sometimes. I think so much of it is mental, I guess, lol… Anyway, thank you for sharing and allowing me to vent, as well
  17. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    I have been horrible at walking I need to step it up, too!
  18. doggiedaddy

    October List of Surgery's

    I have noticed hair loss in my brush, but nothing dramatic… yet, that is! Being just past the 3 month point myself, I presume that I may see an increase soon. I am getting my protein and taking Biotin, as well. I guess that is all we can do. I know that my skin is doing much better post surgery, so that is good Probably has to do with cleaner living, less sugars, etc. I have been in a stall too… i dropped below 200 at Christmas, but I've been stuck in the mid-190s. I too need to walk more. I have only been walking about 3-4 times a week and I should be walking at least 6
  19. @@Txn26 - Hello from Houston! Yes, doing great! Thanks so much for checking in I've lost just over sixty and have been hanging out just below 200 since Christmas… I've reached a little plateau, but I'm trying not to obsess over it, lol.
  20. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Wow, @@395Ron, you and everyone else is doing so great! So good to hear that we all have more successes to post and less questions/waiting for results Funny you mention that about wearing clothes tighter, too… I am trying to avoid the outfits that fit me, but show too much, lol, less anyone think, "she may have lost a lot of weight, but she still should not be wearing that" Funny how losing so much weight affects every aspect of our lives. Seems like everyday choices about wear to go, what to do next, etc. are all different now that I am thinner and healthier. Love it! Happy New Year to all my WLS buddies! I know you all are looking forward to the new year with as much excitement as I am! Bring it, 2016!
  21. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Hi everyone! I'm feeling good and loving all the changes with my new body! I'm down 62 lbs from my highest weight which I recorded two weeks before my surgery, October 8. I'm almost to Onederland! I have not been too tempted by the Christmas treats, etc., but find I am in an eating rut. I need to cook more. Hoping to experiment some over the holidays and find some go to meals to make part of my routine in the new year. I hope all of you are well. Keep us posted on your progress!
  22. doggiedaddy

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    Wow, Ron, you are doing simply awesome… such an inspiration to us all! Keep it up!

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