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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Quasimoto51

  1. Mr McFaster; November is fast approaching, just wanted to share a few tips for when you go for your sleeve, before and after tips. Before the actual event, follow the directions provided for you in the pre-op diet, your going to be motivated, and find that you are going to lose weight prior to going. Get some exercise in, some walking 20 to 30 minutes each night really helps, as you are conditioning yourself, and you will find that walking is going to be a life saver for you, and you will work yourself into a pretty kicjk pace when the weight starts to come off. Your gonna be nervous the day of the event, but just relax, because before you it, your gonna be in recovery. Post Op - this is where it gets a bit tricky, because everyone is different. First follow the directions of your doctor and the staff, no matter what. they say eat this, you eat it, etc etc, drink when they tell you and walk. Gas pains are the biggest problem, some people use Gas X strips. I was less polite and just belched as often as possible. Do not try to rush the food intake, broths and Soups are a big must, take your time, because your gonna need it. Watch your incisions, I had a little trouble with one, but they are all good now, and healed nicely. Grab some scar fade which takes away the redness. Finally, relax, because when you start losing the weight, and it does come off, you going to be excited, and more confident. Aug 13 was my Operations, so about 6 weeks out, and I am down to 248, from Operation weight of 284. It feels good, and I know you will do great.
  2. its an adventure, but at the end of the day, its also a tool to help you stave off late rummaging through the fridge, and once motivated, which in the end you certainly are. You chose to have 80 percent of your stomach removed, there is nothing you can't accomplish weight wise, and once ones confidence builds, you face challenges with a more positive approach. F McFatster, you'll do great.
  3. I find that get a bit a reflux, if I don't eat anything for a while, which I normally settle with a drink of Water. The journey you are about to undertake will be amazing, and I am only 23 days out of my surgery. The hard part is behind you, making that decision to go for the operation. now you will have to overcome the in the head issues like head hunger, and over eating, because believe me your body will let you know you have had enough very quickly once you move from liquids to semi solids.
  4. Quasimoto51

    % of stomach removed?

    80 percent of my stomach was removed. remember the sleeve is a tool, it still takes will power, and determination. Hang in there, as you have been at this since 1999.
  5. Not a joke? I am not sure where you get the impression that anything I have said is a laughing matter? This whole discussion was who did you have, where did you go how much did it cost! I answered the question ,and you continue to try and poke at me, like I should apologize for going to Dr Almanza! You are right about one thing, deciding to go for an operation like the gastric sleeve, is not a joking matter, it should be taken serious. Choosing your doctor, should require you to search the topic and the doctor. Yes, I read about the lady in the coma, one lady in a coma, who reacted to the anesthesia, and I also read about the gentleman who claims that he was taken from the hospital by van, to the Tijuana border and dumped. Here was my experience. I flew to San Diego, was met by a van with a couple other patients in the van, it was clean, and the driver was polite. Drove to our hotel, the next day we met with the doctor, and for the sake of avoiding another attack, lets call the doctor, Bob! Bob meets with the group and explains how the operation works, then we see a cardiologist, and discuss all those things which are discussed prior to arrival, like what are you allergic too, we wait, taken to a room, were we are given our IV, taken to the operating room, and then bamm, it is done, 45 minutes later. An xray to make sure there is no leak prior to bringing you out, monitored for 24 hours in a clean hospital. Then taken by van back to the hotel where you are monitored, and checked continuously, given a cocktail of antibiotics, incisions checked, drain checked. Two days later, a second leak test, your taken to the Tijuana border, and then you cross back into the states and away you go back to whatever place you call home. But it doesn't stop there, then you receive almost daily emails and phone calls from weight loss agents in the states, the company which endorses Dr Bob! Now, and for the last time, so everyone who is reading this understands. I went to Mexico, and had Dr Bob perform my surgery. My experience was very good, and for the sake of AngelaWilliams, who would never go to see Dr Bob, I am not advocating Dr Bob, or any other doctor to perform this operation, nor do I think that you go see my doctor or the one that AngelaWilliams saw, because it is a serious life choice and you should be forewarned that complications do happen, and yes AngelaWilliams, some doctors have a higher rate then others when it comes to these operations. I want to apologize to the person who started this forum. I wanted to share my story to you so you understand what it was like. NO one should influence you with negative comments. It is a life checking and changing event which you are undertaking, it is a tool, and so you are aware, yes, there are doctors out there, who have bad reps, and the doctor I went to see, as you can tell has a bad rep, much like 100's of other doctors, who are making a huge amount of money off the desperation of people like myself. Choose wisely because god forbid, if you choose someone, that someone on this forum disagrees with. AngelaWilliams, I am a 51 year old man, who for the first time in his life has a grip on weight loss, I have lost a total of 28 pounds in less then 30 days, and you know what, the only thing the doctor did was cut out my stomach. I have done the rest on my own, and following the directions of the doctor. It is not a joking matter, it is a serious life choice, and I knew who I was choosing, thank you for all your input, but for the love of all that is holy, stop attacking me because of who I saw, because not once, and I will say this again, not once have I said golly he was the bomb!!
  6. I apologize, I am familiar with complication rates which were 1 percent for leaks, and one percent for infection? my surgery was 4400, I paid cash, which dropped it to 4200. Again, I have read online several different companies in Tijuana having complications and issues. In the end, you make a decision based on how you feel. I was scared, not because I was afraid of dying on the table, but afraid of the unknowns. I have followed everything to the letter from the doctor, and have had no complications. He provided a tool for my use. I would hate anyone to book anywhere and have a unfavorable outcome, but as you are aware out of the 1000 upon 1000's of procedures done in the states they have a staple line leaks at 2.1% of patients on average. Which raises to between 1.09% and 4.66%. And that is in the States!! While Dr Almanza was featured in an American news story, he was only one of 100's of doctors performing this surgery spoken about. Everyone of the companies who offer the process, have issues, it is inevitable with the volume of American and Canadian medical tourists using facilities in Tijuana. Again, and finally for the last time, not once have I endorsed anyone, and the idea of anyone going under knife is terrifying, however, making a comment on something I experienced is all I am doing, which is what the person who started this thread asked. Who did you go and see? Who are you advocating, because I bet I can dig up some complain on them as well, because that's what I did when I chose to go to this doctor. My personal choice, and again, not advocating him, or the sleeve in general.
  7. because I went to Dr Almanza, and had a good experience, and losing weight, that is why I would say that. Are you trying to say that no other doctors performing Sleeve surgery have had problems? Im not trying to endorse anyone, or advocate, just sharing a story, which is what this particular topic asks. That is why I posted in this forum!
  8. I went to Dr Almanza, and had the operation for the sleeve on 13 Aug 2015. I too read the reviews and saw negative as well as positive, and then I also went online and read reviews from other doctors performing the operation in Tijuana. The simple truth is, any operation is a risk, however I had a good experience while I was there. The hotel was clean and the staff bent over backwards to make you feel comfortable. Dr Almanza's staff were quick to help in anyway they could. If you follow the directions provided by the doctor and his staff, your chances of having complications are negated. I have no idea how someone like in one of the reviews could have been taken from the hospital and dropped at the Tijuana border, but I can see how someone who didn't follow the directions could leave on his own as your not a prisoner. YEs I read the review on the person who was in a coma, who reacted to the medication which rendered her asleep. Its sad, but it happens. Im not trying to endorse Dr Almanza, but he and his team were very professional.

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