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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DaisyAmy

  1. What stage of diet will you be on at a month out? I was on mushy, so if you're the same, you should be ok. With the ability to refrigerate, you'll be golden. Eating out, you should be able to have soups, flaky fish, etc.
  2. I was hoping my triglycerides would be under control (2 months out) and I could get off the Lipitor, but no luck. They have come down, but still higher than normal. ::sad trombone::
  3. DaisyAmy

    Time off for stay at home Mom

    I completely agree. VSG recovery is sooooooo much easier than a hysterectomy. I was running errands by day 4.
  4. DaisyAmy

    Time off for stay at home Mom

    Howdy. I actually didn't have anyone with me after the day I came home. The next day, hubby took my kiddo to school and I was already able to drive and pick him up after. I didn't need pain meds after the second day. Not everyone heals the same, but you should be fine with a few days or a week of having your hubby home.
  5. DaisyAmy

    Favorite Purees?

    I didn't purée much, either, but one of my first pureed was chicken chili. I used my immersion blender and it tasted amazing after all the sweet in the liquid phase!!!
  6. My surgery was delayed about 5 months due to uterine cancer/hysterectomy that needed to be dealt with first. It may depend on your insurance, but mine gave me like 4 years to have the surgery once approved. I would have had to redo the psych part if it was more than a year. Check with your insurance, I bet you'll be fine and even more ready to handle the surgery once the psych clears you. Best of luck.
  7. At least blend that crap up!! Seriously, I know how hard it is, and I really craved something savory during the liquid phase. Try some broth or Soup. You need to get a handle on this if you want this tool to work for you, but most of all, don't jeopardize your health. We only get one stomach.
  8. DaisyAmy


    My fears were more about the surgery. I had a hysterectomy for uterine cancer this past summer (they got it all!), but I was afraid they would find something when they went in for my sleeve. I don't really have any fears now. The good news about your fear is that there are many "non cook" options to get you through. You are going to eat so little, that you can get by with minimal cooking! Cook a big pot of turkey chili or grill some chicken and you'll be set for days and days!!
  9. DaisyAmy

    first night home

    Yes, it hurts to swallow at first, especially if you forget and swallow more than a sip. It gets better, though!
  10. The pain is only for a couple days. I walked hunched over like an old lady for a bit. It will get better. Xx
  11. DaisyAmy

    Time off for stay at home Mom

    You'll be fine. I didn't have anyone after the day I came home. Your kiddo should be fine. You might want to do some good planning - make sure all laundry is done, have clothes picked out for a few days, have easy to prepare meals for him (sandwiches, microwaveable stuff), etc. I was driving on my second day home, so I could get kiddo from school, etc.
  12. DaisyAmy


    There's nothing you can do to prevent it. It's a byproduct from the surgery. It's not so bad for everyone.
  13. I went back after 3 weeks, but could have easily done just 2. Keep in mind, you might need some time after for follow up appts. My surgeon has terrible hours and I have to take a half day each time. For him to pay my head and say "atta girl!" Makes me mental.
  14. I have not had bread yet. Maybe someday, but there's just not enough room after protein. I've basically given up most carbs - rice, pasta, potatoes, etc.
  15. I had to do the 6 month medically supervised weight loss. During that time, I ... -met with the medical provider monthly - met with the NUT and exercise physiologist a few times - did my psych evaluation - had to get clearance from my gastro and oncologist (long story, I'm good now) - stress test - Various blood work - body mass scan - met with the surgeon I did NOT have to... - get scoped - do a sleep study
  16. If you're only doing protein, you'd be more likely to be constipated! I'm sorry the dr jumped right to noncompliance. That seems unfair. You probably had some sort of stomach bug.
  17. I was only instructed to take them for 2 months
  18. DaisyAmy

    Under belly sweat

    If you're thinking of getting plastics someday, make sure you talk to your dr about your issues. I did, they documented it for future insurance approval and prescribed me nystatin cream and powder to use.
  19. Ugh. No advice for you, but just wanted to wish you well. My gastric was actually the one to suggest WLS to me, to help with my fatty liver. Then, when I was losing good in my 6 month preop, he asked if I wanted to reconsider. Smh.
  20. So, I'm 2 months out. Kiddo had a procedure today, so he got to pick where we went to dinner. He chose BD's Mongolian BBQ. Score!!! I loaded up my bowl with chicken, shrimp, an egg, edamame, a few veggies, chopped peanuts and lemon/mustard sauce and I have leftovers now for days!! Days!!!
  21. DaisyAmy

    Go Mongo!

    It's perfect!!! I was so happy. Hubby was laughing at me!
  22. DaisyAmy

    Mindless snacking...

    Don't do it! Where is the food? Are you bringing it or buying it? Don't! I pack my lunch every day and that's what I get for the day. I actually do much better at work, because I've planned my food. If the food is in the lunchroom or candy on someone's desk, you either have to avoid those places or develop some will power. You are worth it!! I work in a school and there is candy and crap all over the place. It's just not worth it!
  23. I don't know why it differs so much, but I was sent home on full liquids. You'll be great!
  24. DaisyAmy


    I had to give in and buy a few things yesterday. I got size 16 jeans and 1x tops! (Formerly size 24 pants and 3-4x tops!). It killed me to spend the money for short term items, but I have to say I'm loving how they make me feel! My butt was way too saggy in my older pants! If I get the courage to deal with it, I'll venture to Salvation Army one day. For now, I'm sticking with clearance racks and TJMaxx.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
