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Posts posted by newmebithebypass

  1. Hon honestly best advice go all in read blogs stuff that but commmmmit do yourself a favor go cold turkey on anything that does not walk on the ground swim or fly or grow naturally just if it has ingredients that sound like food they are food if it looks like it could come from a lab it probably did

  2. Just got an air fryer and it makes amazing wings have to try fish next I plan on making crab cakes today which if you have never been to Maryland you have never really had a good one lol but mmmmm love my air fryer best 110 bucks I have ever spent

  3. ok guys to all those that know the struggle i need some help words of wisdom and like diet tips i basically need to shed like 2 pounds in about 18 days and im racking my brain im half tempted to do a liquid diet to shed the weight i have Protein Shakes but they are gross but i hate to toss them so im stuck with them until i finish them. ok vets of these boards tell me im not crazy this is my final for the nutritionist before i am approved to see the surgeon again ok guys im like losing my mind

  4. Here is the thing you can still enjoy food your not doomed to a flavorless exsistance where food is something to avoid at all cost it’s simply about modifying the way you enjoy food there are ways to eat and eat healthy and enjoy life ok just think about your daughter I was about her age when I noticed I was the big kid my dad was a big guy he drank also maybe a bit too much but you can help her sooooooo much by leading by example how and what to eat that it’s ok to try a new way

  5. I have found when I obsess over food like nonstop 24/7 think about it is when I have the least control if the only thing I am thinking about is food of course I’m gonna wanna eat but try to occupy your mind there is always gonna be tempting things we live in a culture where everything revolves around food from holidays birthdays to funerals break ups every thing so prioritize your goals accomplish something every hour I like to play mobile games specificiallly logic games I like to progress thru the levels and test my brain

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