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Posts posted by newmebithebypass

  1. I’ve got 16 days left on this preop diet surgery is in 17 days I’m feeling kind of at peace with it all like I’m not nervous I’m not crying all the time or having outbursts of random rage I think detoxing from sugar is a huge thing and it messes with you. I’m hoping any other folk who are with me on 8/28 and about to start their two week liquid diet hugs I feel like you have a tougher road than I do I at least have options like meat veggies even that weird Protein ice cream. But guys everyone let’s have a day to Celebrate by this time around Christmas we can use those awesome gift cards we always get for some new threads

  2. Ok so I’m preop day 5 of the same type of diet where your allowed food just no starch. So far I’ve utilized my air fryer like crazy I love making steak in it. So far a typical day for me is a few eggs in the am with either cheese or yogurt. Then I’ll have an approved snack. Then for lunch I have meat and veggies then for lunch another snack then dinner I’ll have a different Protein with veggies. Then a snack to accompany my nightly meds. I get in at a minimum two doses of Calcium I’m working on getting my Vitamins down. It’s also me struggling to get in all my fluids while obeying the rule of no drinking after meals for a half hour. In two weeks from today I will have a last meal so to speak of I’ll not be on true solid food for a good month so it’s a nice mmmm yeah that’s getting eaten

  3. Good luck to those today. Started my preop diet yesterday and I gotta say I’m pretty happy I’m not not experiencing the inflammation from all the sugar I used to eat all the time buuuuuut found out sausages are evil like epic heartburn. Yeah not going there again. Also my program allows air fryers soooo mmmm. I’ve basically stopped using my crock pot and switched to that appliance specifically

  4. Honestly my hubs is Peruvian I’d wait til stage 3 soft foods seviche might be a bit hard on your tummy due to the acid with the lime juice but if your really craving it go sloooow but I cant wait until I can have some cumo saltado again

  5. Ok y’all so like I’m always asking questions and answering when I have the ability to. But has anyone gone back to school later in life like 27ish for their first undergrad degree after this surgery. By the time I have classes I’ll be about 6 months out I’ll also be working so do you think my energy will be back by then I mean like before I gained 100 pounds lol. Because I was able to do an 18 hour shift before and not blink twice so guys chime in

  6. On 08/02/2018 at 22:40, Auroragirl4489 said:

    FINALLY got my surgery date of 8/28 long time coming! So happy to finally be able to post here! Not required to do any liquid diet but have been replacing 2 meals now going to all liquid.
    Hey you’ve got two ppl with you that day me and Chris my preop diet is basically just low carb and the last two days is Clear Liquids which will suck royally but meh I’m tough

  7. So I’m exactly 4 weeks away and I completely lost it today total meltdown like yelling screaming went ballistic on my husband totally lost my shit. Annnd that’s the story I’m not really craving sugar or carbs I’ve cut most of those out of my diet a week ago in prep for the next 7 months but guys I just can’t seem to keep my emotions together like honestly I’m going crock pot insane help send help

  8. Sooo chiming in here we have 3 surgeons in our group the head is a female named dr Elizabeth dovec and she strongly encourages weights she knows from our fitness consultant that it tones and burns fat the more you lift so your dr is flat out wrong and an ass.

  9. Honestly I met my husband 10 years ago when I was around 175 and we were just friends. I’ve gained 100 pounds in 10 years over the time of him knowing me but 7 of those years he has spent by my side loving me getting me to the place I am now and he is truly my best friend and we have an amazing life. Mind you were waaaaaay outside the norm when it comes to lifestyle but I always come back to him

  10. Hey guys I just got word that I was approved yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy so at aprox 7:30 am in Baltimore Maryland at greater Baltimore medical center I will be told time for a lovely nap and then I will wake up about an hour later with my own very new very tiny tummy. Now guys this is important as with all new babies it deserves a name a proper name one that emits pride but also comedy when it decides to inevitably act up in public as one to do being a angry toddler of a tummy help me guys names ideas well wishes

  11. Ok so I was wrong on the study but I did actually look up the study and the head researcher who works at Hopkins did a great peice on the Keto diet being a good temporary solution for those with epilepsy. Mind you that’s been around since the 1920s but he does recommend the Mediterranean diet

  12. So probably none of you know about specialized hearing devices but I have a titanium bolt 4mm in my skull. Fun the reason for this is it attaches to a sound processor that allows me to hear like a super human. But for the bolt and the processor combined it’s 14,000 that doesn’t count or fee dr fee anesthesia which honestly they should have just numbed my skull cus I was awake for half of it anyway

  13. So I’m chiming in here my husbands family are immigrants. They hail from Peru all of them are small like all of them except his brother and my hubby. And we have food allllllllll the time. We have desert alllll the time but the difference is the meal is the least interesting part of our gatherings we play games we do karaoke competitions we make pretty much anything into a compitition including jenga and their kids eat juice Snacks chips but also veggies real food too it’s so different to see the way food is handled in his family versus mine

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