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Posts posted by newmebithebypass

  1. Doctors are specialists in their own field. I would not consult my sleep doctor on my psych meds not his area. Also doctors are not trained in nutrition they just aren't so you have an entire field of practitioners who agree that being overweight or obese is an issue but legitimately don't have the training to steer you in the correct direction. So honestly go with your doctor. I know what it's like to have doctors in the family my mil is a psychiatrist my fil is a retired general surgeon and three other of my sibling in law are either nurses nurse practitioners or therapists. Plus half my girl friends are nurses lol. So I get it I do.

    Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. I feel like my diet pre and post op are very strict.

    PreOp and up to 7 weeks after my surgeon will not allow me to have any solid food.

    Does anybody else have a diet this strict?

    · 2 weeks preop diet: Protein Shakes and Clear Liquids only

    · 2 weeks post op diet: Protein shakes and clear liquids only

    · 3 & 4 weeks postop: I can add in creamy liquids

    · 5 & 6 weeks postop: I can add in pureed foods

    · 7+ weeks: I can slowly integrate solid foods.

    Your surgeon seems ultra conservative. By week 4 post op I will be introducing solid food. Each plan and surgeon is different also my practice only has 2 days of Clear Liquids prior to that it is starch free but you do what your surgeon tells you

    Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. When I went for my consult I met with the doctor was weighed had my bp checked had my height checked and then when me and the doc sat and talked we went over my medical history my intake history and previous diets. He talked to me about what surgery I wanted and what he thought was best. We both agreed rny bypass was best and he even gave me a goal weight after putting some numbers in a basic calculator. So I hope this helps I'm always open to questions about my nutritionist my program and me as well

    Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. My program is pretty light I only needed 2 visits outside of the 7 in my actual program. The 7 visits in the program are the first with the surgeon and 6 with the nutritionist and at the final visit it is nutritionist surgeon and I take a test to make sure I am prepared for the surgery I also pick my surgery date and my office does this cool 3d body scan to see how your weight is distributed all around your body. The only other things my surgeon required of me was a letter of support from my Pcp a psych eval but and my cpap compliance and sleep study. The last requirement I can do by phone because my cpap has a modem in it and they can just pull the data off of it from the office even while I sit in my house

    Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. No one would win prizes in my family, unless it was to stop LOL

    Surprisingly all in the family are really good at least the ones that participate. We also have a darts for money competition each year also we had like a fun dress up coustum contest to see who was most festive creative I mean on Halloween my mother-in-law did like a full on Arabian knights routine with dancing and dialogue and music it's wild we are like crazy competitive

    Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. I read this whole thread and man some non food date ideas trivia night is a fun one for me also there is going to the local game store and dropping in on an role playing game I've made tons of friends this year doing that mind you I am a nerd so that is right up my alley there's always taking a class like painting pottery something fun low key where you use your hands

    Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

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