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Posts posted by newmebithebypass

  1. My psych eval is this morning - in about 2.5 hours. I'm not really nervous, I just don't like going into something when I don't know what to expect. lol

    Psych evals are super easy peasy just be honest and and be yourself. Don't try to put up a front because you think they can't handle your issues trust me they have heard it all before worse and are not judging you ok

    Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Hello! I also have BCBS Federal and I asked the bariatric coordinator which weight they send in and they told me that they only weight they send to insurance is my weight at my initial consultation. Do you know if that's correct? What was your experience with this? Sadly, I do not have much confidence in these people [emoji20]
    I am right over 40 BMI. At my nutrition assesment I was right at 39.9 BMI (she made me take my shoes off of course...). I start the 3 month diet next week.

    Well my program is very good. Umm but I have the benefit of being in a small state with not only johns Hopkins university but university of Maryland. Both are medical schools with in about 10 miles of each other. We pay a shite load in taxes here but get amazeballs healthcare. So back to your question typically they do use your Initial starting weight

    Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. They didn’t have as in depth follow up care. They didn’t have a laid out step by step diet plan (ex weeks1/2 then 3/4) no follow up nutrition visits and no support groups. I needed something that told me every week how I should be progressing

    That's exactly what i love about my program so much. We have our own closed Facebook group and unlimited access to the doctors and nutritionist at our disposal we have also a fitness trainer who does group activities with us there is a professional chef who went thru the program that does live cooking demonstrations we get a binder right at the beginning of the program and guides you step by step it's our bible. Also we have support groups. And in the pre op area on Tuesdays and Thursdays the day of surgery right before you can have someone do music therapy. I love love love my program

    Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I honestly don't know when my next weigh in is. I have my psych eval next week but I doubt they'll weigh me for that. But the week after I have my first meeting with the dietitian so I'm sure that will involve a weigh in. Although my surgeon doesn't require any weight loss before surgery. I'm just on a mission to not gain!

    My surgeon did not require any weight loss either. But no gaining and I feel I have again this month last month it was 1 pound this month I think it will be more but I'm not sure.

    Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. hey its ok my stats are similar but i started about 3 months ago and im sleeping a lot better since cutting soda out of my diet also had to get a new machine when was the last time you got one. mine was 5 years old but it was not apap i got that and it made a world of difference also i really cut down on fried foods that has raised my good cholesterol my bad is still high but hey what can you do.

  6. here's my take on it you are really young to be getting this surgery. there is a lot to contend with at your age. not drinking be a big one. in my program it is one full year. wow at 21 i sure as heck would not have wanted to give that up. also going out to get crap food with my friends while drinking was a major thing be cause we were all broke in college and a McDonald double cheese burger costs less than a pan era cease er salad with grilled chicken. so yeah i get it. but man if i would have gotten my crap together i would have done this years sooner spent way less time as heavy as i am my knees would not be a wreck my back would not be a wreck my hips. but i agree right now you need therapy. i did intense therapy for two years before surgery was even an option. because i needed healing alot of my food issues were routed in trauma of my past. and i used my weight as a shield to keep people from hurting me but not every one does that but tons of young people do so please get therapy revisit this in a few years

  7. hey guys well just wanted to say hello and welcome to the boards i am about 3 months into a 7 month journey i have my 3rd weigh in on Tuesday. all i can say to those just starting this process is it moves at a pace you do not expect like the days can sometimes be long when you think about the process its self but the weeks and months go by so fast. i mean it feels like yesterday that i filled out my new patient paper work and met with the surgeon so yeah so crazy and that was back at the end of February so just keep your eye on the prize and do not be discouraged if you think you are not making progress as fast as you think you need to be or should be. dont compare your journey to anyone else's dont compare your preop program diet what have you to anyone else's every surgeon is wildly different the reason i say this is because at the end of the day the end of the day we all want the same thing weight loss surgery and to be successful in our journey

  8. well for me i went with the same surgeon who took out my appendix last year so i already trust him and have amazing rapport with him. i trust the other two surgeons in the practice both are amazing but i mean once you have seen the work of one and know they are not only amazing at what they do but will leave no marks cosmetically that just right there made me finalize my decision completely. i love my surgeon he is smart whitey and completely makes me feel at ease also amazing bed side manor.

  9. i cannot fathom a doctor not supporting me getting healthy. especially when it is grounded in medically sound advice from any doctor i have gotten to get this surgery since i was 20. but that is mostly because i live in a very liberal state where all the doctors all know each other all have gone to the same medical schools and have all refered each other patients to one another gotta love Maryland expensive af to live here but man do you get good medical care. oh and the private schools are amazing lol.

  10. i have a 6 month program i have after Tuesdays visit like 4 more. but the best person to answer that question is your program. mine gives us a binder at the very start outlining all the steps and things each individual person needs to complete for their surgeon and also the dietary expectations for the program as well as a shopping list i absolutely love my program if anyone wants to know about it or what is in my binder i can take screen shots for you guys

  11. so who here has weigh ins coming up i have one in tuesday. i am so not looking forward to it. lol. its mostly because i think i have gained again and i know from this point i know i have to really give up the heavy carb food which will set me into tired mode again for a while and so yeah anyone else here have tips to get past that initial tired feeling when giving up the major carbs ie bread stuff like that

  12. Yes she does. She’s been seeing the same psychiatrist since she was 20 (she’s 42 now)
    I agree with having the support behind you (it helps a lot) even without having bipolar.. I’m sure it’s a bigger struggle (she’s all over the place with her mood at times) for the most part she’s on the down side.

    [emoji991] Instagram: milaalmodovar
    [emoji317] SC: almodovarmila

    Than she should be completely fine.

    Sent from my LGLS676 using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Hon dont count calories count macros my program never ever has a calorie goal because there is no legitimate way to figure out how many calories you need except for a very specific test not offered by most clinics. Instead get in Protein Water limit net carbs my program is 70-100 grams protein a day 64 ounces of Fluid and less than 50 net carbs

    Sent from my LGLS676 using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Welcome. I have my 2nd nutrition class coming up on tuesday and it is my 3rd visit over all. I need a total of 7. I will be done everything in august and September will be the best month ever. Im always open to talk share compare programs mine is liberal in some areas and strict in others

    Sent from my LGLS676 using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Question does she currently see a practitioner i have been seeing the same psych doc for 4 years im on a steady regiment of medication and have good family support at home. All of these are vitally important for anyone who has a mood disorder going thru a permanent life change like weight loss surgery.

    Sent from my LGLS676 using BariatricPal mobile app

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