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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by newmebithebypass

  1. newmebithebypass

    Officially 100 lbs gone forever!

    wow 100 pounds thats great i am new to the bypass boards because up until today i was going with sleeve but i changed my mind and surgeons so theres that lol but i am happy for you my surgeon thinks i can easily lose 120 pounds i want to lose 150 to be at a good size for my body
  2. newmebithebypass

    Hello Newbie here..

    hi dona my name is jessica i am 24 married just 1.5 years no kids yet sadly and i am still doing the 6 month wait and up until today i was all geared up to do the sleeve until i meet my new surgeon and we had an hour long talk about the pros and cons and now i am on my journey to get bypass i would love to learn from you and how your doing with the progression thru the diffrent stages and Vitamins and all that
  3. My hubby is my best friend and is super supportive he and I had a talk today about my decision to switch from sleeve to bypass and he's still being awesome ???? about it in so lucky. I just don't know how to bring it up to his family they are kind against the idea of bypass
  4. Well I am in the same boat switching mid stream to bypass my new surgeon and I talked ot over and she feels with the amount of weight I need to lose and my diabetes and pcos that bypass surgery is the best option in scared ???? but I just need a couple days to process and ill be ok
  5. newmebithebypass

    still pre-op worried about this

    @@bnk1cs yes i am married no i dont have kids. and i am happy to say i am off the vikodin officialy as of last night so thats a win for me. i talked to my therapist and she suggested talking to my doctors about not being prescribed the medication in the future. i have coping mechanisms in place that include crochet and adult coloring books along with playing with my dog and playing video games with my hubby and my nephews so i have my support team in place and there are other pain meds i can take that dont trigger the addiction spiral for me. thank you everyone for your responses i am meeting my new surgeon today and i will discuss pain treatment options with her today.
  6. so i am still pre-op and my health conditions have been flaring up recently im in my 6 month wait right now and i had a tooth issue not fun at all and they prescribed vikodin well my sciatica had flared up the previous week and i was already taking it twice a day and now i am worried that i might have gotten my self hooked on it again. a little back round on me i tried to kill my self once on pain pills and both my parents are addicts and if i take them longer than 3 days the wiring in my brain acts up and i start to feel withdrawl from not taking them same if i have a beer more than one night a week. i dont know what to do other that tapper down or like check my self back into the psych ward i guess this is kind of a rant/ asking if anyone has delt with this kind of thing also kind of worried after the wls weather or not needing the meds for the pain will trigger this again
  7. newmebithebypass

    Can men and women stay friends?

    here's my take on it. i have a friend who has had 1 relationship and is constantly i mean constantly lonely. and when ever he makes a new female aquantance he instantly thinks there is a possiblilty that they should date because the universe owes him a girl friend or something. its super sad and super creepy. also he gets angry at the world anytime his close female friends get into relationships because he missed his "chance" even though we've all told him dude no not in like a million years. so yeah men and women can be friends actually most if not all my friends are guys because i am a gamer and typically gamers are dudes but when you have a friend that wont take a hint it sucks
  8. newmebithebypass

    trying again

    my hubby and i were both in relationships when we met and we remained friendly then the stars kind of like magically aligned and we have been together ever since i had broken off an engagement previously that year and was devistated but my guy is amazing and i am so lucky to have him
  9. newmebithebypass

    Is Your Love Life on Hold While You Lose Weight?

    well thankfully i am married now so i dont have to worry about dating but i have kind of put other aspects of my life on hold until i get surgery like getting my licence and going back to school. it hurts to walk around and lug the heavy back packs right now so i am waiting but once i am at goal i will go at it full force
  10. newmebithebypass

    Happy girl right now!

    I'm preop but I also found these yoygurts and love them but vanilla is my favorite LOL ???? I'm preop but I also found these yoygurts and love them but vanilla is my favorite LOL ????
  11. newmebithebypass

    How Often Do You Actually Cook?

    Honestly I cook maybe half the night's if the week the other nights I just let my hubby fend for himself and I eat soup or cereal
  12. newmebithebypass

    January or February 2016 Sleevers?

    well i finish my 6 month wait per insurance in feb and then assuming i have all the tests done i should get my date end of feb early to mid march i am supper excited and i am seeing a therapist to deal with my food issues she diagnosed me with bed so i am working thru that with her and my ptsd so hopefully by surgery time ill have a better head on my shoulders
  13. newmebithebypass

    still pre-op worried about this

    thanks for all the replys ill try to address them all in this post yes the vikodin can help with the sciatica somewhat but i am also taking lyrica and that is what mainly addresses the nerve pain. i am seeing a pain specialist and he knows about my addiction issues and knows not to prescribe it. i am seeing a therapist now and actually have an appointment today and will bring this up with her today to figure out steps i can take and see what i can do in the future. as for controlling the amount given to me at a time i could ask my hubby but im scared to bring it up hes having his own issues right now and i dont want to bog him down any more not that its like a burdon thing more like an emotional bandwith thing and right now its being taken up with the bariatric surgery and i dont want undue worry on him
  14. newmebithebypass

    a success story at week 3? lol..

    Btw they make probiotics that comes in powder form that you desolve in liquid you can get it on Amazon
  15. newmebithebypass

    My Mother, The Queen of Tact

    Awe well your mom sounds nice
  16. best of luck to you. i am still in the classes phase im in month 4/5 i will finish them in feb. i also had to switch practices mid way thru so theres that but i am hopeful that i am making the right choice. i'm just in limbo until i meet my new team because i dont know what they require and i am the type that worries
  17. newmebithebypass

    Wish I hadn't Told Some...

    she sounds like a bad friend and that sucks because well some of my friends are closer to me than my family members and i would hate to lose them but this is your life and if she cant deal than its time to get on the nope train to f that sh*tsville
  18. newmebithebypass

    Pre op diet diet tomorrow

    Expect a headache the first couple of days and loose stools
  19. newmebithebypass

    Do You Attend Support Group Meetings?

    My nutritionist classes at the first surgeons office were sort of support group in nature and I'm wondering how it will go with the second group
  20. newmebithebypass

    I'm a size.... WHAT?!?!

    Oh man that must have felt great
  21. Honestly I would say go for it but work really close with your whole team
  22. newmebithebypass

    They won't help themselves...

    @@Babbs it is very hard because you feel like if they would just try just once the thing you suggest then maybe it might help. I understand the family aspect of it also my brother has a drug problem and honestly until he's ready to get sober I have to keep my distance
  23. newmebithebypass

    Hooray! A surgery date! Not hooray! Extreme terror!

    If you can ask your anesthesiologist for the anti-nausea patch for behind your ear it will make waking up from surgery much much easier
  24. newmebithebypass

    Protein Drink witch one

    For premade I use EAS advantage and for powder I use gnc 100% whey
  25. newmebithebypass


    You're still in the honeymoon phase you can get back on track you know how to lose weight you've been doing it already just get back to basics protein first then veggies and track your food also get your water and try to get in your steps you can do this. Also talk to your nut if need be get in your vitamins

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
