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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by newmebithebypass

  1. newmebithebypass

    Can I specifically request Gastric Sleeve?

    Honestly it comes down to what your surgeon thinks is best for you if your bmi is over 50 and you have gerd go with bypass because it can get way worse with sleeve
  2. newmebithebypass

    I am at the VERY beginning of my journey

    My new insurance also wants 7 months of classes im on month 5 honestly its gone by super quick I can't even wrap my head around how fast time fly's between appointments. I really think your gonna do great you have a good attitude about all of this
  3. newmebithebypass

    Sleeve or Bypass?

    I'm still preop but I am going to get bypass because I have diabetes and pcos and want to resolve those issues
  4. newmebithebypass

    This is my month and my year!

    As for protein shakes you want isolate to be the first ingredient and you want less than 7 grams of sugar and 10 grams of protein per 50 calories
  5. newmebithebypass

    Pre op diet.

    I'm still preop but my diet before surgery will be three weeks no starches high protein and two days prior clear liquids only and npo at midnight
  6. newmebithebypass

    What’s Your Attitude Towards Carbs?

    I try to avoid white carbs I'm still preop so my strategy may change after bypass
  7. hey newbie here and i have a question for the veterans about psych medications with bypass. my surgeon said i would not have any issues and i trust her but i want to get a patient perspective esspecially that first year did you have to lower or up your doses due to the absorbtion issues with bypass. i am maxed out on a couple of my medications so upping them is not an option i know when i go in for my psych eval i need to bring this up but i just am worried i will be dealing with wacked out meds along with the body changes that come with this surgery
  8. newmebithebypass

    Overall Negative

    i have simalar stats to you i am 5'3'' and about 275 right now and even though sometimes i have the thoughts your having i know that with out a doubt i need this and its time to do something for me. i have severe sleep apnea and i really want to get rid of my cpap machine.
  9. newmebithebypass

    Where do I start?

    my best advice for you is to see if your hospital has an online info session. mine did and it was a half hour video that i watched and then took a short quiz to make sure i paid attention. also i am going thru a center of excellence and i do my monthly weigh ins with the nut. its good because we can talk about all the dietary changes for after surgery
  10. newmebithebypass

    Beginning my journey ????????

    well i am on month 5/7 and i finally get to meet my new nut. im pretty happy with the care team i have going forward and my surgeon rocks. well i am on month 5/7 and i finally get to meet my new nut. im pretty happy with the care team i have going forward and my surgeon rocks.
  11. newmebithebypass

    psych meds with bypass

    well today i have my psych eval required by my insurance and drs office and i will bring up the meds issue then. also my psych np used to do evals for bariatric patients so she has some idea of what will and wont work when the time comes i hope
  12. newmebithebypass

    Gastric bypass over sleeve

    i was initially going to go with sleeve as i thought it was the less invasive of the two as well. but then when i took a long hard look at my lifestyle and exercise habbits along with being a diabetic and having pcos i decided to go with bypass. im really happy with my surgeon and i know i only want to have wls one time so i might as well go with the gold standard
  13. newmebithebypass

    Gall Bladder Removal for Roux-en-y?

    i have galstones but my surgeon is leaving mine in and says only about 1/4 of people will have issues post op and if it becomes an issue for me we can deal with it later
  14. newmebithebypass

    Pre op diet day 11. Sigh

    wow your so close just keep at it
  15. newmebithebypass

    February 8th!

    my surgeon doesnt require a liquid diet but basically for 3 weeks prior to surgery no starches of any kind and then the last two days prior clear liquids only and npo at midnight
  16. newmebithebypass

    Vitamins and cost?

    ive been looking and i saw a months supply of the twinlab vitamins for about 40 bucks on amazon. i plan on using the new centrum vitamints and as far as i can tell they are about 14 bucks for a months supply they are chewable. the calcium pearls from citrical which are like 12 bucks for a whole month and i havent priced out the b-12 i will need also i am buying some chewable biotin which is like 10 bucks for two months
  17. newmebithebypass


    You can get them at vitamin shoppe and amazon
  18. Honestly for me I'm proud to say when I've lost weight because its an accomplishment
  19. newmebithebypass


    My plan says no caffeine for a year as it can mess with your new pouch
  20. newmebithebypass

    Does Your Family’s Kitchen Support Weight Loss?

    We live with a roommate and he loves meals that don't require a lot of effort or energy to make so we always have rice soup and pasta in the house I just choose to cook meat and the side of veggies and rice or pasta and not eat the carbs
  21. newmebithebypass

    How Do You Track Your Food?

    If anybody wants to friend me I'm jessfress2 on myfitnesspal
  22. newmebithebypass

    Extra small stomach

    My nut said to avoid the protein shots because they aren't complete protein and don't give you what you need
  23. newmebithebypass

    Do You Eat Breakfast? What Do You Have?

    I'm still preop but I've always been a breakfast eater right now I'm eating eggs or jimmy dean brkfast sandwiches but once I have rny ill probably have a shake for breakfast
  24. newmebithebypass

    So frustrated!

    Have any of you tried biofreeze for your pain. I'm a massage therapist and also have degenerative disk disease and sciatica and I swear by this its basically icy hot just without the hot part its a topical analgesic that comes in a spray can now. You have to get it at a drs office though
  25. newmebithebypass


    I have private insurance and Medicaid as my secondary and so far they have picked up the tab for copays and such for my primary I have private insurance and Medicaid as my secondary and so far they have picked up the tab for copays and such for my primary

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
