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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by newmebithebypass

  1. newmebithebypass


    oh man my soda habit i drink at least two cans of diet something through out the day. i really need to stop once i finish all the diet root beer in the house i keep telling my self to just pour it down the drain and be done with it but the addict in me says but we need the bubbles and sugar high. i even bough several bottles of carbonated Water and am trying to switch to those because surgery is in like two months
  2. i always bring my head phones with me anywhere ill be sitting around more than a half hour because of my adhd i get bored quickly and need something to distract me
  3. newmebithebypass

    Letter from PCP

    according to my surgeon my pcp sends a lot of his pts there and getting a letter wont be difficult my insurance and surgeon require this letter. but i am getting super close to getting my date next month is 6/7 and then all i have to do i get blood work chest x-ray and get my ekg to my surgeon
  4. newmebithebypass

    Txt buddies

    hi everyone i am from baltimore md. and i am having rny in either march or april of this year i would love texting buddies regardless of the surgery you had pm me for my number
  5. newmebithebypass

    I said "No Way"!

    thats so great hon i am beaming for you. you ought to be proud. i am just hoping to get back in the jrs section because of my height
  6. well i used to have a very scary psycho somatic reaction to peanuts and so my go to choice for protein bars where larabar they are nut free and gluten free theres another on i like but dont know about the facility
  7. newmebithebypass

    No RNY for BMI over 50?

    well i am 24 and my bmi started at 52 when i started this process and i only weigh 281 right now thankfully but if you watch my 600 pound life that doctor performs bypass on patients that are over 500 pounds so i dont know why itd be an issue for your doc i would deffinatly get a second opinion
  8. newmebithebypass

    Hi. I'm Dawn

    hey dawn its great to hear the update. are you allowed regular food during or is it all liquid? when i am 3 weeks away from my surgery its no starches of any kind then the last two days are clear liquids only. pm me if you want we can chat thru text or here if you like
  9. newmebithebypass

    Anyone from Pittsburgh?

    i live in Baltimore lutherville specifically if your familiar with balto county and yes you guys have a ravens fan here
  10. newmebithebypass

    Anyone from Pittsburgh?

    Hi! I have never heard of this. Sounds interesting tho if you go on the website for gasp you can join and meet with people. unfortunatly i live in md and its too much of a drive to go except for the convention. it is a lot of fun 3 days of nothing but games and geeky people of all kinds. if you like d&d or any other table top rpg there are loads of people to play with
  11. newmebithebypass

    Are your co-workers as awesome as mine are?

    im in a different situation than most i work with family and they rock they're 100% supportive and i have my best friends support as well. it just happens my best friend is my hubby. i would be lost with out him honestly i thank his mom all the time for raising the perfect spouse
  12. newmebithebypass

    Anyone from Pittsburgh?

    im not from pittsburgh but i do travel there every november for the gaspcon. is anyone on here apart of that me and my hubby go every year and i would love to hang out this year with fellow wls patients. and for those who have no idea what gasp is it the game association of southern pennsylvania its a monthly group that meets to play board card and role play games. the convention is held every year in november and its tons of fun with an auction that you can sell your geeky stuff that you no longer need. like i said i go every year and would love to meet some people
  13. newmebithebypass

    Fat Shaming Husband...so hurt

    im so scarred for you because many of the "christian men" i had contact with when i was a believer were like this. and yeah its just emotional abuse now but there is a sect of christianity where it is perfectly acceptable to beat your wives into obediance and please dont let it get there just look up quiverfull movement and please learn from these women who got out. i was raised in an abusive home and its just words now but love wont make him not abuse you. in stead of asking i love him why does he treat me this way ask why do i love someone who treats me this way
  14. newmebithebypass


    ive had 3 surgeries on my ears and im still pre-op for bypass but the last thing i recall is the plastic mask on my face and the first thing is wow i really need to pee also wheres my apple juice
  15. My surgeon doesn't like straws so she has all her patients buy a camalbak water bottle with bite valve this makes it so your not sucking air when you drink
  16. newmebithebypass

    Alcohol- beware.

    im coming from the perspective of the daughter of two addicts liking to go over board one weekend is not addiction drinking 10-12 drinks every day and not paying bills because you spent it on booze is addiction. so yeah lets be careful about how we sling that word
  17. newmebithebypass

    Hi. I'm Dawn

    hey dawn just checking in with you i know you start your pre-op diet soon just be patient your time will come and it will be over before you know it
  18. newmebithebypass


    my practice has us all buy a camalbak Water bottle with a bitevalve and it makes sure you dont suck in air when drinking its awesome
  19. newmebithebypass

    A Significant Milestone

    thats fantastic go girl
  20. newmebithebypass

    Long wait to April...

    I'm submitting for insurance in march and should have an April date. Thankfully I don't have a liquid diet preop just the last two days
  21. newmebithebypass

    Surgery in February 2016. Worried.

    I'm still preop with no kids but I just wanted to say your fears are just that fears don't let them stop you from trying because that little two year old needs the best mommy he can have. I'm sure next February once you've lost all the weight you're going to look back on this post and smile it will all be ok
  22. newmebithebypass

    Oh the complications...

    Oh sweetie I'm sorry your going through this speedy recovery for you I hope
  23. newmebithebypass

    Hot new boyfriend loves my sleeve

    Awe your so cute and yeah he's a hottie you got a good guy it seems so that's awesome ????
  24. newmebithebypass

    2016 Will Be the Year That…

    My goals for 2016 is to get to onderland by new years and to start a physical fitness routine
  25. newmebithebypass

    Biggest Loser

    I watch the show just out of kind of a bemusement and a shadenfraude of wow this is a really strange way to approach life. But do I get angry when the Dr on the show tells one of the contestants that he took the easy way out by having bypass and he failed yes defiantly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
