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Catahoula Mom

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Catahoula Mom

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    Veterinary Technician
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    Oklahoma City
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  1. Catahoula Mom

    Autoimmune disorders and wls

    I have "non-specific connective tissue autoimmune disase", i.e. they don't know exactly what's wrong with me. I take Methotrexate, Celebrex and Lyrica. You can't take immune suppressants before or directly after surgery because it would inhibit your healing. But my surgeon said it was fine to resume my Lyrica the next day after surgery. I did have to wait 2 weeks to restart the Celebrex (NSAID.) I had no problems. Following the diet and dropping weight makes you feel so much better, it means less muscle and joint pain for me, tho I still have flare ups. It is now known that fat creates inflammation, which is a major factor in my level of pain. I'm getting back on track after regaining 30 lbs, and I have noticed that the extra pounds creates SO much more joint pain than what I was feeling before regaining. I really think that weight loss (fat loss) will help just about anybody's overall health including inflammatory autoimmune diseases.
  2. Catahoula Mom

    Vitamins and suppliments

    I take chewable Bariatric Advantage Advanced Multi EA and caramel Chewy Bite calcium. The taste isn't great but I dont find the multi chalky, I kinda suck on it until it dissolves, that may help. The multi also has iron and B12 in it so I don't need anything else tho I take D3. I get them off Amazon.
  3. Catahoula Mom

    The color of urine

    People with healthy kidneys who don't have to drink like fish to stay hydrated should always have a bit of yellow. Under normal circumstances, dilute urine would indicate that your kidneys aren't working right. But for your increased Water intake you should be seeing clearer urine. Until you start taking Multivitamins with B Vitamins in it- then expect very yellow pee!
  4. Thanks to all for the input. I actually do get all my water in, and I eat healthy at mealtime, it's in between meals mostly at work that I fall apart. Babbs' point "You MUST change your relationship with food or it won't work. Period." is the issue. I am looking at insurance covered options for the therapy part I seem to be missing out on. Additionally, I don't have a personal support system. That's a huge part I think. I didn't think I needed one since I've always been very independent. And at first I didn't.
  5. I have been on Paxil for GAD since 2000 when I was 120 lbs of solid muscle. I've tried weaning down my dosage or changing meds and never been able to come off it. But, since it's cheap now, I don't think it's a bad thing to be on. It had nothing to do with my weight gain, btw. You should see your GP about trying a SSRI/NSSRI. You may be able to take it short term, as most people do. It should not medically affect your surgery in any way. Self medicating is always a bad idea, especially since (#1. you're not a doctor and #2.) valium can cause hypotension and reduce the amount of oxygen to the heart muscle, so if you were having a heart attack, would be more harm than good. p.s. I'm not a doctor either!
  6. Catahoula Mom

    Did you ever...? (a bit gross)

    Have you tried ice? Sugar free candy? I honestly think abstinence is the best thing tho. As someone already mentioned, trading one bad habit for another isn't progress. Even QTR-nevermore's plant buying behavior is trading one obsession for another. I know, I have more African Violets than I have space for since having surgery! Hey, nevermore- like African Violets?
  7. I had VGS surgery November 2, 2015. Things were not as I expected from day 1. I had attended all the required information sessions and so-called support group meetings which only ever consisted of being presented with journal articles proving what we all already know- fast food and sugar and junk food make you fat. The first thing I wasn’t prepared for was how painful and utterly miserable it would be to try to drink 100 oz of Water starting immediately post-op, as was required by my surgeon in order to be released to go home. I was told I had esophageal spasming making it difficult for me. This however, did not buy me any consideration in the required water intake. I really couldn’t do it. I wound up dumping a portion of the water down the sink in order to get to go home. I didn’t expect difficulty in maintaining water intake post-op because I already drank at least 64 oz a day before ever considering surgery. I thought it would be no problem since I was already used to it. The next thing that didn’t go as expected was hunger. I was told that most people don’t feel hunger for up to 2 years post-op. Mine never went away, not for one day. I was told it was head hunger or acid reflux. I learned the difference between acid and hunger, and let’s be real- head hunger is as bad or worse than a growling tummy, and at times indistinguishable. I did lose 66 lbs over the first several months despite eating off diet for a good part. I am incapable of eating as much as pre-op, tho I now eat twice as much as I did 6 months ago. This brings me to the main point I wish I knew before surgery. I actually asked once, when it was described to me how little I would be able to consume- how I would ever be able to stop losing weight- it didn’t seem like enough to live on! The answer I got was, “Oh, you’d be surprised how little you need to live.” The reason I was not told, is that the surgery changes your metabolism in such a way that you can actually easily gain weight back by eating off diet. Your body acclimates to it’s new intake by adjusting so that you gain just like you did before. And as they did, to their credit, warn me- surgery does not fix the real problem- behavior. I still crave the sweets, pizza, etc., I craved before surgery. I still don’t have the ability to make myself eat healthy all the time- if I did, I’d never have become morbidly obese in the first place. The biggest disappointment is that my money would have been MUCH better spent on a shrink that deals with food addiction. Or a new central heat and air system. I went ahead with surgery because I was desperate. I know that if I knew then what I know now, I likely would have gone ahead with it out of desperation. I just wish I knew so that I could have been prepared. Especially for the diarrhea and sharts which occur in the a.m before I even eat off diet. I’ve gained 30 lbs back since September, mostly due to holiday sweets, but I find it sorely disappointing that I can gain like this and yet I will never be satisfied after a meal again. I will never eat at a favorite restaurant again for fear of overindulging or at best not getting to eat what I really want. I can’t tell you how much I miss the fried chicken and mashed potatoes at Jim’s Diner. And waffles, oh waffles… OK, I have to stop this line of thinking. Back to the subject at hand. What was the subject? Brain stuck on Jim’s… So much I wish I knew. But I have to accept these things and move ahead. And I have proven to myself that I cannot do it alone. Maybe I can’t do it at all. But I need to at least try to get the support I need. I hope someday I can update this post and have a totally (mostly?) positive update. Any help or genuine advice is welcome. Please don’t tell me to think about why I had surgery in the first place. I think about it every minute of every day. I am painfully aware of what I should be doing and that I can’t make myself do it. I am out of control. As of today, I have a fridge full of ingredients for on-diet meals. I joined the Bariatric Foodie challenge. I just spent $600 on credit that I shouldn’t have, to get a 3 in 1 exercise machine. I had a membership to a local gym, but after over a year of $20/mo and not going, I finally went and cancelled it. Wish I would have got the home equipment in the first place. But now I’m set to give myself half a chance at success. Help me to find the other half. Please.
  8. Unfortunately, the effects of surgery are different for each person. I was hungry the next day. It NEVER went away. I am 14 months out, and I can now easily tell the difference between acid and hunger, tho at first it was indistinguishable. Try Pantoprazole if you're not on it. Head hunger or just plain cravings still get me. The best advice I can give, I did not have the strength to follow myself. It is easier in the beginning tho, so stick to it. It doesn't get easier. Do not set yourself up for failure. The liquid and pureed portions of the diet are short lived. Remember that. Real food comes soon. And look on pintrest for recipes for the pureed/soft part of the diet, there are tons there. Stay strong!
  9. Catahoula Mom

    4 days post op and I've advanced my diet

    I advanced my diet rapidly too. I know exactly what you mean by being sick of fruity or chocolate stuff. I actually started eating chicken (a bite or two at dinner) a week after surgery. I am by no means recommending this, it's just what I did. There are also a ton of recipes on pintrest for the liquid/pureed part of the post op diet. Look there for variety and ideas. I also use Isopure unflavored protein powder, this allows you to flavor it with whatever you want or add it to soups etc.
  10. Catahoula Mom

    Holy hunger!

    I too felt hunger from day 2, however it has lessened to tolerable after starting on solid foods. Cravings are still an issue
  11. Being on a liquid diet for 2 weeks post op, I too struggled with getting in the required 96oz of clear fluids for the first several days due to the discomfort. I went back to work 7 days out (which was way too soon for me) and I would have likely had to go to the clinic to be put on IV fluids except I work where I can snag some IVFs and setup which I took home and bolused myself a liter on that day 7. I felt SO much better the next day. Also, 11 days out, I am maxing out at 80 oz of clear fluids a day, but I know I am staying hydrated on that based on how much I am peeing. Hope you've done well and haven't gotten seriously dehydrated
  12. Catahoula Mom

    Regretting it already..(day 1)

    Every word you wrote was exactly how I felt at that time! I too did not get down my required water and the surgeon was a jerk about it. Every 7mL sip I took felt like I was being gutted with a shovel. It was AWFUL. I am 11 days out and feel better every day. Hopefully you do too by now.
  13. Catahoula Mom


    I had surgery 11 days ago and I have very gradually improved in stamina tho I am still very weak. I had a good day Wednesday, worked 10 hours and felt like death Thursday. Friday was my best day yet, I even felt OK in the morning, whereas it had been hard to stay awake before.
  14. Catahoula Mom

    Post Op Pain

    I was in a huge amount of pain the first few days after surgery, and I have always had a high tolerance for pain before. It gradually got better over the next few days and 5 days out I no longer needed the pain med.
  15. Catahoula Mom

    Protein Options

    I too have an issue with sickeningly sweet tastes now, I have to water down my powerade zero. I have unflavored Isopure protein powder which can go in pretty much anything, it says it goes in hot beverages, but it does not mix well into something hot, you have to put it in before you heat it up! I put it in broth & SF hot cocoa.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
