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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Whitney1968

  • Rank
    Junior Guru
  • Birthday 04/09/1968

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    cooking, eating, vacations, drinks with friends
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  1. 2 Years after my surgery I started having problems. I'm hoping someone out there can tell me if they went through this or give me advice. 5 months ago (2 years after my surgery) I started vomiting. I would have SERIOUS pain in by my left shoulder blade. The vomiting was/is mostly very foamy. First I thought is was the type of foods I was eating. It started out with a biscuit, pizza, pancakes. I thought I might have been allergic to gluten. Then I would start throwing up vegetables, cheese, anything, etc. Even though the vomiting concerned me, I was more interested in what caused the pain in my left shoulder blade. The only was to ease that pain was to stick my finger down my throat until I almost threw up a lung. Getting EVERYTHING out!!! Like I said, the foam is weird. I went to a gastro. dr. and he thought it might be my gall bladder. They did a ultrasound and didn't find anything. He gave me an RX for the nausea. The RX is supposed to be strong, he said cancer patients take it to control their nausea after chemo. Well, that didn help. He said if it continued to have an endoscopy done. I've been putting it off. Does anyone have this problem or do you have any idea what is happening to me?
  2. Whitney1968

    yummy pasta alternative

    I heard they smell 'fishy'. Is that true?
  3. Whitney1968

    Drinking alcohol

    My dr. said 6 months but I had some in 2 months and was fine.
  4. Whitney1968


    After 8 weeks, you should be able to eat just about anything. I would eat the soft tacos if I were you but if you chew really really good, the hard will be fine too. My doctor said don't eat roast or steak until 6 months but I did at 9 weeks and I was fine.
  5. Whitney1968

    Women monthly cycle

    @@jhclikesshopping@gmail.com you are correct
  6. Whitney1968

    Women monthly cycle

    Yes, your cycle will be messed up for a few months
  7. Whitney1968

    I need help..vitiams

    I am on ID LIFE Vitamins. They are designed for what YOUR body needs. They are terrific!!!!!!!!! I feel great everyday. GNC sells vitamins not made particulary for you. These vitamins are absorbed by your body within 20 minutes. Please visit www.NeilWhitney.IDLife.com Take the assessment test. It will ask you what kind of meds you are on, if you have stress, trouble sleeping at night, depression, etc. This will all help you!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Whitney1968

    Weird directions from my Surgeon

    Where are you from? Sounds like my surgeon
  9. @Waler I agree. The Banana Cream is the best tasting Isopure powder there is. 210 calories 0 carbs and 50 grams of Protein. However, your poop will be a strange color from the Banana Cream protein. The strawberry Cream is good too. The chocolate is horrible.
  10. Whitney1968


    @Megdelyn I was a heavy drinker too before the surgery. We have drive-thru daiquirs bars here in New Orleans. I had a large (32 oz) daiquiri every night (with extra shots) for almost 30 years. I'm sure we all know how much sugar is in those things. I haven't had one sip of alcohol since the surgery. I'm leaving to go on vacation next week and will be having some margaritas, etc. I'm surprised you didn't get drunk fast. I like that slow buzz. It would take me aboutg 3 hours to nurse on my daiquiri. Did you try and drink anything other than wine? If so, did it give you heartburn?
  11. Whitney1968

    Before and after

    Just when I was feeling low, glad I opened this. What an inspiration!!! Did you have a tummy tuck? I have a big ' drooping spare tire' and feel as though it will never go away.
  12. I never had the problem with the Premier shakes but do have the problem with the Isopure. I guess everyone is different.
  13. I'm a worrier too too. We must have the same mother. LOL My mother only thinks about the negative!! You had me cracking up "get some medical gloves and pull it out". LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! What part of Ala.?
  14. Whitney1968

    Low Cal Snacks for Travel

    Cheerios in a baggie
  15. @ I was like you and still am some times. I am 3 months post op and sometimes it's like nothing coming out. BUT, yesterday and today, I finally took a good, hearty poop since my surgery. I'm sorry, TMI, but I kept waiting and waiting for months for it to happen I had to tell someone. LOL Where ya from, Southern Sleever?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
