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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ALLABTME_KISHA

  1. Im so glad that Thanksgiving has come and gone now. I was dreading this day... I always seem to gain about 10 pounds this time of year. This year I gained 4 pounds the week before, but that was do to other issues not related to thanksgiving and not going to the gym for over a week.... But, now Ive got over that turkey (lol) I cant get back to my regular scheduled program. The stress that was going on in my life the week before has been settled, thank GOD and now I have NO excuses!! Ive done pretty good overall in 5 1/2 months I have lost 74 pounds. 15/20 more pounds and I will be at my goal weight. This has not been an easy journey by far, bit it has sooo been worth it. I am loving the new me!!

    Short Sleevers?

    So Im 5" and the BMI charts I check online says 97-125 which I think is way too small for me, havent been that small since high school... Im hoping to get down to 130/135 pounds. Right now Im 148lbs and Im 5 1/2 months post op..

    What's wrong with me?

    Then used to happen to me all the time early on... I simply started keeping the bathroom door open and the shower door open so that some air can get in the bathroom while I showered and took shorter showers to keep this from happening. And that worked for me. My surgeon eventually told me my blood pressure was probably too low during those times. Never could explain to why during my showers tho. But, that hasnt happened to me in almost 2 months now. Im 5 months out now. Anit feels go to be able to take long showers again.????
  4. So thru out this journey my relationship with my scale hasnt always been a good one. There have been times when Ive wanted to throw it against the wall... When Ive wanted to throw it in the trash. As a matter of fact, I did throw it in the trash. Only to buy another one 10 days later. My scale has made me smile and made me cry! My scale has been my worst enemy and my bestfriend at the same damn time!!... As u can tell me and my scale has something real ????. We are in this for the long haul... Lately we've been in good standings cuz the numbers has been going down and Im almost at goal. I really had to get it together tho. I kno I wasnt always doing things right or to my full potential. So, I had to take a look at self and really start putting in some real effort. I started going to the gym 5-6 days a week for 45mins minium. Protien & water has never been a problem for me. Just the exercising part. But, now I look forward to going to the gym. It makes my day! And, have truly improved my relationship with my scale. Well here's some stats: HW: 223lbs SW: 203lbs CW: 148.4lbs GW: 135lbs but now thinking 130lbs Height: 5' Surgery Date: 6/22/15

    20151031 074828

    From the album: ALLABTME_KISHA

    This costume was was my son's last halloween... He got a new one this year so I decided to wear his last year one, since I could now fit it with all the weight loss... Amazing feeling for me!!
  6. Hey @@ThickFit504! So I am a little over 4months out and Ive had a half slice of pizza and that was really pushing it for me. Mainly because outside of that I eats NO bread or pasta. Just dont have a taste for it. When I eat burgers it on lettuce or just plain without bread and its never a whole burger in one sitting. I can eat drumstick (fried chicken), if I get gready and eat 2 I always end up throwing up(no matter how slow I eat it. Fish I can get a good amount in... But I find myself trying new things weekly to see what works for me and portions works without me having to throw up or just straight discomfort! I feel like Im in this try & error phaze. But its coming along... Hopes this helps! Wish u luck on ur journey
  7. Im drained!! Mentally stuck... I threw away my scale because I thought that would help me. Weighing myself daily was draining, but the not knowing was even worse! So after 10 days I went and brought me a new scale. So, then I was mad all over again because it(the numbers) hasnt moved in those 10 days. I was still at 156.8lbs.... I feel like now I should be smaller, should be closer to goal. Goal is 135lbs... Granted Im only 4months out... I know I need to start exercising.. But my protein & water intake is on point. I walk alot but no real cardio. Exercising has been my 1 hiccup. But I really need to get with the program in order to get this last 20some odd pounds off.... The holidays are coming soon and I wanna visit home (WDC) a whole new me or the old old me(before the weigh gain). I want to not be the fat daughter or friend anymore! But right now I just feel so stuck! Like its never gonna happen... I just wanna blink and be at goal.. I know I know it doesnt work like that, but a girl could dream. Hehehehe! Some days are just harder for me than others and I guess today is one of those days... Just glad Im able to vent to someone. So here's some background: Im 5 feet tall!! HW: 223lbs SW: 203lbs CW: 156.8lbs GW: 135lbs Surgery date: 6/22/15

    Stuck stuck stuck!

    See the problem is I set these mini goals for myself every 30days and when I don't make them I get extremely frustrated!! Sometimes I feel like if I was doing more, far as exercise I could meet my mini goals and my ultimate goal faster.... Im just rushing the process, so tired of being fat that now that its starting to come off... I just want it gone! And NOW!!

    Scale GONE!

    Yesterday morning after my normal routine of weighing myself 3-4 times, I finally told myself Kisha this is crazy! So I finally got the nerve to throw away my scale. I had to throw it away and not just move it from the bathroom, otherwise I wouldve been just weighing myself where ever I moved it to. My 10yr old was like 'ma why you throwing the scale away? Is it broke?' and all I could tell him was it was breaking me.... He says 'whatever!' and takes it to the dump. The scale is gone!! But now this morning Im like how the hell am I suppose to weigh myself now and keep track of my progress??? Did I do the right thing throwing away the scale?? It was becoming an obsession and it really wasnt helping my mental. BW: 223lbs SW: 203lbs CW: 156lbs (as of yesterday morning) GW:135lbs Now Im questioning whether throwing it away was a good idea... Im only 18 weeks post and not really close to goal. Should I go get another scale this afternoon????

    Scale GONE!

    Im starting to agree... The not knowing is killing me more than the over weighing myself. So off to Walmart I go tomorrow. I intially that this would help, but after 3 days of not knowing Im going crazy!!

    Scale GONE!

    Now u kno everyone is different.. But I started losing immediately. I lost 10-12 lbs my 1st week. And after that it was just falling off... Now it has kind of slowed all the way down and its more like 1-3 pounds a week if Im having a good week..

    Scale GONE!

    Thats a really good idea @@bellabloom!! Think Im gonna try that and see how that works

    3 month check up

    I simply followed my doctors orders to a tee and the weight just seems to come right off, but now its starting to slow down so Im about to start tackling the gym HARD!! @newbeginnings196t

    3 month check up

    Ur story spunds very familiar... I went on my 3month check up last week. Starting weight 223lbs and now Im 156lbs... Sometimes I feel like maybe I should be losing faster and other times Im like okay your pacing along... My goal is 135lbs although thats still an over weight bmi for my height. Im 5" tall. But who knows maybe that'll changed the closer I get... Sounds... Cellphone typing lol

    Dinner dates...

    Ive been hanging out with this guy for a few weeks... We never go on dinner dates, I always make an excuse. Dont want to seem like Im wasting money on food that I can barely eat. Not really sure how to address the issue or if I even want to. When do u, if u ever address the issue with a Person Of Interest, especially if they didnt kno you before the weight lost. Outside of my immediate family I havent shared my experience with anyone. Feels like its my business, plus the ppl I come into contact with mostly are coworkers and we arent friends! So I keep my personal life way seperate from my work life.... Anyways, when or do I share?? Im running put of excuses my dinner isnt a good idea... HELP!!

    200 lbs sleevers

    How much did you lose the 1st month? I had surgery a month ago and have lost 18 lbs. I am nervous I won't reach my goal weightThe 1st month after I lost 23lbs

    200 lbs sleevers

    My heaviest weight was 223 and day of surgery I was 203 and today Im 159lbs.... I was sleeved on 6/22/15 from HW to now Ive lost 64lbs

    Waiting for an approving!

    It might not take the whole 2 weeks for the insurance to get back with them. My MD's office told me the same thing and the next week they were calling me to schedule my date... I was hoping they scheduled mines either the last week in May or 2nd week in June. They attempted to schedule me the 1st week in June and I had to postponed cuz my oldest was graduating High school that day so I had to put it off for 2 more weeks, but soooo worth the wait!! The time flew by. And be positive in ur thoughts, ur insurance will approve u and u will soon be on ur way!! Good luck to u!!!
  19. I had been in a stall for 3 weeks and it has really been messing with my mental. But yes! The scale is finally moving again. I had been stuck at 162lbs for about 3 weeks or so and it was very fustrating. Today I weighed in at 159lbs!! Im so excited!! It feels good to see the scale moving again. Here's some stats: Hw: 223lbs Sw: 203lbs Cw: 159lbs Gw: 135lbs Total lost so far: 64lbs Surgery date: 06/22/15 Pix show from now to the beginning(probably shouldve did it the other way around, but whatever)!!

    Anyone close to Tracy California

    Im in San Leandro. Looking for a workout buddy or group....

    SF Bay Area Support Group

    I live in San Leandro and is very interested!! Looking for a workout buddy or group desperately!!!

    Anyone from the Southbay or Bay Area

    Im in the East Bay... Was sleeved 6/22/15

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
