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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ALLABTME_KISHA

  1. I got sleeved 6/22 and Im looking for a workout buddy... I have a membership at Planet fitness and allowed a guess each time I go. Its really hard for me to workout by myself, I need that extra motivation. So if anyone wants to take me up on this offer would be great!!... Bw: 223lbs Sw: 200lbs Cw: 160lbs Gw: 135lbs My surgery date was 6/22/15.
  2. Ive read about the stall on here and thought well I hope I dont get one of those or if I do it doesnt last too long.... When I 1st started reading about the 3week stall I was like 'Nooooooooo'... And now going on my 3rd week Im mordified!! Ive been at 162lbs it seems as if forever. I was really hoping to be down to 155lbs or less by now. And I kno there's no time frame or exact amount of pounds u'll lose by a certain time BUT the way I had been going. I was just hoping to be a certain weight by my BIRTHDAY in 7 days. Dont look like thats gonna happen. Damn stall!!! Nonetheless, I look and feel great. Just wish the scale said the numbers I want to see and not this darn 162 again... Need this to pass already????

    When did you go back to work?

    I havent worked retail in yrs, however, I work in a pharmacy so Im on my feet 8hrs a day 5-6 days a week... I thought I'd be able to go back to work after a week or two but my doctor was like no! He normally recommends 4-8 weeks. I got him to agree on 5 weeks and Im so glad that he was persistance and made me take that time off. Cuz even when I went back to work after 5 weeks I was still drained mid way thru the day for about 2 weeks. Now 13 weeks out Im good! As a matter of fact Im great!! And daily I find that Im gaining my strength and energy back and more than before surgery. But this may be different for others..
  4. My skin is so dry and scaley... No matter how much lotion, vitamin e or olive oil my skin still drys up fairly fast and peels.. I hadnt had this problem prior to being sleeved in June. Is anyone else experience this? Looking for suggests on what can help...

    Itchy itchy itchy

    Thx! Will try apply over damp skin and see how that goes. And, oddly enough I never buy moisturizers with pumps... I always thought that was weird of me, but good thing huh?!

    Ladies, What Size Jeans Do You Wear?

    Weight: 162 (down 54lbs) Height: 5' Jeans: 10-12
  7. Why is it that when I look in the mirror I dont see a difference. In my clothes I can see/feel the difference... The scale numbers are clearly lower... And ppl around me are constantly complimenting me on the weight loss. However, when I look in the mirror I dont see any difference. Is that wierd?? I started out at 223lbs and 12 weeks later Im at 162lbs but I swear when I look in the mirror Im still the fat girl who weighs 223lbs. Am I always gonna see her??

    Waist training?

    So Im 12 weeks out and Im losing the weight, although when I look in the mirror I dont see it. But my question is: Has anyone tried waist training? Do u think its too soon? I havent spoken to my surgeon yet, dont see him for 3 more weeks. And I dont feel as though I need to call him about this, figured I'd wait til I see him. But I was curious to know if anyone as tried/trying it. My midsection is the most stubbornest part of my body, and although its going down. Just not quick enough for me! Thought I might invest in a GenieWaist. Let me know what you guys think...
  9. Oh it slows down rather quickly... So as others before me has said, prepare yourself mentally for it. I started out as u alot very fast and now 12weeks its really starting to taper down, 2-3 lbs a week if. I started at 223lbs now at 162lbs... **G/W: 140lbs**


    I am 12 weeks post surgery and I find myself constantly on the scale. Ive always had a scale in my bathroom, just because. But I now think I need to throw it away or atleast hide it. I find myself weighing myself daily. And, depending on what the scale tells me determines how good of an day Im going to have. I find myself setting these most outlandish goals each month, which I havent met one. I am losing weigh and it feels great! I didnt expect to get off the operating table and be a size 5 again, I know it takes time and work. But my obsession with this scale is playing tricks on my mind and not allowing me to appreciate the progress that Ive made. I constantly say Im just gonna throw the scale away or move it from the bathroom so its not always there in my face... But I never do. And then I tell myself Im not getting on it today but I do it anyways. When does this obsession with my current weight end? Hopefully when I reach my goal.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
