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Posts posted by 1ntrov3gan

  1. My partner of 12 yrs left me 3 months after my surgery. No reason other than she needed some space. 3 yrs later and she admitted she left me for another man because she was afraid I'd leave her if I lost weight.

    Point is we made a decision to save our lives and shouldn't have to deal with negativity during a time when support and love is needed. In my opinion she, like my ex, never really supported the decision to begin with and rather than talk about it before hand to Iron out any doubts, they chose to pretend to be supportive and accepting. At least that was the case in my life. You just had the surgery and really need to focus on you. Your well being and physical and mental health. Trust me. It's been over 2 years since I had the surgery and it's a long journey that will require you to be focused on you. Good luck :-)

  2. 6 words







    These 6 words best describe who I am and what I represent. I'll tell you one thing, this has been one hell of an adventure and it's only begun. I had the surgery back in 2013 and the last few years have been quite rough but things are turning around. My passions are animals and our environment. Trying to save both. I am here for something special. I will know when I find her ....

    If you need tips, recipes, motivation or just information about anything feel free to hit me up with a message. I have probably experienced everything that comes with GB, both the good and the bad. Thanks :)

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