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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lee41

  1. Oops! Disregard what I wrote in my post yesterday about my delaying having a first fill because my hunger was under control. About an hour after writing the post, my hunger appeared and today it has been great. I've been able to refrain from eating "bad" food but the quantity of healthy food has greatly increased. Without a doubt, I'll be going in for my scheduled 1st fill on Wednesday. I certainly don't want to have to fight this degree of hunger on a long term basis.
  2. I've emailed my Doctor and am waiting a reply but wondered how others on this forum might respond to my question: I am 3-1/2 weeks post-op and due for my first fill in one week. Per doctor's orders, I've been eating real food for a week: protein first, followed by vegetable. Because I've experienced only minimal hunger, I've been able to keep caloric intake to 800 cal/day. I have had a couple of days when I was really hungry but eating a little cottage cheese or an ounce or two of meat, the hunger went away. My question is, should I have a fill (my first) if weight-loss is good and hunger is very manageable? My inclination is to delay having my first fill until I actually need help in controlling hunger. What do you think?
  3. lee41

    Homemade Protein Bars

    How many protein bars does this recipe make?
  4. lee41

    Homemade Protein Bars

    I don't have a recipe for a home-made protein bar but I would love to have one, also. Perhaps we can start experimenting in our kitchens and come up with a winner. I'll give it a shot. Anyone else?
  5. lee41

    over sixty seven

    Hi sams46, Sometimes it is a bit unnerving to read about possible lap band complications but I've tried to use the information to remind myself to do EVERYTHING I can to avoid the complications (eating what I've been told to eat, chewing well, not having so many fills I'm overly restricted, etc.) Certainly, all complications cannot be avoided but perhaps we can lessen the chances of having such complications. I had surgery 1/21/08 and am doing great. Completely healed, exercising 30 minutes a day, feeling only minimal hunger (when meal time comes around), can eat anything, such as chicken, salad, apple/skin, etc. (although I chose to eat ONLY healthy food in limited quantity). I am due for my first fill in 2 weeks but if things (hunger) continue as they are now, I may delay having the fill. As long as my hunger is under control, I'd rather not have a fill because I don't want to fool around with being overly restricted so that I am limited in the kinds of food I eat. Good luck on your up-coming surgery. Follow the band rules and you'll have a good chance of having a very successful band experience.
  6. Riotgrrl, Good for you for giving it your best shot at losing weight on your own. A couple months ago I was exactly at the place where you are now--I canceled my scheduled lap band surgery 4 weeks before the surgery in order to give it 'one last try' at dieting. I put my whole heart into it and after 2 weeks things were going great. But, then I reached a plateau and began slipping, and finally fell off the wagon, just like the hundreds of times before. So I rescheduled the surgery. I certainly was not excited about having the surgery, just 'resigned' to the idea that I had run out of options and the lap band was the safest procedure. Surgery was in January and I must say that now I have no regrets. Weight is coming off slowly, I don't slime and puke. Physically, I feel the same as I did pre-banding--Because I've had no fills, there are no foods I can't physically eat. However, I have chosen not to eat unhealthy foods. The only difference is that after I eat my cup or 1-1/2c (max) of food at each meal, I actually feel pleasantly full and have no desire to eat anything else. I don't get hungry until 3-4 hours after a meal. If things continue as they are now, I may never get a fill which would be great because then I wouldn't have to deal with the problems that can come along with being restricted. But, if I eventually find I need restriction, I'll get a fill(s). Only a suggestion, but one thing that might be helpful to you, as you are losing weight on your own, is to 'pretend' you already have the band and follow the banding rules. Rules vary among doctors, but mine are: 1) Never, never, never eat more than 1-1/2c of food at a meal, 2) Eat protein first, vegetable second, then fruit or whole grain if there is room, 3) Eat 40-60g. protein/day, 4) Take small bites and chew completely (I'm not good at this but I try), 5) Don't drink anything 1/2hr. before a meal, during the meal, or 1 hr. after a meal (Actually, I don't drink anything for 2-3 hours after a meal because doing this seems to allow the real food to stay in the pouch for a longer time meaning I'm not hungry for a long time. I also don't have soup at a meal because it washes the food out of the pouch too quickly, 6) Drink a lot of water. This is tricky for me because I'm left with only a small window of time in which to drink the water--2-1/2 hours after a meal but 1/2 hour before the next meal. I have, at this point, no regrets on being banded. I wish you the best of luck in doing it on your own. Maybe you'll just make it. I hope you do! But remember, the band option is there if you should need it down the line.
  7. lee41

    January Surgery Dates

    I had surgery two days before you. One thing that really worked for me in the 'potty' area was to make/drink an All-Bran milkshake. I know that sounds terrible but it really is great. I'm on pureed foods at this point so I blend 1/2c. All-Bran with 1/2c.skim milk (I use soy milk), and 2 packets of artificial sugar. This fills me up so it has become my breakfast meal. Within 4 days of drinking my All-Bran milkshake, all potty functions returned to normal--thank goodness!
  8. Wishin4, I am now 9 days post-surgery. While on the pre-op diet, I lost 8lbs. but it took every ounce of will I could muster to do it and I'm sure I could not have done it much longer before caving and eating badly. But... since surgery, I've lost another 4lbs. and it was very easy to do. I have followed all the rules: no drinking fluids 1/2 hour before meals, no liquid during meals, and no liquid 1/2hour after meals. At each meal, I eat only 3oz. of pureed meat/broth, 4oz. vegetable pureed and I remain pleasantly full for 3-4 hours. I also have 2-3 small snacks like 1/4c cottage cheese, or 1/4c All Bran pureed with 1/4c. soy milk (really is good). Although I am not intentionally trying to hold my calories so low, I find I only need to eat fewer than 700/day. Probably with time I'll work my way up to 1000/day. My doctor said that exercise, and eating protein first, followed by vegetables is a good plan. In summary, I am really really excited with the band so far. I am experiencing only minimal hunger (before meals) and am very satisfied with minimal food. Certainly not how I felt before my lap band. Oh yes, I'm 66.
  9. lee41

    I like this!

    Sorry, but could you add me to the list also? lee41? Thanks
  10. lee41

    Having MAJOR reservations

    I actually did back out mid-way through the process, had the surgery date and everything (just before the meeting with the nutritionist, not out of fear, but because I was, at the time trying the Atkins diet and for 2 weeks had been losing a lot of weight. I decided that I just had to give the Atkins diet one last shot. Well, for the next 4 weeks I only lost one pound and eventually (like all the numerous times in the past) I fell off the Atkins diet and started eating all the wrong things. It was at that point I knew I must go through with the lap band surgery as I had tried everything else. I wasn't excited about having the surgery but more just 'resigned' to having it. Well, now I'm one week post-op and I feel great because I eat their prescribed 3oz. pureed meat, 3oz. pureed vegetables, pureed fruit, etc. and I am NOT hungry, feel totally satisfied, and am losing weight. At this point, I am so so so glad I had the surgery. And finally, I am excited about having had the surgery. I have even begun clipping out items of clothing from catalogs which I'm dying to wear. I suspect that you too will be so glad you had the surgery a few days after the surgery. Hang in there, you'll make it and be glad you did.
  11. lee41

    Why Low Carb?

    The nutritionist in my doctor's office also wants us to go low carb. I don't know for sure, why, but this is what I think: 1) Because eating protein and staying away from carbs (especially bad carbs) helps to curb appetite, 2) Because we are eating considerably fewer calories with the lap band, we must choose them wisely. 3) Because protein is so very important to sustain our body, we must work hard to get in the 60-80g./daily of protein recommended; By the time we get in the protein, there isn't a whole lot of room left in our mini-pouch. My doctor says, you can eat anything you want but... since you will be eating less with lap band, at each meal, you should eat your protein first, followed by vegetables, and if you have any room left, then eat quality carbs such fruit and/or grains. So, I'm not on any 'diet' but since I do want to get in all the nutrients I need, I eat my protein first, followed by vegetables, and if there is room left (sometimes yes, sometimes no) I have fruit or healthy grains. To this point I have NO cravings for bad carbs and since I am definitely a carb addict, I hate to even try a small amount of 'bad' carbs. But, I may, at some point have a small bite of a bad carb--Perhaps when I'm further along this lap band journey. I don't think it would kill me. But, for now, I'm overjoyed at eating only healthy food and seeing a steady weight loss. I don't feel deprived AT ALL at choosing not to eat my 'in the past' binging foods such as donuts, pie, fries, etc.
  12. lee41

    January Surgery Dates

    I hesitate to post my Dr's post-op eating plan because it is best that each person follow their own doctor's recommendations. But briefly, two days after surgery we go on the puree diet (texture similar to strained baby food) for two weeks, such things as:yogurt, sugar/fat free pudding, blenderized creamed soups, pureed lean poultry, pork, fish, ff cottage cheese, Cream of Wheat/skimmed milk, pureed steamed vegetables (no hulls), unsweetened applesauce, etc. We are to eat a protein source first, at every meal. I puree all my food to the consistency of a milkshake. Beginning the 3rd. week we go on a 'soft' diet, but always eating protein first. We are to eat 3 small meals and 2 small snacks (i.e. skim milk, protein shake)/day. That's about it. Never did I think I'd love pureed food so much but after doing the two week liquid pre-op diet, I find I savor the taste of real food (though pureed of course). Good luck with you lap band and the eating program YOUR doctor recommends for you.
  13. lee41

    January Surgery Dates

    Just wondering, what is the 30 20 30 eating pattern? Had surgery Monday, 21st. Experiencing a few of the aches and pains like some of you have mentioned. I also am not hungry but have been eating as prescribed by my doctors--things like 2oz. pureed All Bran moistened with 2oz. of skim milk for breakfast, 2oz. pureed chicken/clear broth and 1/2c. sf-Jello for lunch, and 2oz. pureed tuna/dab mayo/broth and 2oz. pureed cooked carrots. Love my Magic Bullet blender. Oh yes, and a lot of water. Keep the posts coming as it is interesting and helpful to know how people are doing after their lapband surgery.
  14. lee41

    What's on your Playlist?

    BobbiG: I looked at the Costco on-line site for the cardio workout CD set you mentioned but couldn't find them. Would you happen to know the title of the 3-CD cardio set? Thanks
  15. lee41

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Can you tell me how much it costs to renew a subscription for the BodyBug? Thanks.
  16. What kind of band do you have now?
  17. lee41

    It was GREAT while it lasted

    FurEllie, I am so sorry for your unfortunate experience with the lap band. I know you said you had your lap band surgery in Mexico but didid you have an established fill doctor in the US who was monitoring your fills and un-fills after the surgery? Did you call your regular fill doctor to have him un-fill the band or was he or she unavailable? Just wondering what I might do if I should find myself in your position some day. I don't think that ER doctors have much, if any experience, with filling and un-filling lap bands. I think it takes someone with special training to do this. What have you heard in this regards?
  18. lee41

    Banded Jan. 08

    Alfofohio, Your story sounds so much like mine. I was banded on Jan 21st and was told to begin pureed foods today (23rd). I've been using "The Bullet" to puree several types of food. Pureed 2oz.ham/broth/dab of mayo and pureed 2oz.brussell sprouts/broth in the Bullet. This evening I'll try a little pureed cottage cheese with pureed salsa. I too have felt pleasantly full at all times by eating a total of no more than 4oz. pureed food per meal plus two in-between mini-meals of 4oz Jello or a sf-popsickle. So far, I love this band! Perhaps finally I have a tool that will allow me to lose the weight in a relatively healthy way without becoming malnourished. We'll see.
  19. This thread is getting to be a little humorous but I love it! I think the comments offered so far give ample evidence as to how hard we are each trying to make this wonderful tool work for us and how much we want the tool to work for everyone else, too. And, the good think is that we all are...being successful! Even I, who just had the surgery done Monday feel successful because I'm working the food and the exercise the best I know how, learning what I can from this forum, and I feel absolutely terrific! "Healthy, trim body, you're just a year away"--I say.
  20. lee41

    over sixty seven

    Well, it's over! The surgery went very well, Monday with Dr. Curry in Cincinnati. Had to stay over night so that Medicare would pay. Now, on Tuesday, I'm home sitting in my easy chair watching Oprah sipping on some weakened juice, and writing to all of you. I'm feeling fine, although I rise from my chair a bit gingerly because there is a slight pulling at the port site. While in the recovery room I experienced quite a lot of shoulder pain so was given one dose of pain killer. After that, I had no shoulder pain at all and no gas pain of any kind. Made the four hour drive home (husband drove of course) and now begin my journey WITH a lap band. Thanks for your good wishes and now I wish all of you who are soon to get the lap band my best wishes for an excellent outcome and speedy recovery. Lee
  21. lee41

    over sixty seven

    Hi Skittles, Thank you for your post!!! Your story about your 1-1/2 year lap band journey is both inspirational and reassuring. Especially since my lap band procedure is to be done in two days, Monday, the 21st. It's so reassuring to know that there are people who, after 1-1/2 years, continue to have a very positive experience with their lap band. And, may you report back here in five years, telling us that you continue to be so happy with your lap band. lee41
  22. lee41

    over sixty seven

    Hi Rose, Yes, it's good to know there are other 'oldies' having the lap band. I'll be turning 67 in March and will be having the lap band procedure Jan. 21st. I don't, at this point, have any health problems but I have little energy which keeps me from engaging in all the activities I want to and if I don't get the weight off, I'm sure health problems will emerge--soon. Good luck on your surgery and give us updates from time to time.
  23. lee41

    Liquid protein?

    Is hair loss due to too little protein? If one gets enough protein is there a good chance they can avoid hair loss? Any other factor/s contributing to hair loss that you know of?
  24. After extensive research, I too have chosen Dr. Curry for my lap band surgery Jan. 21st. It means an 8 hour round trip for me for each visit but I'm confident the extra effort is worth it.
  25. lee41

    January Surgery Dates

    Dec 31- Chrisann (honorary member of the Jan 08 bandsters) Jan 1- HAPPY NEW YEARS! Starting the year off right! Jan 2- phowell, Megmarie21, Gingerbug(Victoria), jengland, racetrackweary, rainbowme2(Bunny), RT (Brisbane) Jan 3-WOWOX7, Woodsy,momto3, Mommamare(NJ), nancy52,AnneElliot, ovahkummer Jan 4- KUgirl, steviegene, SuzanneG, Songinmysoul, sleclerc (shirley), WendyRae Jan 5- texasbandster Jan 6 Jan 7- CallmeJim, comepickmeup, NukeChik, mamato3, kintime, Shell, destined2befree, babedoe4 Jan 8 - Fat&thrifty(and husband Joe), itz me, faa31, crackedpepper, flipbarnett, Joanna240, rustymarie Jan 9 – Redtulips3, FLMan, TachaBaby505!!! Jan 10- luvsrocks, Hilary, Jen25bl, jtag10_4, Char1007, Pizzaman citygirl4616 Jan 11- brez1015, Tmusicmaker123, Poopsie, Ready2JustDoIt Jan 12- jen6740 Jan 13 Jan 14- CoreynVA, acalpn, srbanker(Suzanne), grayl, cnukaya, Jessthat,gilliebean Jan 15- Travelology (Mexico), Dianegoe, poodlecamper Jan 16 Kathy-CA. Saleel --Australia, back2reality, Cherry_Blue, Perth, West Aus, Nadean - dallas, tx Jan 17- SJK, Alfie, L.A., lwood, tweenwaters, Laurieloo, kcintx,mia31771 Jan 18- RuthE?, shanarene Jan 19 Jan 20 Jan 21- mo7293 (Maureen), graham, lee41 Jan 22- purplegoddess Jan 23- min, Ang1982 (Angela) Tigger_Shorty (Rose) Jan 24- holleyhobby,jst4kel Jan 25 Noni(Mary) Jan 26 - Louise (London) Jan 27 Jan 28-kawanabear(Kalonda), crystalcml, blg200200, justtjohn Jan 29 - diane-south fla Jan 30 - PortuguesePrincess(Stephanie),Amberwaves(Amber) Jan 31 SarahT1982, lkgrubb

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