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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jesusislove

  1. Jesusislove

    Christian Bandsters

    Hi, yes, I can see why you are hurt. Before I can answer you I need a few more details. Did something happen to make your friend's husband come to this conclusion? You have been friends this long, why now? Do you allow your kids to do things that she does not allow her kids to do? I would ask them what did you do, because if you have been friends this long, why would she agree to what he said, obvisously, she believes it too. As a parent and not just a Christian, I must observe what the other parents allow their children to do before I release my children. I will seek the Lord how to answer so you can understand.
  2. I was banded on the 14th and I had my 2 week appointment today, they removed the bandages. The port bandage they left partially closed, still kinda tender there. I lost 16 poinds in 2 weeks, pre-op I lost 14 pounds, altogether 30lbs. I feel great, I can only eat or drink about 1 cup of food every 4-5 hours. No fill until another month. I eat or consume about 500- 700 calories, my Doc said that is where he wants me, unitil Iget the weight off. I thought I should at least eat 1000 calories, it is not healthy to me that low. How many calories is considered normal with the band? I am going to stick to what the doc said, but just for future reference.
  3. Jesusislove


    Normally, I am not even up, but I have an online business and happen to stay up a little later. Totally, that is my motto I agree to disagree.
  4. Jesusislove


    First of all , you do not know me. I am just answering a thread that I thought was interesting.
  5. Jesusislove


    Hi, I dare not change anyone's mind, that is not my intention or goal, I stated in the beginning, you have every right to believe what you believe. I do not have a controlling spirit, I know that some do try to change the way people think, but not I. To add, I do not live by hypothesis, I live by facts, and many people that I know have raised sucessful children and they spanked them. I have never lived by "what ifs". You can report them, but I have family members who work for CPS and what is child abuse varies from state to state. So even if you report someone, they may not answer everyone as child abuse, unless there are bruises, scars, broken bones or any signs so neglect.
  6. Jesusislove


    I'm the minority here but I do feel spanking is wrong and backward. I was spanked as a child and actually lived in a state that believed in corporal punishment, thank God for only six months, it was Kentucky! Anyway I remember some boys being punished in first grade and having their pants pulled down in front of the whole class and smacked with a paddle. Thank God we moved to Maryland where the nuns only verbally and emotionally abused you, lol. I don't believe in child abuse of any form and think spanking sends mixed messages to children. I believe people can be taught good parenting skills that don't involve spanking. I've never spanked my children and they've both grown up to be lovely young women who I'm very proud of. I'd hate to look back at our times together and during fits of anger had taken it out on them or punished them physically or emotionally, I'm a better person than that. And like I said I know I'm in the minority and don't believe anyone should hit their children or swat or whatever you want to call it. We have enough violence in our world why not keep our homes safe havens for our children! brandyII Hi, you have the right to believe in what you believe; however, every child is different. Your children did not need a spanking and was able to be raised sucessfully by you. There are other children who do need a spanking from time to time. I am a firm believer in that you must talk to your children overall, but if you have to spank them, you are not an abusive parent. Abuse is mis-use, with parents it is mis-use of your authority. I agree, as an advocate for children, no child should be abused, but I have seen the very best of children and the defiant of children. Some children only respond to a spanking, some you can just look at them and they straighten up. There are many people I know that have raised very sucessful children and they did spank them. Every child is different, that is my point concerning spanking.
  7. Jesusislove

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    Originally Posted by MrsFlipFlops I don't want religion in schools... I want all theories presented to children and let them choose. I 100% agree that comparative religion (and I include agnostics and atheists here) should be taught in the schools. It is definitely part of our history. The more I study, the stronger a believer I am. I doubt exposure to a belief, or lack of, will change too many minds. Hi, it is not the school's job to teach my children religion of any kind; the job of the teachers and administrators (public school systems) are to teach my children academics. Anything besides that, I will and many other parents will protest. Academics is our main focus here in Atlanta. Whatever religion is taught, I will teach it. They are authorized by me to teach them Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Language Arts, Composition, PE, Music, and Art. Science is part of academics and whatever is contrarily taught against my Christian belief I will correct it with my children; they already have heads up anyway. I did not mention the private sector because they can teach religion or whatever their beliefs are.
  8. Jesusislove

    STILL have port pain

    Hi, I was banded on 4/14 and I had an appointment with the doctor on the 28th of April. He told me not to wet the port incision at all and to shower backwards or wipe around it. My port hurt for a while, but as of this week, it is fine. I worked out on several machines in the gym Friday with no pain. My doctor also told me it takes 4 to 6 weeks for it to completely heal. It will get better, be encouraged.
  9. I really like fresh jalepenos, I just like to bite them with whatever I am eating, I will chew them real good.
  10. Jesusislove

    three weeks post op

    Hi, starting Monday I will be able to eat solids as well as stated by my doctor. I can eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. Of course they will be healthy snacks and Low carbs on the foods. I started out at 260 before surgery, I am now 231 lbs. I watch the carbs even on the full liquids. All I have to say is watch the carbs.
  11. Jesusislove

    Denied by Tricare........:(

    Hi, it is hard to say at this point, but if you are 99lbs overweight, they just might deny you because you are not 100lbs over. It is according to who recieves your claim, if they are a stickler to the rules, they may not approve it. However, if it is someone who is more free hearted, they may say 1lb does not matter. Don't magnify the knee surgeries too much because they may feel that your wieght is not contributing to the knee or joint pain. Just say you have joint pain. I know it sounds small, but that is the way insurance companies look at stuff so they can deny it. Were you 99lbs overweight when you had the knee surgery? Did tricare pay for the knee surgeries? Mild sleep apnea may not fit the co-morb, I thought it said severe in the policy manual, I will check. Do you have high blood pressure at all? It will probably be up after this ordeal. I actually did the appeals for the hospitals. I would find loops or gaps in why they denied claims and would have the billers to fix the claim and then resend it with an appeal letter. I worked with BCBS and Tricare and many more.
  12. Jesusislove

    Tricare Approval

    Hi, from my understanding from previous threads, yes, they cover the fills. I am going to call them to be for sure.
  13. Jesusislove

    Already Testing...

    Hi, be encouraged. I have been tempted many times. I was banded on April 14th,. Make sure you eat before you leave the house. I went to Mcdonald's to buy the children an ice cream cone, I was tempted to get something, but I made it out of the drive thru successfully. I just stay away from the fast food joints as much as I can. I would be scared to eat a burger or bread of any kind. Take care of yourself you are only 7 days post op and I don't want you to cause any damage to the band. Eat before you leave the house.
  14. Jesusislove

    Denied by Tricare........:(

    Tricare only goes by the weight requirements and co-morbs. I only had HBP, high blood pressure and joint pain. I have read on other threads that they were approved automatically because they were 200% overwweight according to the weight requirements. If you meet the requirements and you have no other health conditions that seem threatening to the surgery, then you should be approved. Is there a reason why they are not approving? What exactly are they saying that they need?
  15. Medicaid does cover the lapband in Georgia. Me and another person had surgery the same week, her job would not cover it. She applied for medicaid and got it.
  16. Jesusislove

    Denied by Tricare........:(

    Hi, tricare has to deny somebody, I guess they do not want it to appear they will approve everybody the first time. I would definitely appeal it, they will approve in the appeal. I used to work with them.
  17. Jesusislove

    What's the point of no "A"'s?

    Hi, I found out that if you read your textbook and all the assignments given prior to a major paper, you will get an A. I am in college now to become a educator/administrator and I have so far gotten all A's on my wiritings. I just finshed a five page minimum sociology paper, I had to outline the whole chapter and give many references. I ended up with 7 pages. My english teacher last quarter, no matter what, if you did everything it seem like you still was not going to get an A out of her class, all my writings were A's, but I did end with a 92, barely and A, she was something.
  18. Jesusislove

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    First of all, I am a Chrisitian and I am excited to be one. Giving honor unto to God and my Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Many quote scriptures from the bible, but reading the bible is not the only thing that a Christian is supposed to do. We must be living epistles, read of men. Yes, read the bible, but most people read me. I stay humble in that aspect. Secondly, protest is the way of America, we have the right to protest whatever we feel that is not right. Some have protested against the war; however, my husband has been in the military for 23 years and he was proud to serve his country. He could have gotten out of going to war because he is the only son in his family. I am not saying that I agree with everything about this war, but when my husband had courage, it gave me courage. To God be the glory, he made it home in one piece and that is my prayer for every soldier. Thirdly, as a parent, I can choose whatever movie I want my children to see. Golden Compass happens to be one of them I really do not care to see nor my children, and not just that movie, there are many TV shows that I do not agree with either. That is my preference as a parent. It is the duty of parents to protect their children from anything that seems like a threat to them. I tell you, our children are going through enough and do not need any extra help from television or movies. TV as a whole is limited to my children. I am a Christian, but I am also a parent. Lets not get being a Christian mixed up with being a parent. I am protective of my children. I am heavily involved with being an advocate for my children and others. To add there are many parents who are not Chrisitian that are against movies like Harry Potter and other ones because they are parents. I feel some things parents rant and rave about is far fetch sometimes, but I can see where they are coming from when they bring up their children. Children softens my heart, even if I think somehting is okay, I think of children and then I say okay, I agree. I do not fear this movie at all, I know what I believe and in whom I believe. I have trained my children well, they tell me when they think a movie is not right. This movie will not have any affect on them, they don;t like it. I wanted to see some movies for for myself to check it out for them, but they corrected me.
  19. Jesusislove

    Tricare and PCM

    Hi, it should be sooner than that, most referrals usually take 24-48 hours, my consultation referral took a couple of hours, my actual surgery approval took 2 1/2 days. They probably can take up to 3 weeks, but I have never seen it take that long. You can check you referral online, create a user name and password. It will show you the entered referral as well as whether it is approved or pending. Have you chosen a surgeon you would like to see?
  20. Hi, I am two weeks post op, had my appointment today. I lost 16 pounds in 2 weeks. Shooting for more, I am on full liquids. Will start going to the gym next week.
  21. Jesusislove

    Tricare Approval

    I would call tricare and tell them they are charging an administrative fee, and I would ask them if this is acceptable? I do not think they will be to pleased to hear that if he is a participating provider.
  22. Jesusislove

    Tricare and PCM

    Hi, I don't think you are border line either, you may fit the 200% qualification, which is automatically approved. I would get a little more stern with the docs, speak up a little stronger. I would tell them that I know you do not think I should have this done but I need this done, I need to do this for myself. I am asking you as my doctor to help me get healthier because I have tried everything at this point.
  23. I was banded on the 14th and the port pain does not hurt all the time but when it does it does. Will this go away and is this normal? Ouch!
  24. Jesusislove

    Port pain..ow! ow! Ouch!

    Hi, it must be getting better, I felt no port pain today.
  25. Jesusislove


    Hi, what amazes me is that I sound so much like my Mom. I completely understand all the heated discussions from her. My mom was strict and I thank God for her. I honor her all the time, but Mother's Day I will get a chance to say thanks again in my own special way. .

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