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Pedro Valle-Inclan

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Pedro Valle-Inclan

  1. Hi friends! well my Bariatric Bypass was Feb 10th, so here i am 9 days post-op, about to go back to work on Monday and I fear I might be eating (drinking) too much, taking in too many calories. I'm seeing people on here (I realize different programs and doctors and situations vary greatly) weeks post op eating 300 to 400 calories... wow!! So I'm taking in around 850 a day and getting in around 60 ounces of water and walking or riding a bike between 20 and 30 minutes EVERY day. Now I'm down around 13 lbs +/- in the last week or so, I'm pleased. Sometimes I think reading people describing their situations can lead to me questioning myself and my program; you know what they say, A little knowledge is a dangerous thing lol...!!!
  2. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    800 - 900 cals a day?

    Thanks, I can't wait to weigh myself this Wednesday at work on the nurse's scale....
  3. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Vitamins and supplements

    Hi Igriff, no, nothing like that. The only negative thing I've experienced in the 9 days has been feeling like a little knot in my stomach but up higher. It's happened perhaps 3 or 4 times but it's been clearly from too much food or beverage. a good burp as seemed to help. So far no hiccups. No, I think I'm very fortunate given what I've been reading from others. I won't weigh myself until wednesday, I ONLY weigh at work on the nurse's scale
  4. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Vitamins and supplements

    yeah that's what's worrying me.... Well I still have NO idea what "dumping" is and I hope I don't find out!!
  5. Pedro Valle-Inclan


    Thanks gang, this thread is so inspiring!! So of course I dream/long to perhaps stop taking Metformin, Losarten, Glypizide, Amlodipine, Statins, tons of advil etc blah, blah.. we'll see! The side benny has been this fun clothing thing, but like I think I mentioned, NO NEW CLOTHES until August. That will be 6 months post-op and I can see where this ends up weight-wise.... Friends, I'm gonna get real here; aside from the health problems addressed above, this is what I'm talking about: I haven't tucked a shirt in for YEARS!! I haven't gone swimming in many years unless I was alone,,,... Haven't taken a shirt off in public in decades Stopped dancing years ago, hurt too much Having to stop at the top of one flight of stairs to catch my breath Wait till lights are off to get in bed with my partner.
  6. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Vitamins and supplements

    This is an odd segue, but on day 8 here, I drank a 20 oz bottle of Water today over an hour period at a meeting, I was amazed I could do it. Can anyone else drink water that easily?
  7. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Pedro Valle-Inclan

  8. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    800 - 900 cals a day?

    Hi folks, thank goodness you're here!! No, the Protein shakes ARE my meals and I'm strict about stopping drinking liquids (Water, crystal light, ice tea) 30 min before and 30 min after, and a few times I'll expand that to 45 min after if I feel too full. This is only my 7th day out of hospital, where my intake of anything besides water was negligible. Some meals I will add another half cup (my protien shakes are 4 oz as well) of unjury chicken broth. I loved the talk of clothes. I just piled up 5 sport coats I'll now be able to wear to work come Monday, I too will not buy anything new till summer, that's my vow to myself (and carrot), and luckily I have a lot of "thinner" clothing not worn in years. No, I'm sticking to the very spelled out instructions from my surgeon very closely. I'm afraid to mess up. My greatest hope is to somehow significantly change my relationship to food. Here goes nuttin!!!
  9. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    800 - 900 cals a day?

    thanks, I just saw in my program guide's fine print: these first 3 weeks should no more than 1200 calaories and no LESS than 800 calories, so I'm even on the low end of the range, damn! So in answer to all those diet questions from INNER GIRL, the only thing I gotta do is raise water intake around 10 oz. I drink one protein shake with each meal (150 calories and 20 grams protein). SO I guess we're good, just got nervous
  10. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Soooo, I messed up

    I know that many people immediately go back to diet 1-liquid for a few days when they slip; get's them back in that post-op groove
  11. thanks, so good to hear what others go thru. So I had my bypass last wed 2/10, and now I go to work teaching high school this monday. Thank god I had a very smooth, complication free surgery with very little pain if at all (more just uncomfortable) and no gas problems that I noticed. Now I'm in my 60s and I'll have had 11 days to recuperate. My guess is that I'll be incredibly exhausted come Monday afternoon; instead of staying till 4pm ish I'll probably go right home and collapse. Wish me luck!! And all my hope of luck for you all as well!!!
  12. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Bypass on 2/9, drinking and eating questions.

    Hi I had my RNY on the Feb 10th, I'm almost 7 days post op and I've lost around 14 lbs in the last 10 days
  13. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    10 months out and not happy

    I'd forgotten how helpful I found your blog, and now that I'm a week post-op, even more so. It just lays it out in a wonderfully straight, easy to follow path. Thanks again. I'm 60 and I look forward to that re-newed energy you spoke of; it would be amazing to do things like go swimming without fear of taking my shirt off in public, things like that. My plan necessitates that I finally learn to cook and to get in the habit of cooking because my leaning would be towards vegetarianism; nothing moral here, simply for health., So here we go!!
  14. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Pain post op

    Oh interesting, the little things nobody at the Bariatric clinics tell you before hand.... Like, oh yeah, you'll have trouble with constipation the rest of your life and be on daily stool softeners and laxatives... I never heard the issue mentioned. So once again, thanks to all YOU PEOPLE for being a huge resource!! BTW, I haven't gone near a scale and have no intention of weighing myself until next wednesday when I'm back to work where I always weigh myself on the nurse's scale there once a week....
  15. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Pain post op

    Since I'm now 5 days post op, hanging and healing at home, I thought I should post some observations so far. Pain has been very minimal so far. Even in the hospital I took the liquid Ibuprofen most of the time after the 1st two day, but at home I've had this red liquid Roxicet, that really works well, and so the truth is I took maybe 4 doses of it to sleep while I've been home but I didn't really need it so I got rid of it (and the second big bottle, too). It's kind of like I took some because I had it. Period. But that's it. No, so if someone in the future asks me how painful the operation was, I'd have to confess that it's more uncomfortable than painful, and that it's not really very painful at all. Now keep in mind that I'm usually a complete wuss/baby/ complainer, so for me to say this is a bit surprising perhaps. The only thing concerning me right now is that since I drank the Magnesium Citrate last Tuesday and pretty much emptied out completely later that night, I've obviously had nothing but liquids since then (it's now Monday night 7pm), but still have not moved bowels yet, so that's got me a bit concerned. I'm not in any discomfort or awful constipated feeling, etc/ anyone experience anything like that??
  16. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Vitamins and supplements

    Yes, this is odd hearing how different other people's programs are! I too am foillowing my dr's directions to the letter, but not taking any Vitamins these first three weeks seems counter intuitive. There must be a reason
  17. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Bypass on 2/9, drinking and eating questions.

    Hi, I'm one day after you and I sure know what you mean. It's been amazingly pain free though certainly uncomfortable, but it's hard to know if I've eaten too much, though I often feel pretty full very quickly. I too am able to drink 6 oz of protein shake breakfast, lunch and dinner, and it is a bit difficult to get in much more than 40 oz of water in between all that. I worry that I'm eating too much. I certainly get you!!
  18. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Vitamins and supplements

    It seems odd to me that I'm NOT supposed to take any Vitamins until my three week checkup, does that seem odd to anyone?
  19. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    I had to do ONE DAY! And I wondered why other people did a week or weeks, why my doctor told me just 1 day before,
  20. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    Hi, just got up. absolutely luxurious to sleep 8 hours in own bed.!! So it appears it was just me being a bit panicky my first night home... so after talk with doc last night I took 10 cc of Roxicet liquid and slept like a log. This morning now there was no more drainage stuff (which is what had scared me a bit), and no difference in coloration or swelling. But importantly, I feel pretty darn good. So here we go, so for Breakfast first thing I drank was half a Atkins choco shake in 30 min, then waited 30 min and now I'm sipping away, and damn it really is slow going!! But like DDN I'm pushing past that crazy full feeling, I ain't going back cuz of dehydration, which is what sends people back to hospital the most. So hopefully that was a false alarm last night from an absurdly exhausted and staggeringly hungry person in a weakened state. No, today feels like a different game. I'll keep people posted a lot this week as I'm february break from school. Thanks so much for your support here. And to those who posted above about being in pain, I'm sending soothing vibes your way, praying you feel better quickly
  21. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    Hi and thANKS!! Well the other surgeon called me back from my description said to just sleep well and if it's the same or worse lookinhg come to ER tomorrow, so That's what I'll do. Still it gotme a bit concerned. There is discoloration on 2 inch square of skin, like bruising or blood under the skin. But I feel absolutely fine.... hhmmmm
  22. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    hi folks, good to hear your voices!! Well I too am a bit worried about 9 days then back to teach high school now. I didn't have my computer at the hospital, and don't know to on my smart phone. Well I'm exhausted and want to sleep, I just "ate" my first dinner and it was half an Atkins chocolate shake and it was "heavenly," now as came here in my room to sleep, I notice my black t-shirt is wet. It seems there is bloody drainage stuff (sorry.ugh), but I cant be sure where it's coming from. I looked at the post-op info sheet and it says to "report to them" any fever, swelling, redness, bleeding or would drainage so I just called left message to call me with the night service. I feel fine but this makes me a bit concerned So I'm waiting for a call from my surgeon's partner, the on call guy tonight. I'd hate to drive back up there tonight. I'll keep you posted
  23. Pedro Valle-Inclan


    I went in for my surgery this wednesday at a BMI of 34. I had been around 40 once, but more importantly had like all six of the comorbidities; you know, diabetes, High BP, etc. so voila! Btw, here on day 3 I'm at home thank god, incredibly tired from those three days, I'm gonna have my first little dinner now, probably around a half of an Atkins shake, then wait the 30 minutes and then keep sippin Water till bedtime I am so glad I did this

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