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Pedro Valle-Inclan

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Pedro Valle-Inclan

  1. That you're worried is a VERY good sign, it means you can still get therapy to make sure this surgery works for you. I have to ask, though I realize you probably don't really know the real answer, but why in the hell would you do that? You've got a whole buncha people on here shaking their heads, wondering the same thing.
  2. Hi, and what a strange question! I would think anybody that would still feel a need to play around with this process has a reduced chance of making it long term but it takes all types, plus I realize that this is what makes us human: we simply HAVE to push against boundaries... I've been doing that my whole life. Personally, at this juncture, I am determined enough and frankly frightened by the whole process enough as to be uncharacteristically obedient and very careful and diligent. You crack me up....!! PS: I take this post to be confessional...
  3. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Can you eat chocolate?

    God, those Russell stover dark chocolates (no sugar) came and I'm in love. I eat one a day, 35 calories, yum!! what a nice little treat
  4. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Head Hunger! ahhh im losing my mind!

    Hi hang in there! I haven't the term head hunger but I totally get it being 1 month post op. I'm almost never REALLY hungry, there have even been times when I remind myself it's time to eat, but man when my roommate is cooking the smells are almost overwhelming, anything he cooks smells incredible.... how weird
  5. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    One month Post-op update

    OHHHHH.....!!! I lay down immediately after a fairly "large" meal... never occurred to me, thanks so much. this is what I love about this site, getting info one might not get themselves, thanks again, p
  6. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Going back to work...

    They gave me a huge bottle of liquid percocet and I used it the first day or two mostly because I feared being in pain but truthfully I never needed it
  7. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Going back to work...

    Yeah, I would have done the same if I could have, definitely would have been nicer to get use to the diet phases
  8. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Going back to work...

    pammieanne absolutely!! I'm a 62 yr old school teacher and I had my surgery this FEB 10th and went back to work Monday FEB 22nd. 11 days no problem, but of course that's partly owing to a very problem free surgery goodluck
  9. Pedro Valle-Inclan


    Man, amen!! from 275 to 305 lbs I lived on Advil, aspirin, tylenol, soma, flexeril etc for decades Now at 218 My joint and back pain is so LESS pronounced now, it's incredible. Just walking upstairs.... this is great!! I'm planning on around 200 even or maybe even 195...(I'm 6' 1") one of the best decisions of my life
  10. Pedro Valle-Inclan


    Wow, great comment, Antoinette! My shrink asked me last week (I'm three weeks post-op)if the WLS program had told me beforehand of how dangerous it can be post op in terms of addictions, depression, etc and though it was mentioned very briefly it was certainly given very short shrift. So I've been warned to VERY careful and vigilant now for any signs of depression and /or addictive behaviors.... idea being many of us used food for ages to mask other underlying things. And lastly, I had a BMI of 35 +/- but had EVERY co morbidity in the book; you name it, diabetes, incredible joint and back pain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, blah, blah... so this is absolutely life-changing...now all that said: this is a riot and a lot of fun buying clothes off the rack, really old clothes (in perfect condition) now fitting, etc. Thank GOD I did this. do want to say that I met the surgeon almost half way here. I lost 35 lbs before the operation and had a strong exercise regimen going...
  11. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Very excited for my new life!

    Nice, Papi...!!
  12. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Can't sleep

    tequila....lol it's the Mexican way..!!
  13. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Seems surreal...

    Man, I gotta tell you, that was a very moving post! I'm less than a month out but I feel unbelievable. I met the surgery half way almost, I lost around 33 lbs pre-surgery and now down another 24 in 3 and a half weeks! We're rollin.... Everything's hanging off me, been hittin Goodwill and such; I refuse to buy a new wardrobe until I'm sure that I've leveled off, maybe around MAy or June, so I'll be saving up.. So good job to you! I know it feels pretty fabulous, I can't believe the reduction in daily pain from back and joint pain that was my companion.
  14. Pedro Valle-Inclan


    There is only ONE THING that is "horrible" about my journey so far.... and that is crushing Metformin and drinking it.... There is only ONE THING that is "horrible" about my journey so far.... and that is crushing Metformin and drinking it.... There is only ONE THING that is "horrible" about my journey so far.... and that is crushing Metformin and drinking it.... There is only ONE THING that is "horrible" about my journey so far.... and that is crushing Metformin and drinking it....
  15. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    How do you reward yourself for milestones?

    Well my only reward so far is to buy new wardrobe in July or whenever my weight seems to have stabilized (my surgery was Feb 10th)... well but also I am ordering Russell Stover sugar free Dark Chocolates today for weekly treats....!!! I gotta tell you all, this is a blast so far, what a riot!! Having fun, feeling great, losing weight like crazy PS- the only odd thing is that at my 3 week follow up yesterday, they said I could go back to full workouts, weights, squats, everything... that surprised me
  16. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    I know, nothing to do but to do it!! Going crazy seems to be part of this journey. Just imagine the real nightmare "going crazy" of GAINING ALL THE WEIGHT BACK.... I think I'll do exactly what they tell me to do
  17. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Can you eat chocolate?

    I'm ordering the Russell Stover ones today on Amazon, thanks
  18. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    Oh wonderful, I'll send you request now!! thanks (feb10th)
  19. Pedro Valle-Inclan


    But James you know every surgeon and bariatric program are very different, that drove me nuts on here at first because one CANNOT compare their experience to that of others, the programs just vary too much
  20. wow, yeah, how wonderful! this has been a fantastic decision in my life, I had the gastric bypass 3 weeks ago and I'm incredibly pleased and moved. Good luck!
  21. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Oatmeal Got Stuck :(

    Yeah, right now on the first liquid phase it's so weird taking a half hour to drink a half cup of protein shake, half cup of yogurt and maybe a pudding.... I guess I'll be doing that yoga style eating when I switch to puree on Thursday (thank god), in other words "chewing" like 20/25 times each bite... after a lifetime of literally inhaling food this is a needed and healthy change. Like some above said, thanks so much for walking through this and sharing this info with us
  22. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Let the Cravings Begin!

    I'm a bit over two weeks post op and I crave NOTHING. It's odd sometimes I have to remember to eat, I'm not hungry which is a blessing but very strange sensation (I'll take it!!). The only thing is when my roommate cooks something, the smells are incredible, like they're enhanced somehow,
  23. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Good days and bad days question

    I guess I have had a very "normal" procedure and recovery, I've never experienced dumping or vomiting or anything other than a feeling of being too full when I'[ve over done it a bit, but I follow the darn plan pretty religiously. Good luck and feel better
  24. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Can you eat chocolate?

    Ok I don't really know, I'm only a few weeks post-op (feeling fantastic!!), but from what I understand after an absurd amount of research on this kind of stuff, I'm almost sure you'll be able to as long as it's small amounts; however, we both know everybody seems to react differently to the gastric bypass. Many things I heard would happen, or things I would feel, etc have turned out to NOT be the case for me.
  25. Pedro Valle-Inclan

    Pre-Op NSV!

    No, it does, it sounds HUGE. Congrats. The bummer is that he really thought he was doing you a service, but man, they're OUR bodies, nobody else has lived in them and knows what we've gone through. I for one am incredibly pleased so far with having had this operation 2 weeks ago, it's life changing and for my part I'm working hard to change my whole relationship to food. One thing I love, one little advantage the damn surgery has given me is that I'm NOT freaking hungry, almost ever... I have no idea what I've lost so far, almost don't care (a lie), but since I made the decision to do this and started walking, gym work, eating better, meditation, support groups, etc. around 9 months ago, I'm down 51 lbs. Life is good. Well done

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