If this is in the wrong section then I apologise.
Where to begin umm I have been a member here for about 2 years I think but I do not post very often but I do read LOTS and I have taken some really great advice from these pages but I have hit crisis point in my life now and I am at a cross road and I really am unsure of what to do next.
I have had my band for just over 5 years and I KNEW what I was getting into. I knew that it was only a tool to help me lose the weight and it was not going to be some wonder product that would allow the weight to slip off me over night. I was aware of the life changes, the hard work and the dedication involved and I was fully committed 100%, well that was 5 years ago!
I lost over 100 pounds in a very short space of time and I felt wonderful, I had bags of energy and everything that came along with the weight loss and everything was going great. I had found my 'sweet spot' with my fill and I was getting on great until my 'fill' guy called and arranged for me to have a very small amount put in because my weight loss had slowed down to a near stop and of course me being me I trusted his medical knowledge and went along with what he suggested - How stupid can one get???
That tiny adjustment was 3 years ago and since then my life has been hell - if you can actually call it a life that is!!!! I am unable to eat anything apart from breakfast cereal, cookies and chocolate - I can't drink a great deal and NOTHING at all for about 4 hours before bed because if I do then I wake up during the night with it choking me or coming through my nose. My teeth are awful, I have crowns and fillings everywhere now where before my teeth were in perfect health, my hair is awful and falling out, I have no energy oh and of course I have put weight back on - nearly all that I had lost!!!
I have been throwing the idea about having my band removed around in my head for about 2 years and I have always told myself no, it will all be OK just give it time but how much more time is this going to need to right itself. I have been unfilled totally and gradually worked my way back up and it is still exactly the same but the worrying part for me is I honestly believe it is now psychological because even when my band is empty I still can't eat healthy foods or even drink water like a normal person.
I did raise the psychological issue with my dietician but she just brushed it aside and told me to get on with things and keep trying and that is all well and good I have kept trying but I can't do this anymore, it is killing me and I am putting more and more weight on because I am unable to eat the healthier things so I am filling up on the junk I can eat.
What do I do, do I spend the rest of my life fighting this or do I give up and have my band removed. People who have not had weight loss surgery do not understand, they just think it is an easy step, the band is causing problems so just go take it out, if only it was that simple though. If it is psychological then surely I will still be in this position once it is removed, I really feel torn between the devil and the deep blue sea and I really do not have a clue about what to do next - If I decide to keep it and fight on can I really cope living like this but on the other hand if I decide to have it removed will I put more weight on again!!
Thank you for allowing me to vent, it has helped a little I think :confused: