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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jessee3897

  1. Hi Ms. Thankful, I'm 6 months post op. My pain wasn't bad at all, I remember hitting that pain medication button that automatically sends meds in you right frequently though. I wanted to make sure I didn't feel it. Lol. Once they took that from me after the first 24 hours I'd be fibbing of I said I didn't feel it. Not miserable but it was just there. I had my heating pad and it was a complete lifesaver! I think my experience would have been wayyyyy worse without it. Also my pain really only came from readjusting, standing and sitting. It is very manageable, and I'm down 85 lbs so who cares!? Lol.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N930A using the BariatricPal App

  2. I've been telling people that I'm really watching what I eat and working out. Drinking lots of Water, no soda and have cut out most starchy foods. Which is all true! Lol.

    My behind is showing a need for squats, and I can see where some loose skin wants to creep in, so I'm FINALLY (should have been started) adding in weight training.

  3. Hi guys. I cant believe the scale says 238. I mean the last time i saw that number i was a college girl! We are talking 7 or 8 years! I'm down about 40 lbs and its so weird. i went thrifting today because all my work pants are too big. It's somewhat funny though that my jeans still fit. They must have been suuuuuuuuuppppppppper tight before. Hahaha.

    I'm losing weight in my lower leg. Um eew. How about more of this abdomen or a little off the back, nope, calf it is. But I'll take it! I can actually see a difference and yesterday i was sitting at work and didnt realize i had my leg tucked up under me... and was comfty.

    So confession... I had a slice of pizza, well not actually a slice, more like the toppings. It was good. But wasnt oh my gosh i gave this up why oh why good. Nothing to write home about. I'm glad. Didnt even go back for a second helping of cheese a nd pepperonis.

    Ok, im rambling now. Just thought id check in. Anyone else noticing a change in their clothing yet?

    And positive.... oh nooooo. Hopefully the butt shall return! (In a totally fit package)

  4. I had a very similar situation I went in for my sleep test and my doctor said I had very very mild sleep apnea my number was a 5. He decided that I needed to have a CPAP machine. I asked the doctor what number do they typically prescribe a CPAP machine to which he answered 7. A normal number of apnea per night is 4. I had to use this stupid machine for 4 weeks. I was livid. Then they decided they wanted more tests to charge more money. So in my personal opinion yes it absolutely can be a money-making machine. I am one month post-op and stop using the machine 2 days before surgery. And have no intentions of ever using it again.

  5. I was sleeved on February 8th I have lost 30 pounds. For that sole reason I am okay with the sleeve. I have clothing that is starting to fit loose and pants that fit again. As far as eating I don't have the same joy as I did before. Which when I type it sounds a little bit ceiling but alas it is the truth. Currently I eat a lot of cheese probably too much cheese I make baked cheese crisps which are delicious I eat string cheese and of course cottage cheese I also like boiled eggs but I don't eat the yolk even though the nutritionist said the yolk is fine. I eat chicken but literally every time I have it I am mad at myself for eating it because it makes me feel so full. It's just so dense. I also make smoothies but limit the fruit. As far as exercise I am still using my resistance bands and walk about 2 miles every night on the beach of everything I miss full calorie drinks the most. I would love a Pepsi right now. But I can imagine that my taste buds would literally go berserk. So what about you what is your life like right now?

  6. From what I've been told, it could be that you ate something that bruised tour esophagus which will cause inflammation and you have to go on liquids for a few days. But you sound more extreme. I'd want an MRI or some type of scan done to see what's going on. So sorry you are experiencing this. Hang in there.

  7. So I was sleeved Feb. 8th and was actually really excited about my first month post-op visit. On my day of surgery I was 280 pounds and here I am a full one month later at 251 ( that pesky extra two pounds, was hoping for 249).

    Any who in my mind, after being overweight my entire life I was thrilled at my 29 pound weight loss.

    My surgeon comes in and doesn't even mention it. He has a student with him and the rn and he asks what have I been eating and if I have any questions. I was actually pretty hurt. No "way to go" or "keep up the good work." He asked what type of exercise I've been doing and I've been jogging on the beach for two miles every night and using resistance bands for toning. Which I was a couch potato before and thought that was pretty awesome too. I know that I have to be my own cheerleader but still... It made me a little sad, especially when he just nodded and then asked if I had a gym membership because I needed to work on toning..

    So pretty bummed by his lackluster responses I asked him what should my weight loss be at this point and he says... You're on target, 2-3 pounds a week.

    Um... That would put me at HALF of what I've lost. :(

    Like I said I know I have to be happy for me but still a little encouragement would have been nice. And then I was mad because I couldn't reach for my trusty pals Pepsi and cheetos. And didn't eat anything the rest of the day.

    Maybe he has never been fat, maybe I expected too much, maybe I'm spoiled.


  8. Rhayla! How dare you do this to yourself? I absolutely CANNOT believe you got half way through a hundred pounds and just stopped. I mean you quit!! Not OK Rhayla! I can see you now, sitting out on a sandy beach, while men dressed in speedos fan you with grape leaves. Women pass by peering over their oversized shades and your oh-so-fabulous body. And you give them a wink and a nod that they too can be fabulous just like you!! Just Like You Rayla!

    But wait that isn't the scene right now. Oh hunni you are still fabulous but we are only halfway there.

    Put that milkshake down and pick up a Protein shake. There are women out here waiting for your success to prove they can be successful too.

    That's an order soldier!

    (But seriously I really wish you the very best. I'm one month in and sick of this already. Jeez. :( )

  9. Protein has really been a struggle for me as well. I was sleeved on Feb. 8. I went a couple days with maybe 10-20 grams of protein and I picked up a couple pounds.

    My surgeon drilled into me the importance of protein and I got in maybe 45 grams and pow 3 lbs came off in two days.

    I'm only a little ahead of you but we must remember why we did this and just stick with the program. If we do, it will work, as evidenced by all the vets on this site.

    Blegh. Stupid stupid protein!

  10. Oh and at chic fil a the kids meal is almost perfect! 4 piece grilled nugget 70 calories and 11 grams of Protein, unsweet tea or skim milk, and fresh fruit. Delicious! Even if I don't have the whole fruit cup to be conscious of carbs.

    Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App

    Love chic fil a! Thanks so much! I can't imagine eating 4 nuggets right now. That would take all day LOL!
    Haha. I can only get down two myself. Then have the other two as a snack later.

  11. Mxkitty!! Wowzers on Protein. And happy happy birthday!!

    I'll have to Google that Protein ice cream.

    I have fasting labs today for my one month post op appointment next week. Hope everything is on target.

    The scale didn't move for a few days for me and it was because I just wasn't getting enough protein. I have gotten much better and I saw movement this morning. Down 27 pounds sense surgery. It seems like it is moving so slow. But in reality I would have never lost 27 pounds in three weeks without surgery so I'll take it as it comes.

    I'm losing in my face (yayyy), the back of my legs (:/) and a little in my tummy but can only tell because of the way clothes fit. Don't need a new size yet but just less snug.

    Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App

  12. Hello all...I had my surgery on 2/8. It went well. Had to stay in hospital extra day as my bp was really high and nausea and dry heaves was off the chart. By 2/10, i felt great no pain, able to drink about 8ozs. I am now starting week 4 and am down 11lbs. I had lost 50lbs before surgery so Im pretty happy with 61lbs since ive started my journey. I caught an upper resp infection week 2 after surgery, that has slowed me down quite a bit. I cant wait to have the energy to run again. I registered to run my first 5k. Pretty excited about that as well.

    I signed up for my first 5k also. It's the color vibe, so not a real (timed) race but a great way to get more active. I'm so excited to start doing the things that barriers (real or perceived) had prevented me from doing for so long. The Mud Run is on my list and zip lining also. Life well lived... Here I come!

    Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App

    I also signed up for a Color Run in May! And mud run and zip lining are also on my to do! Add in adult Disney World and indoor rock climbing! Hope I will be able to check these off my list one by one! Where do you live? I'm in Nashville, TN.
    Very cool! *adds rock climbing to my list.

    I'm in sunny Daytona Beach, Florida.

    Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App

  13. Hello all...I had my surgery on 2/8. It went well. Had to stay in hospital extra day as my bp was really high and nausea and dry heaves was off the chart. By 2/10, i felt great no pain, able to drink about 8ozs. I am now starting week 4 and am down 11lbs. I had lost 50lbs before surgery so Im pretty happy with 61lbs since ive started my journey. I caught an upper resp infection week 2 after surgery, that has slowed me down quite a bit. I cant wait to have the energy to run again. I registered to run my first 5k. Pretty excited about that as well.

    I signed up for my first 5k also. It's the color vibe, so not a real (timed) race but a great way to get more active. I'm so excited to start doing the things that barriers (real or perceived) had prevented me from doing for so long. The Mud Run is on my list and zip lining also. Life well lived... Here I come!

    Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App

  14. Good Morning Everyone! Feeling 85% back to my normal self, which is great. I've decided to start working out & see if I can build muscle. My doctor really made an impression on me with his recommendations to avoid sagging skin. I'll let everyone know how I feel after a good workout.

    Anyone else going to the gym yet?

    I'm still only walking. I have some 5lb dumbbells I've incorporated into the walks but I haven't gotten cleared for "real" exercise yet. My surgeon says resistance bands are OK also.

    I get clearance on March 10th so I'm patiently waiting.

    Also I went back to more of a purée diet adding fish into the mix.

    I can't seem to get in my Protein and I know I have to but it's just so difficult. Has anyone tried Protein shits? They are maybe 3 or 4 oz and have 28 or so grams of protein.post-260719-14566187735621_thumb.jpg

    Good Morning Everyone! Feeling 85% back to my normal self, which is great. I've decided to start working out & see if I can build muscle. My doctor really made an impression on me with his recommendations to avoid sagging skin. I'll let everyone know how I feel after a good workout.

    Anyone else going to the gym yet?

    I'm still only walking. I have some 5lb dumbbells I've incorporated into the walks but I haven't gotten cleared for "real" exercise yet. My surgeon says resistance bands are OK also.

    I get clearance on March 10th so I'm patiently waiting.

    Also I went back to more of a purée diet adding fish into the mix.

    I can't seem to get in my protein and I know I have to but it's just so difficult. Has anyone tried protein shits? They are maybe 4 oz and

    Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
