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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jessee3897

  1. Jessee3897

    2/9 Surgery Date Team

    I signed up for my first 5k also. It's the color vibe, so not a real (timed) race but a great way to get more active. I'm so excited to start doing the things that barriers (real or perceived) had prevented me from doing for so long. The Mud Run is on my list and zip lining also. Life well lived... Here I come! Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App
  2. Jessee3897

    2/9 Surgery Date Team

    I'm still only walking. I have some 5lb dumbbells I've incorporated into the walks but I haven't gotten cleared for "real" exercise yet. My surgeon says resistance bands are OK also. I get clearance on March 10th so I'm patiently waiting. Also I went back to more of a purée diet adding fish into the mix. I can't seem to get in my Protein and I know I have to but it's just so difficult. Has anyone tried protein shits? They are maybe 3 or 4 oz and have 28 or so grams of protein. I'm still only walking. I have some 5lb dumbbells I've incorporated into the walks but I haven't gotten cleared for "real" exercise yet. My surgeon says resistance bands are OK also. I get clearance on March 10th so I'm patiently waiting. Also I went back to more of a purée diet adding fish into the mix. I can't seem to get in my protein and I know I have to but it's just so difficult. Has anyone tried protein shits? They are maybe 4 oz and Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App
  3. Jessee3897

    What would you do different?

    Indeed sugar free popsicles. They are great to help get in your fluids and taste yummy. Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App
  4. Jessee3897

    2/9 Surgery Date Team

    I'm a 2/8er also and I'm on almost a regular diet. No raw veggies or nuts. Three or four bites though of dense food like chicken and I'm done. I want a salad soooooooooooo bad! I haven't and won't venture into anything like steak for another month or so. I'm on the "soft food" stage, but that's practically all I eat anyway. Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App
  5. Jessee3897

    Lets talk sausage....

    I'm on purees now and the ricotta bake has saved me! Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App
  6. Surgery Day!!! Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App
  7. Same here. Lol. It was a real nail biter! I'm glad everything worked out. Woohoooooo!!!!!
  8. Jessee3897

    2/9 Surgery Date Team

    I'm stuffed!!!! How is this possible. Here i am sitting with my two year old having refried beans and salsa and I am full as a tick. I hsd maybe three bites! My plate of beans is screaming EAT ME!!! And tummy says no. Tummy wins!!!!! This feels almost magical.
  9. Jessee3897

    Food was never the problem.

    I can't like this enough. Thank you for sharing. Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App
  10. I ate what I wanted until five p.m. had half a bag of doritos before bed and a spoonful of ice cream at 12:15 a.m. with Water all day and I mean all day long. 24 pounds down 12 days post op. Sent from my 6045O using the BariatricPal App
  11. Jessee3897

    Almost 1 month post op pics

    I feel similar but hunni look at those photos and who cares!!! ( I mean you care but I'm being facetious) you look really good. Imagine the progress in another month! Sent from my 6045O using BariatricPal
  12. So.... I had the choice, go on a cruise with friends and or have surgery. I am SO GLAD I chose the cruise and then went back on my plan and had surgery. ( I'm 12 days out). I would not have been a happy camper having nothing as they delighted in all types of tastes. It was only a three week wait and I'm happy. I'm down 25 lbs in 12 days. Sent from my 6045O using BariatricPal
  13. Jessee3897

    What would you do different?

    Oh and have all your chargers and plugs already in the socket. And invest in a bottle (can get from hospital) to use to clean your lady bits so you don't have to bend. Sent from my 6045O using BariatricPal
  14. Jessee3897

    What would you do different?

    Recliner = best thing ever. Also I got a heating pad. Although you shouldn't use much on tummy, it was just a welcomed feeling for my back as I slept in a different position the first few days. Sent from my 6045O using BariatricPal
  15. Jessee3897

    Purée Diet - I'm so lost

    I'm on purées and I'm 11 days out (sleeve). Foods that don't have to be pureed as per my nut are white fish (small bites), cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese. Everything else must be pureed. I asked about the different fruits that may seem sift or if I thoroughly steamed broccoli. She said those have to be pureed because of the Protein fibers an that your tummy can't digest. At this point I am eating lots of milk and cheese. Looking forward to what others say. eggs made my tummy gurgle. Oh the ricotta bake, that was yum. Sent from my 6045O using BariatricPal
  16. Jessee3897

    Still not hungry

    It is so weird to not be hungry. I had to really take a look at my relationship with food because I'm just no longer interested. (I'm on purées and soft foods currently but would rather just drink my nutrients and be done). Sent from my 6045O using BariatricPal
  17. Jessee3897

    2/9 Surgery Date Team

    I'm with you on the lifting weights. I stopped at Target on my lunch break and looked at some resistance bands to use while sitting at my desk. Sent from my 6045O using BariatricPal
  18. Jessee3897

    2/9 Surgery Date Team

    Absolutely awesome news and no you don't sound like you're bragging we are hear to support each other. Your scars look really good, I have that surgical glue on mine that doesn't seem to come off very easily Major congrats on going to puréed, I'm so ready for that stage but won't change over until next Tuesday but I'm already planning ahead Did you true tuna or the ricotta bake yet? No, I realized that even though my surgeon has advanced me I'm not comfortable trying anything. I did buy the ingredients for the ricotta bake an am comfortable trying that on tomorrow as i had some sauce with parmesan on top from some spaghetti I made for others. But tuna, chicken, etc. No thanks. Swallowing didn't hurt when the tiny tiny chicken piece went down but it just gave me a weird undescribable feeling. Whenever I do try a meat again it will be some white fish. Maybe next weekend. But cheese has been awesome. No adverse reactions at all from cheese, milk, yogurt. Are you all on a calorie diet at all? My surgeon only goes by Protein. Obvious starchy foods are out for a while but others I hadn't counted on being out are oatmeal, any grains, Cereal, etc. Even if they are low calorie. He says they are fat burning nightmares. (Basically knocking you out of ketosis and will cause stalls.)
  19. Jessee3897

    2/9 Surgery Date Team

    Hey guys had my one week post op yesterday which was really 9 days. I could not believe my eyes when the scale showed 259. I was 280 on surgery day for a total of 21 pounds lost.... in NINE flippin days. At this appointment i was cleared to have purees. (Here I come avocado!) Also other foods that don't need to be pureed like tilapia and other white fish, eggs, and a few others. So on the list of approved foods was chicken salad so I said ok... I'll try that. Um no. Tastes kind of the same but hit my stomach and gurgle gurgle gurgle. No thank you!! So I'm not going to try that again anytime soon. I think my go to foods for the next week will be string cheese, milk and cottage cheese. Milk has been my bestie for the last week and has not let me down so far. On the plan we are supposed to get more food from real food instead of relying on shakes but I really just don't want to. I rather have my shake (imagine that) and no bubbles, so that's what I'm sticking with this week. And omg guys they took off the steri strips and guess who healed like a champ and was told they had NEVER seen this kind of healing before!!! This girl!!! I have no one else to share this with and I hope it doesn't sound like some brag post I'm just really proud that I finally got the courage to take over my life and that it has all been working out in my favor. Here's a pic of one of my scars. Omg!!
  20. Jessee3897

    2/9 Surgery Date Team

    One week post op appointment tomorrow. Can't wait to see what the scale shows. I also went back to work today. I was quite tired at first but then realized (duh) I needed to have a protein shake. After that i pepped up a bit. The last time I took meds was after walking a mile because i just HAD to get out of the house. Once I got back I could tell I overdid it. So back to the half mile.
  21. Hun you will do fine!!! I'm one week post op and have zero pain and zero regret AND I'm down 19 pounds! Come on in, the water's fine!
  22. Jessee3897


    I had surgery Monday and the anxiety was crazy. I even got extra life insurance just in case, because I was NOT going to not go through with it. When I got to the hospital and had changed to not my gown it's like everything was going 5x speed. They were rolling me down the hall to anesthesiology and I was all wait, wait, lol. I was the first surgery of the day! But I told my anesthesiologist I was nervous and he was like OK.... Here's a little something for the anxiety that was put in my IV line. It felt like a movie. Next thing I know (after having already answering my questions and telling them I had a two year old to wake up to) he said OK, count back from ten. Let me tell you, I got out the T of ten and I was waking up in recovery. You will do fine!!!! And I'll make room for ya over here on the losers bench. I've lost 19 pounds in one week!!!
  23. Jessee3897

    Complications.. Look horrible

    Have you looked at any topical applications? Maybe some Retnin-A. I can imagine the fluids will make the most difference. Congrats on being so close to goal, hopefully everything levels out soon.
  24. Jessee3897

    Day 5 - Weak knees

    Yesterday was my weak day as well. I hadn't been getting in my protein. I had a Protein shake and within minutes my energy was up. Going in for my one week post op appt. on Wednesday. I'm still not "hungry" but today was the first day I kind of missed food. Ate some Jello and the spoon to mouth movement and chewing put that in check.
  25. Jessee3897

    2/9 Surgery Date Team

    I'm back to work on Tuesday also.I have been craving avocado! Just a piece, with a little salt, little pepper and maybe just maybe a squeeze of lemon juice. Ugh!! When do you guys head on to purées/mushies?

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