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Nurse_Lenora last won the day on March 16 2016

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About Nurse_Lenora

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    Bariatric Master

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  1. So, this is my reintroduction I had a sleeve done Feburary 2016. I lost roughly 115lbs. Felt great! Recently I have slipped and regained weight.....time to regain control and finally reach my goal weight once and for all! So, I am back to the board for camaraderie and inspiration. This week I am back to a liquid diet, much like being preop and I'm loving how tiny my sleeve feels !! Love it !! Time to take control back....once again...
  2. Just saying the word oysters makes me gag..... only since surgery. [emoji12]
  3. Congratulations! You look great !
  4. Nurse_Lenora

    UIC in Chicago I'm not impressed!

    Dr Lutfi did my surgery in February and I highly recommend him! Good luck ! His office staff is fabulous and my surgery and post op was perfect with no problems.
  5. I was back on the coffee sauce the day I came home from hospital...mixed with vanilla premier Protein shake. Today, 110lbs later and 7 mos post op I drink coffee every morning with Splenda and fair life fat free milk.... I'm a nurse and coffee is my lifeblood ! ☕️
  6. Nurse_Lenora

    On a happy note-

    Wow very nice! If I had time to go I would get a membership!
  7. If you want to stay in the city look into Dr Lutfi at St Joes....board certified and excellent surgeon.
  8. Nurse_Lenora

    BcBsIL community family health plan

    Messaged you!
  9. Nurse_Lenora

    Premier Protein...

    My tastes in Protein shakes didn't change . Good luck!!!
  10. Shelbys mom- you actually should google it..... Fat, muscle , peanuts.....1lb is 1lb Mass is a different story, there is a differ nice between weight and mass. What is meant is 1lb of fat has more mass than 1lb of muscle. Fat and muscle weigh the same but have different mass....
  11. So what you mean is fat has more mass than muscle....
  12. You should keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat. If you are weight training - it's possible to go up a few lbs. Are you taking measurements? And whoever said 2 lbs above goal is concerning was wrong - you could gain 2 lbs from not pooping one day. Being this obsessed with the scale is not healthy. I must disagree with muscle weighing more than fat. One pound is one pound regardless if it's one pound of fat, one pound of muscle or one pound of pickles. A pound is a pound. I do agree with not obsessing about the scale! It will drive you crazy !
  13. Nurse_Lenora

    Fourth year psychology research survey

    Done! The answers for question #4.....it's lacking a mostly inaccurate option. [emoji4]
  14. I am at a loss of just over 100lbs. I see someone much thinner in the mirror but at times I'm not sure who this person is! In my head I'm still 265. I still go directly to the plus sized section even though today my size 10 body can't find anything to fit in that section. Do I still see myself at 5'3 158lbs as fat? Yep I do! But I think my definition of fat has changed and I can now see it! When I was 265 I thought I was just a "little heavy" For me the balance comes from reveling in how far I have come, how different my body looks and feels and day by day I will continue to lose weight and continue to help my poor confused brain catch up with my body! Lol I you did not take photos pre op take some today! I took bra/underwear pics pre op and then every few months since. It really helps my perspective to look at those photos side by side.
  15. I noticed today , I stepped on the scale and lost over a pound but I was just happy not like the "OMG I need to tell everyone I know" crazy excited like I have been. It's like now that I'm 30 pounds from my goal weight I have settled in and know that if I continue to eat correctly and get my steps in I will reach my goal weight. It's a nice feeling knowing that this will be my life from here on out... Nice feeling to know I have control over my weight... Nice to now I have control of my food .... Nice to know I look "normal" Nice to know I wear a size 10 Anyone else settled in ??

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