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Everything posted by Nurse_Lenora

  1. 8 pounds is a start! 8 pounds less than a few weeks ago!!!!
  2. You can do this! I have the same problem with not being able to lose any meaningful weight....
  3. Nurse_Lenora

    The 'Other' doctors and what they say...

    One thing being a Nurse had taught me is let each Physician do what they are meant to do. Let your Primary handle general medical. Go to the Neurologist for neuro stuff. Let your Cardiologist be the one to regulate your blood pressure meds. So let your surgeon be your guide through your surgery and what's best for you not the rheumatologist. I have gotten those types of comments when I went for my pre op appointments. I just accepted their opinion said thank you and kept moving! They are not me, they don't live in this body and the decision to have surgery is between myself and my surgeon. Good luck and don't let anyone talk you out of something you want for yourself. A very wise woman once told me "Be true to yourself and you can never go wrong"
  4. Nurse_Lenora

    VENT: Caught off guard

    I'm so sorry for their ignorance! Since you said patient I assume you are a physician or in the medical field somehow. It's been my experience that patients try to make themselves feel better/ superior by putting down their physicians/nurses etc. Patients have told my partner TO HER FACE "Gee Doc, looks like you have gained some weight since my last appointment" ???? So rude and uncalled for especially since she hasn't gained an ounce! I have also had patients say "That's my Nurse, the fat one" I always chalk it up to their own ignorance and keep moving but it does sting sometimes. My partner is a perfect BMI and doesn't need to lose any weight and I of course will be having surgery soon. (Which is why I'm here! Lol) But it's interesting how we both receive rude weight related comments...warranted or not
  5. Nurse_Lenora

    Psych Eval in Boston Area? Help!

    Wonderful! Glad it went well.
  6. Nurse_Lenora

    Psych Eval in Boston Area? Help!

    Was he able to get the eval completed?
  7. Nurse_Lenora

    I've been approved!

  8. Nurse_Lenora

    Psych Eval in Boston Area? Help!

    You register online and answer an extensive questionnaire. You also input insurance information and they will contact you to let you know if your insurance covers the appointment or not. If they do not cover it there is a flat fee of $100. I have BCBS and they covered mine. The consultation itself is done over the phone. You schedule a time that works for you, night and weekends included and it takes about an hour.
  9. Nurse_Lenora

    Psych Eval in Boston Area? Help!

    Bariatricpsychevaluations.com I can't say enough about how easy the process was! Good luck!!
  10. Nurse_Lenora

    Fat People programs

    wow! That's extremely interesting! Thank you....I love little medical tidbits like that... Surgeons in Britain have traditionally been called Mr, not Dr because of differences in their training centuries ago. Of course this has changed now but the practice remains.
  11. Nurse_Lenora

    No Wonder I Wasn’t Skinny!

    I'm from a traditional Italian everything we cook is from scratch household. My mother is an excellent cook and I grew up eating healthy balanced meals, lots of salads and veggies but was always the only heavy kid. Maybe 5-10 lbs never more than that. Even as an adult I'm the only one of my sibings who is overweight. My problems started in college with a crap diet, cheap food and I swear I lived on fried egg sandwiches on white bread. Cheap and cheerful! Lol As an adult I know my problem is not so much what I eat but the amounts and I'm a picker. I will make a sandwich for lunch tomorrow but to fit it in the tupperware I need to cut off the bottom crust and I'm so tempted to eat that crust rather than throw it away! Mindless picking and portion control are my big issues...
  12. Congrats bubbles! I have had my 3rd Nutritionist appointment so I am half way there! Come on January!!!!
  13. Nurse_Lenora

    Fat People programs

    Ooh, I'm a bit in love with Shaw Somers! I really like him too! But it seems so strange to me as an American, as a nurse and as someone who is married to a physician that patients call him MR Somers not Dr Somers.... Soo....odd to me....the Dr is a respect thing .... That said I have decided I prefer my 600lb life..they show more of the process and food struggles etc. Fat Doctor just introduces the patient, shows their home life and the surgery. Quick follow up after they have lost a few stone. Also , I have leaned the NHS has strict requirements for surgery and it seems much easier to get surgery covered in US.
  14. Happy to hear everyone is chugging along towards January! I have completed all of my surgical requirements except for the remainder of my nutritionist appointments. October is my 3rd nutritionist appointment so I'm almost half way there! ????
  15. At first, I was so frustrated that I had to wait 6 months so inward able to do 6 months of a supervised diet as well as being cleared by cardiology and psychiatry. But I am about half way through the wait and I am so glad I am forced to wait. This journey is so much more than just surgery, it's a mental change towards food and that takes time. It's time to address your food issues and what led to those issues. I also think it's a way of weeding out people that would not do well post-op. If someone can not be compliant and follow the regime for 6 months then why pay for surgery because the likelihood of that person being compliant with the post op diet will be slim. So I have come around to this is a journey and instant gratification is a band aid and will not actually fix the problem.
  16. Nurse_Lenora

    Loose Skin

    The scars will fade with them and especially if he were to use a cream to encourage the fading.
  17. Nurse_Lenora

    Is this realistic after rny?

    thanks! yeah, definitely keep me in mind! Definitely for tops! I'm a tall girl leg wise anyway, so 32-33 inch inseams if it's pants unless I'm walking floodwaters. ???? Ok shirts yes, pants are a NO unless you want a ton of capris! I'm 5'4 on a good day and must wear petite for a 30in inseam ????
  18. Nurse_Lenora

    Is this realistic after rny?

    I have also recently discovered thred up. Great app for buying as well as selling used clothing
  19. Nurse_Lenora

    Loose Skin

    I know that once I start to really loose weight post-op I will look like a melting candle. I'm not thrilled with it but I can deal with it and will eventually consult a plastic surgeon. Until I get to the point that I'm ready for a surgeon I will faithfully wear my Spanx to help smooth everything out.
  20. Nurse_Lenora

    Is this realistic after rny?

    As for yoga pants, I have discovered danskin at Walmart.com. Love them! They come in petite which I need and 2 pair for like 22$. Can't beat it because they have plus sizes which I need right now!
  21. Nurse_Lenora

    Is this realistic after rny?

    I also plan to spend a lot of winter day to day in yoga pants and scrubs. ( yeah for being a nurse! Lol)
  22. Nurse_Lenora

    Is this realistic after rny?

    My plan is to keep a few pieces I love and tailor the hell out of them until I am no longer able to. I also scour eBay where you can find clothing cheaply , it doesn't discriminate for the season and sometimes you can find items with tags still on! There are also boards on this site for clothing sale/ exchange. If all else fails, girl I'm currently a 16/18/20 and majority of my stuff is lane Bryant. My surgery is in January so I will keep you in mind when I start to shrink out of my clothing (fingers crossed I will shrink! Lol) I'm also in Chicago so we should have similar clothing needs due to seasons.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
