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Everything posted by Nurse_Lenora

  1. Nurse_Lenora

    Lets talk Tea....

    T and A...tea and additives right??!! Lol
  2. Nurse_Lenora

    Lime water? What do you drink?

    I have tried any but what about the zero calorie Water additives? Mio and the like. I'm over here crying because lemons are a daily occurrence in my life!
  3. Nurse_Lenora

    Someone noticed!

    Thank you all! If I had a dime for every time I have heard " you have such a pretty face" We are all making strides and it's amazing!!
  4. Nurse_Lenora

    Hello I am New to this..

    If you haven't already I would download myfitnesspal and start logging all of your food. It's so helpful!
  5. Nurse_Lenora

    Lets talk Tea....

    I agree! My tea cabinet is crazy! I love loose teas with a tea ball or infused for at home as well as pyramids, sachets and buy individually wrapped bags for work and travel. I am definitely going to look into your suggestions..I am always up for new teas! We have a local shop and I could spend hours in there perusing the lose tea bins etc. And the tea with mint in the summer sounds divine!
  6. Nurse_Lenora

    New Pants this morning

    That's amazing! Congratulations
  7. Nurse_Lenora

    Hello I am New to this..

    Thank you! I actually started my pre-op liquid diet January 1st. I decided new year, time to get serious if I'm going to do this. Between January 1 and January 20th I lost 21lbs. My scale broke and I'm still waiting on the Amazon gods to deliver my new one so no current weight until it arrives but I am noticing a difference in my clothing and it feels great! If I could give you 10 min of how much better in feeing just losing 21 lbs you would be running to the surgeon! I no longer fee like a stuffed sausage in my clothing, no longer have a large stomach , just a medium size now! Lol No longer think OMG the escalator is out in the train station and I must walk up the stairs all the way to street level! ( I'm a city girl) No longer look at food and have to taste it, no longer make my partners lunch and eat 4 slices of cheese while I do it and the crust of bread I trimmed off to make it fit in the tupperware. You will too!
  8. Nurse_Lenora

    Hello I am New to this..

    I was at your point in August of 2015. I decided enough was enough and I was tired of being 5'3 242. I was tired of always feeling like the fattest person at every event I attended. Tired of trying to wear corsets to look decent dressed up. I too thought 6months!!! That's an eternity away! I want this surgery NOW! TODAY even! But now that I'm 6 months down the road and will have surgery in 2 weeks I'm grateful for the 6 months. I needed those 6 months to change my mindset. This surgery I am convinced is 85% mental. I needed to change my attitude towards food and eating in general. And the 6 months flew!!!! So, congrats on starting your journey, to make the next 6 months go quickly work with your team, visit these boards often for support, inspiration and community and work on you and changing your relationship with food. And for me scheduling my pre op testing that was required by my insurance took a while so much of that time was needed to check off all my requirements before I was able to submit to insurance for surgery approval. ( I needed cardiology, Pulmonology, psychology clearance) Good luck and welcome!
  9. Nurse_Lenora

    Bathroom Problems

    Did you drink a lot of water with the Miralax?
  10. Hi! Gas-x strips are small sheets you place on your tongue and they melt to relieve gas. I'm sure if you go to any Pharmacy you will find something comparable. Also ask the Pharmacist (chemist) and they should be an.e to help you find something similar. Or order online.....CVS.com, Walgreens.com
  11. Well, I successfully made my first crock pot full of beef bone broth. I love it! I'm definitely making more in the future....you know like this weekend future! Lol
  12. Nurse_Lenora

    Amazing news...

    After we faxed the request to the correct fax number it took 2 working days to be approved. I do not have any co- morbidities
  13. Nurse_Lenora

    Amazing news...

    @@Nurse_Lenora amazing news for an amazing person surgery beginning of February!!! very happy for you good luck speedy recovery kathy Thank you ! Very much
  14. Nurse_Lenora

    Amazing news...

    I have has my date since late December. My surgeon was confident! I'm set for early February
  15. You can also go to the "more" tab and scroll to the bottom where there is sync button if it doesn't automatically sync
  16. You need to create and account and when you log in it should sync
  17. Nurse_Lenora

    Post op in hospital question...

    Thanks all! Yeah no baths with abdominal incisions until about 6 -8 weeks out but as long as I can shower I'm happy!
  18. Nurse_Lenora

    If there was a god, I would've pooped by now.

    You can mix together equal parts prune juice and OJ and warm it. Drink it and don't leave the house! Good luck
  19. I have a surgery date for early February. I was hoping for January but my surgeons OR schedule for January is full. So, who is with me in the February surgery corner?? Oh and I am having a sleeve...started my pre op diet on January 1st and will continue it until surgery.
  20. Nurse_Lenora

    Any FEBRUARY sleevers?!

    yay!!!!! Where are you getting yours done?! I'm in Chicago...
  21. I completely understand your fears but you are focusing on all the negatives. Try to focus on what the positives will be after surgery.
  22. I have my date for early February, now my Insurance Company needs to get its act together and get my surgery approved! Ins company has become #1 on my speed dial ! Every day!
  23. Nurse_Lenora

    Lets talk scales....

    So after some research I did end up buying another Withings. What got me was that it will sync to My Fitness Pal. I use an Apple watch, not a Fitbit so I also was not sure how well the FB scale would work for my needs. I am excited to have a new accurate scale though! Come on Amazon.....get it shipped out! I also ordered more unflavored Protein powder at the same time....hahaha Surgery is fast approaching (February) so gotta be ready!
  24. Very sweet. My wife has never had a weight problem and as always been very athletic. She's been very supportive( I'm 2yrs out). She even refused to eat in front of me in my early days, but I had zero desire to eat so I told her to go ahead. She does not have a big appetite now so the majority of the time we go out, we end up sharing an entree. I'm in the same boat! My partner has never had a weight problem. But, I am the cook in the family and she is being great about dietary changes. At home she is carb and sugar free And I must confess she still eats bread ( sandwiches in her lunch so it's never eaten at home)but I buy her bread I don't like so I'm not tempted! ????????
  25. Nurse_Lenora

    Anesthesiologist Bill

    This is unfortunately something that happens frequently. You make sure your surgeon etc is in your plan but not things like anesthesia. Also, if you are hospitalized you need to make sure that if they want another physician to see you that you make sure they are covered by insurance. As far as I know the only thing you can do is a payment plan.

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