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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JupiterinVirgo

  1. JupiterinVirgo

    Is Your Love Life on Hold While You Lose Weight?

    Strangely, since making this post, right around the time I went in for surgery I started corresponding with someone who I expected only to be my penpal. I decided that I was not ready to date, and that it was important for me to focus on myself and my wellness for six months. Well that didn't last, as my penpal has rapidly become a real life friend, another artist who is working on new products with me for my company, with a healthy splash of desire and sensuality thrown in, which keeps everything fun! Maybe it is true what they say: you can only find love when you stop looking for it. Not that I'm in love. But I'm definitely in some serious like!
  2. JupiterinVirgo

    Pregnant and overwhelmed need HELP!

    Don't tolerate that! You have a legal right to your results! God forbid if something is wrong making you wait a month could endanger you and your baby. Tell you will hold them liable if someone doesn't come meet with you and show you your results immediately!
  3. I'm only a couple months post-op and getting to the surgeons table was a bitch but I have not regretted my surgery a single day. Not only is my body changing rapidly, but so is my mindset. This surgery has been the catalyst for a whole slew of major changes in my lifestyle, that have nothing to do with food. Knowing been in a few months I'll be physically much more able and comfortable, has me planning for year of travel and adventure, that would have been impossible. It really is a sacrifice, but for me it's completely worth it. I have no regrets.
  4. Thank you! I just really wanted to give reassurance to the people who are in the pre-op process, who know this is right for them, but who feel afraid.
  5. JupiterinVirgo

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Two months post op, and really happy with my results so far!
  6. As I lose weight and my old clothes begin to look sloppy, I buy a few new outfits, to reward myself and confirm the realness of my changing body. I know I won't be wearing them long, but it's worth it to me to let myself feel good about how I look. And there's no shortage of overweight women looking for fabulous plus size clothing on eBay and etsy, so I can always recoup some of my cash, but allowing myself the pleasure of buying smaller clothes that fit is one of many ways to add beauty to my weight loss journey. I'm worth it, and so are you.
  7. JupiterinVirgo

    **Question for Women**

    Since my surgery I have had a shorter cycle. I get my period every 17 days now. Did you feel queasy during menstruation before surgery? I think for the first couple of months almost anything can be "normal" considering what our bodies are going through. Trust your intuition. If something is really wrong, you'll know.
  8. JupiterinVirgo

    I DID IT! I Reached My Goal!

    I'm so happy for you! It's very inspirational to see someone meet their goal. Thank you for sharing!
  9. I have always been a big meat eater, but something happened since surgery: following my surgeons instructions to eat protein first left me with little room for anything else. This made me realize that I needed to find other options. My first thought was to add nutrabullet shakes but everyone seems freaked about the fruit sugar. I don't believe for one second fruit made me fat or can make me fat. I have been making an effort to eat less meat and much more fruits and veggies for long term health and faster weight loss. I'm not committed to vegetarianism but I do want to continue to shift in that direction and can use all the help I can get. Trying to avoid gmos and factory farms means choosing higher fat foods. Some days I live on nuts and advocados. I feel like I'm stumbling clumsy and lost. My surgeons office clearly knows nothing about food. Any info would be much appreciated.
  10. Hello! I'm a couple months post op and mostly all is going well! But I often times experience a clear, slimy kind of fluid that comes up on the back of my throat to the point I have to spit it out. Sometimes I throw up, but it's also clear slime, not at all like throwing up before surgery. What causes this?
  11. JupiterinVirgo

    Why the Slime?

    Thank you all so much. I am still learning mindful eating. Like many of us I'm busy and sometimes eat carelessly (too much or too fast) and have trouble knowing when I'm full until it's too late. Thank you all so much. I am still learning mindful eating. Like many of us I'm busy and sometimes eat carelessly (too much or too fast) and have trouble knowing when I'm full until it's too late.
  12. JupiterinVirgo

    You know you lost weight when

    Your pants are falling off and your only belt is too big.
  13. JupiterinVirgo

    What’s Your Attitude Towards Carbs?

    I find myself embracing carbs. My sleeve doesn't like rice or pasta (mama Mia!) but handles crackers fine. I get most of my carbs from fruit, sweet potatoes and dairy, and I never feel in danger of even coming close to the guidelines for carbs issued by my surgeons office.
  14. JupiterinVirgo


    I go for rich, raw, low sugar options from Whole Foods.
  15. This is so courageous. Thank you. I always wonder why people are so worried about this. How is having extra skin so much more objectionable than carrying an extra hundred plus pounds? How many people are going to see that skin, anyway? I don't get what the big deal is. I do get that people need to understand that most of will never be super models after weight loss, but personally, I'd rather have a soft saggy belly than to be this heavy!
  16. JupiterinVirgo


    Medicare is one of the best insurances you can have for this surgery! Less pre-qualifications. No long-term pre-surgery diets. No extensive and unnecessary testing. It's cheaper to approve you faster. Once all my paperwork was submitted only took2-3 weeks for approval.
  17. JupiterinVirgo

    Hormones in meat

    I'm only two months in and if I trusted western medicine, which simply refuses to learn about food as a source of illness or wellness, I'd be eating only meat. My body loves meat but I can feel it asking for food so I either replace a meal a day with fruit or veggies (I never got fat eating fruit!) or I add those to each meal, sacrificing half to most of the protein. I add Collegen powder to my coffee and tea, and will be adding nutrablast green smoothies very soon. #nogmo
  18. JupiterinVirgo

    clear vegan protein drinks

    Phood protein powder!
  19. JupiterinVirgo

    When your spouse/significant other is still obese...

    Keep leading by example!
  20. JupiterinVirgo

    Any smokers

    I quit two months before surgery and started again shortly after (which I do not advocate). The truth is, while smoking is not in alignment with the radiant health I ultimately wish to achieve, being forced to quit so I could have the surgery was not a good enough reason to keep me dedicated to staying off smokes over the long term. In addition, weight loss surgery innately changes so much, and it seems unfair to ask that a person gives up all their worst habits and addictions all at once: nicotine, sugar, carbs, binging, the way it innately changes food centered social constructs, letting go of old ideas about yourself, your body changing rapidly. It's just a lot to bear. Chemically, it really makes it harder and more emotional. I'm not proud to be a smoker, but like with anything, to give it up for good your heart has to be in it. I'll do it when I'm ready for my own reasons. It's a personal journey and other people cannot judge or dictate a "should" to you. Only you can do it.
  21. Are you drinking tap water? You be shocked to discover how short the pipeline really is. People flush rx drugs all the time and tap water is not cleaned as well as we would all like to think, certainly not for stuff like that.
  22. I know... Every body is different, but, I really thought it would be more/faster. Aside from the obvious things: protein, fluids, low carbs that I'm already doing, what do you fast losers do differently? Do you eat on a schedule? Have you lost enough weight to work out without hurting yourself? Where do your calories fall each day? What question am I not asking that will help me drop weight faster? Thanks!
  23. Thank you for helping me gain perspective. You, being thrilled, makes me realize I don't have to feel poorly about it.
  24. Thank you to all those who posted encouraging and kind comments. I think it's just a real shame trigger for me, when I don't meet my own expectations, and even when I do, if someone else sets a higher bar, I feel like I'm in some way falling behind. Blame it on being an alpha type! Lol. Thanks for laughin' with me.

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