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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About MNSkolGal

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  1. Sleeved 12/29. Down 65 lbs from surgery date, 81 overall. Shirt size from a 3x to XL, pants from 24 to 18. I still have some hair loss, but have been fortunate that it hasn't been a ton. I can eat just about anything, which is great, but also terrible. My weight loss has slowed, and I think I'm in the need to decide my future phase. I'm learning it definitely is work and surgery is just a tool.
  2. It takes me a good 20-30 minutes to eat. Anything quicker than that and I get tightness and discomfort, which lasts 20-30 minutes. I'd rather take my time than feel icky for twice the amount of time!
  3. Sleeved 12/29. 305 first appt (Sept 29), 287 day of surgery, 265 current. It's hard not to feel like it's not coming off fast enough, but if I was told I'd be down 40 lbs by Feb. when I started the process, I would have cried. I had my five week post-op this morning and they're thrilled with where I'm at.
  4. MNSkolGal

    Starting to lose it ????

    Hang in there! I'm right there with you - I start pureed next week. The last two days were hard. Made the hubby some chicken fettuccine alfredo. Thought I'd be okay, because I wasn't really a Pasta person .. it smelled and looked so good, I had to leave the kitchen. That triggered pasta, pizza and bread cravings. Soon we will be able to partake..soon.
  5. MNSkolGal

    Any December 29th Sleevers?

    I'm at 1 week post op today, and so far it's been worth it!
  6. MNSkolGal

    Sleeved on 12/28

    I think the tightness is normal wound healing. My biggest incision is quite gnarly looking and is really the only one I feel (sleeved 12/29).
  7. A little update: I'm 4 days out, and I have been so lucky. Everything thus far has been very easy. I had quite a bit of gas pain when I woke up from anesthesia, which got me anxious, but it subsided. I've made sure to get up once an hour and pace around the living room and kitchen. Much too cold and slippery out to go for walks outside, but I'm looking forward to doing that when I can! I stopped taking the pain meds and the anti-spasm/nausea meds. They made me more sleepy than they helped with pain. I'd say my pain level is at a 1, if not lower. It never really got higher than a 3 the whole time in the hospital. I did sneeze once, which hurt for a second, but other than that, it's been ok. I met my liquids goal the last two days, but I've been sipping like it's my job. Today I stopped using the ounce measuring cup and have been sipping out of glasses and a bottle. I have a bit of tightness in my chest sometimes after sips, but I think it's a spasm. Kind of feels like a hiccup that never fully happens. It's momentary and then passes. I'm excited to try Protein tomorrow!
  8. MNSkolGal

    Any December 29th Sleevers?

    Doing well here. My main incision is sore, and still have some gas pains but other than that I felt good. Occasionally have some pain when drinking water/jello, but nothing unmanageable.
  9. MNSkolGal

    Surgery is today!

    Good luck! :-)
  10. Home, and still trying to get comfy with the gas pains. I did so well, they let me go a few hours early. I admit, I'm nervous about getting dehydrated without the IV. Sipping away!
  11. MNSkolGal

    Any December 29th Sleevers?

    I'm home after a day and a half. Worst pains are gas and the incision where.the stich came out. Doc said he had to stitch that muscle :-/ Otherwise so far so good!
  12. MNSkolGal

    Any December 29th Sleevers?

    Best wishes to you!! :-)
  13. MNSkolGal

    Any December 29th Sleevers?

    Sleeved this morning. I'm somewhat surprised at how good I feel. Sore, but not as bad as I anticipated. Cheers, new sleevers!
  14. Hey all, Surgery went well, and I'm in a room where Ill be overnight. Those gas pains... man, I thought I was going to die. Fortunately they've subsided quite a bit. I'm sure I'll feel even better once I get up and walking. Thank you all for your kind words and advice!!
  15. Surgery is in 12 hours. Have to be at the hospital in 9 hours. I'm excited, but also unsettled? Nervous, scared, anxious? I don't even know what I am anymore. Any words of wisdom?? Wish me luck!

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