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Everything posted by ExplosiveAmnesia

  1. ExplosiveAmnesia

    Good cholesterol ... suggestions needed!

    @@MrsKarenC2008 I have issues with low HDL as well. My doctor says exercise is the best way to increase it. My LDL is also extremely low, so my doctor thinks I may be at a good balance.
  2. @@dmelectrician I was out for 4 weeks. I was still feeling weak at the 2 week mark and I'm soooo happy I didn't push it. I used that time to not only recover, but I treated eating/drinking/exercising as a full time job. I think it's just personal preference, the transition is easier for some and tougher for others.
  3. ExplosiveAmnesia

    Has anyone had an improvement in acne?

    Hi @@curlychic32 - I didn't have a problem with acne before the procedure, but I find myself having a few issues now - particularly noticeable on my nose. I talked to my doctor about it and she said it's likely due to all the toxins leaving my body and the increase in exercise causing more sweating. I just wash my face twice a day now and it seems to control everything nicely. Hope this helps!
  4. Hi Everyone - Today is officially 3 months since my VSG and I'm conflicted about my progress so far. Surgery Weight: 429 3 Month Post OP Weight: 355 Total Loss = 74 I really want to be excited and proud about losing 74, in fact I'm celebrating by wearing clothes from years, years past. The reason I'm conflicted is my surgeon stated that I need to be at my ideal weight by 6 months post-op (my ideal weight is 200). While I'm excited with my results so far, I am NOT on track to be 200 3 months from now. so I feel a little failure/defeat (which as I type this seems crazy). Did your surgeons/doctors give you similar expectations?
  5. @MrsKarenC2008 It's totally possible he mis-spoke, I dunno. I just took what he said and assumed it was right. I didn't even question it until now.
  6. Hi Everyone - THANK YOU to everyone who made me feel less crazy. I met with my GP (general practitioner) and nutritionist, and both are thrilled with my progress. They say I'm right on track. And while my GP does not specialize in weight-loss, I'm going to follow her guidelines, which match what many of you have said. It would be awesome to hit my ideal weight in 3 months, but I'm more concerned with hitting healthy targets than racing to the finish line. OH, by the way, I got my surgery in Arizona with Dr. Graff. Thanks again!!! I appreciate the support.
  7. ExplosiveAmnesia

    Shoe Sizes Post Op

    Hi Guys - I've heard a couple of females discussing this, and wanted to see if any guys experienced this too: going down a shoe size once the weight starts coming off. I totally get going from wide-width to regular, but do guys experience a length shortening too? Seems weird. I'm currently a size 14 and wouldn't mind going to a 13 (14's are hard to find in regular stores). Thoughts?
  8. I read so many people's major successes during the medically supervised weight loss portion. People with under 150 pounds to lose and they report they lose 50+ pounds during their medically supervised weight loss. Why in the world would you get the surgery if you have such good success without surgery? Seems crazy to me. I'm on month 6, and only have lost 20 pounds and people half my weight lose 50-100 pounds and think they need surgery....WTH.
  9. @@Babbs thank you for replying. The amount of hate that was privately sent to me was overwhelming, so not sure where the support is. Either way, people have made it clear I'm not welcome here. I guess my sleeve and I need to keep looking for a home base. I really thought people here would have been my " tribe" but I was wrong. I won't be logging back in and disabled email notifications so please stop sending me terrible things.
  10. Sorry, if I offended anyone - I'm not trying to troll. Please, let me clarify: I guess I have a different understanding of what this surgery is. My understanding is that this surgery is meant to be a tool to lose weight; however, this tool is not meant for maintenance. The underlying problem with my weight (and I believe this is true for 99% of people) is psychologically based. It is irrational to think surgery in your digestive track will cure a psychological problem. Probably a bad analogy, but I think it's like treating a migraine with knee surgery. Unrelated. The psychological problems need to be addressed and treated (or be under control) because all the surgery is meant to do is help correct damage done by the psychological problem. I've spent the past 2 years delaying surgery until I felt I was ready mentally. It makes me a little nervous for the people just using this for maintenance help. If you lost weight using Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, or whatever, why is now different? Those programs are a tool just like the surgery, but you weren't successful with maintenance, so why do you think this weight loss tool helps with maintenance? If the answer is because it can temporarily, psychically prevent you from binge eating, then that effect will eventually have diminishing results as you stretch your stomach. And the real root cause of your weight issue / binge eating is NOT addressed. I'm new here, but I'm guessing this place was either bombarded by trolls at some point, or people here don't tolerate any critical thinking, only allow unconditional support (maybe enabling). I dunno if that's healthy for anyone. I really value complete honesty and I'm just trying to figure this out, and this topic seemed to be very, very common in these forums. I sincerely apologize if anyone thought my question was rude or trolling. I've had several discussions with my whole team of doctors about this, and they all seem to be in consensus, so I find it curious people aren't having this discussion already.
  11. OP was looking for vegetarian or vegan options.... so not sure why people listed fish, crab, clams, and ham as suggestions! There's a lot of plant based proteins: Beans (including green beans, snap peas too), Nuts, Lentils, Brown Rice, Whole Wheat Pasta, Quinoa, Seitan, Soy. And don't forget darker green veggies: 1 cup of broccoli or spinach contains 5-6 grams of Protein (same amount as 1 egg). Also try chick peas and whole grains. Some vegetarian sources are cheese, milk, anything dairy really. For protein powders, I like anything in the Vega line (vegan) and pre-made shakes, I like the Komplete (vegan) and the Cocotein fruit punch (vegetarian). I hope this helps!

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